
On the other side

Tom showed up to work like normal the day after Hannah's bold moves. He'd been having flashbacks of their steamy night and it was hindering his weight training sessions. However, this was a good thing because it showed him something that he'd locked away 3 years ago. Human emotion.

Tom stood up. Enough was enough. He was no longer going to be someone's puppet. Their hitman. Their hired gun. He was a human. A mutant in his own right. It was time to escape this prison he'd placed himself in.

A woman with white hair stepped into the workout room he was in. Her hair was white as snow and her eyes looked as if they were made of grey glass. She had an imposing stature that intimidated many other people, but not Tom. This woman also had a shitty attitude as she behaved like she was queen of the castle.

"Tom. I heard you were in the building. We got some good stuff going on tonight. We're all gonna be part of it."

Tom had been doing his research. After his night with Hannah, she'd slipped him a note.

It said, "This agency is an illegal bio experiment company. I saw your endurance. It's the same as mine. My agency has been infiltrated. Keep your eyes open."

He planted a bug in the boss lady's office the day after that. He overheard her plans to inject a new serum she'd developed into him as a guinea pig. He had also heard that the serum wasn't fully ready but they would inject it anyway. After that, he began making plans to escape his confinement.

He looked up to the snotty bitch standing before him and addressed her.

"I heard. I'm so ready for it. It's time we ascend our natural mutations, don't you think?"

The woman gave him a confused look as he strutted past her, making sure to walk slow enough so she could see his muscular frame slink through the door.

Things were about to get serious.

Wow. Stayed tuned for more about Tom. He's about to become a very pivotal character in the coming chapters.

LaraRedcreators' thoughts
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