
Chapter 100

As Maximus looked through the all the rewards that he had gotten from the system, he must admit that they were a lot.

He had received a billion System point's, 20 Legendary character summons, and 600k troops from various fantasy games and movies from his world.

The 600k troops comprised of

5k Asgardian Valkyrie's

100k Heavy Armored Cataphract's

100k Elite Crossbowmen

100k Mamluks

195k Dragon knight's

The Dragon knight's was a special soldier created with the sigil of a dragon on their chest plate, much similar to the Targaryen kingsguard armor except the armor was black and the Dragon symbol was red.

The armor was way more powerful compared to the original Targaryen armor and could take lots of hit's and even boost the stat's of the person wearing it.

The Asgardian Valkyrie's as suggested in the name are the Valkyrie's from Asgard who have sworn to defend the Throne of the Asgard. They are extremely powerful and Loyal warrior's.


The next reward was the Magic Order reward, which would allow Maximus to make his very own magic order and teach it to those who are capable. The Magic order is not a building, but it is an organization that when summoned will come with the necessary people such as 3 Elder's, 20 magic knight's and 10 trainer's.

The Magic knights are not mages within themselves, instead can use magic to boost their physical abilities to that beyond human limit's. The Elder's have mastered all form's of Magic and are Master's at using it, they also run the entire organization and oversee the training of new apprentices.


The Next reward was the Holy Order. The Holy Order would be a religious order that will spread the Roman religion to other part's of the continent. Maximus won't force people to change their religion but if by chance they get influenced into believing in the Roman God's then there is no harm done, right.

The Holy order would come with Holy Knight's who of course would defend the Roman Faith from Heathen's if there are any and to serve the Emperor who will be considered the Head of Faith. Maximus will strictly forbid aggressively enforcing religion upon people, since already not many are happy with the change in religion, especially in Kingslanding.

And by aggressively enforcing the religion upon people, they will spark even more conflict's with the Faith of the Seven and might cause a massive rebellion. One of the conflict's was that some people were calling Maximus not the rightful King since he wasn't crowned by the highsepton which caused some of the Imperial family carriages to be attacked by a newly formed Faith Militant.

The New Faith Militant was all over the Continent, but their numbers weren't that high as most of the people had actually adopted the Roman Religion while some remained skeptical. But the New Faith militant was spread out all across Westeros besides in the North since the amount of people who believed in the Faith was little to none.

Eliminating the Faith Militant wasn't the problem for Maximus, it was the fact that they are spread out across the Continent, and they can blend in with the regular citizen's. So Maximus announced that any Person that report's a Heathen, and it turns out to actually be a heathen, they will be rewarded with 200 Gold Dragon's.

This enticed people to start reporting people who they believed to be Heathen's. People even started reporting their friend's. Now was every report actually true, no as some people just wanted the money and because of that they were punished accordingly.

And with that the amount of Heathen attacks had died down since they had to go into hiding in order to save themselves, but most of them started panicking and had made costly decision's that got them caught.


Maximus had also attained lots of new abilities that drastically booster his combat power and magic capability. He had received the ability to create new, original magic spell's that were vastly more powerful than standard magic.

Normally he wouldn't be able to do this but with his other ability that maxed out his brain's processing ability allowing him to understand the various concept's of how magic work's which will allow him to create his very own magic.

Now his rewards were not that much since he only conquered a few key castle's and cities and Westeros and vassalized the other Kingdom's, so his rewards aren't as much as if he would have conquered every castle and city on the entire Continent.

But still his current reward's to him was more than enough since he can summon some powerful Legendary character's such as Wonder Woman who he knows will come with her Amazonian soldier's.

There were lots of Mythical and video game characters that he could get from his world.


Meanwhile, at the Wall the against the wights and white walker's still continues as the Night King has personally gotten involved in the battle and managed to kill 2 of the 20 Asgardian's while they were caught off guard which made the other Asgardian's angry as they just lost two of their own. (The Asgardian's seperated into groups of 20 to defend 5 different part's of the wall)

Because of this they had started rampaging across the battlefield burning any undead in their way as they rushed to kill the Night King who fled the battle after killing the two Asgardian's because he had actually gotten hurt from the fight.

But in their pit of rage, the Asgardian's forgot that they must burn the dead, and they had just left the two dead Asgardian's alone. The Night King had already cast his sorcery and the Asgardian's had started to get resurrected by the Night King more powerful than they were before.

The Night's watch soldier's who were fighting the Undead had seen the two Dead Asgardian's start to rise, and they knew exactly what this meant. Lord Commander Mormont immediately ordered his soldier's to retreat before they get killed by the newly resurrected Asgardian's.

By this time, the Asgardian's had found the Night King and were about to kill him, but in front of the Night King appeared the two formerly dead Asgardian's. The Imperial Asgardian's had calmed down at this moment as they looked at the two undead Asgardian's that were now standing and protecting the Night King.

They knew that this was a mistake on their part, since they forgot to burn the bodies because they were full of rage. A Wave of horror hit them as they knew that now they had to kill one of their own. But they weren't going to let their emotion's take over them since even though they just lost them, they knew that the ones standing before them were dead and were not even their previous selves.

So the Imperial Asgardian's gripped their weapon's as they prepared to fight against the two Asgardian's but sudden'y 3 old looking men had appeared in between the Asgardian's stopping both sides from fighting. The three old men were wearing robes that had Roman Empire sigil on the front and back.

"Asgardian's I am Eldrich an Elder to the Magic Order that his majesty has created, and he has informed me to make sure that no Asgardian is brought back as a wight by the Night King" Said Eldrich as he looked at the two undead Asgardian's who he knew was already turned into a wight.

"But it seems I am late" Sighed Eldrich "Leave these two to us and return to the wall to help Achilles who has just arrived with an army to help defend the wall"

The Asgardian's knew they were from his majesty, so they would listen to him, but they were wondering how an army could arrive here this fast since it was only 2 days ago that they asked for help from his Majesty since the number of undead and wights were too many for them to handle without more soldier's since while they are powerful the undead number's seemed endless.

They didn't wait around too long as they returned to the wall to help defend while the three Elder's turned and looked at the Night King and his two Undead Asgardian's. Soon more wight's had started surrounding them until they were completely surrounded by more than 200 Hundred Wight's.

Eldrich looked at the other two Elders as he spoke, "Let's get this over with, Ulgrim, Ardor, so we can return to the Capital" The other two nodded as they raised their hand's

A powerful fire attack had erupted all around them, burning all 200 hundred wight's to nothing but a speck of dust in the air. They didn't harm the Night King, since they were curious as about the magic he used to resurrect the Asgardian's into full wights.

But before they could even try and speak, the Night King had ordered his undead Asgardian's to attack the Elders. The two Asgardian's rushed forward with lightning speed while thrusting their sword near the torso of the Elder's who blocked it with a magic shield that covered their entire body.

The Elder's didn't even move a step, as the sword attacks was stopped by the magic shield before it could even touch the Elder's. The Elder's then grabbed the sword and used magic to make the swords fully disintegrate, causing the Asgardian's to sense danger and step back.

Ulgrim and Ardor had started running away from the battle, separating the two Asgardian's from each other so that they can individually fight them and also to allow Eldrich to fight the Night King alone.

After the Asgardian's left to chase after the other two Elders, the Night King had fully healed and was now ready to fight, so he got off of his horse with his four White walker's guards following behind him.

The Night King placed his hand on the ground as cracks started to appear in the ground underneath Eldrich and then moment's later a massive hole had appeared in the place where Eldrich was standing.

The heavy wind's had caused snow to fly up and cover the area obscuring the Night King's vision who thought he killed Eldrich, so he turned around and starting walking back to his horse.

Just as he was about to reach his horse from behind him the Night King heard laughing, and it wasn't just any regular luagh but it was a cynical one.

Eldrich had started laughing since the Night King thought that he would really die from something like that. In fact the move was so weak that Eldrich didn't even have to activate his defensive magic and instead just started floating after the ground underneath him had callapsed.

The Night King had tuned around and saw Eldrich just flaoting their smiling at him which made him a little angry since he still had to deal with him.

Eldrich looked to his right and left and could sense that both of the other Elders Ulgrim and Ardor had finished off the undead Asgardian's and now it was his turn to get rid of the Night King so he pulled out two dragonglass dagger's out of his Magic storage.

After taking the weapon's out he stared at the Night King who took out his Crystal sword and started walking closer to Eldrich while eldrich was thinking about meditating when he get's back to the captial completely ignoring the Night's King existence.

Eldrich had landed back on the ground with the two Dragonglass dagger's in his hand. But Eldrich wasn't a sword weilder he was a magic caster so he put his hands togethor and cast a secret magic while The Night King had appraoahed him.

The Night King hadn't noticed the secret magic that he cast and proceeded to swing at him but his swing hit nothing since what he hit was an after image of Eldrich and the actual Eldrich was behind him as he stabbed him in the back with the both the Dragonglass Dagger's causing the Night King to vanish meaning that he died.

Eldrich looked at the Dagger's since he didn't expect them to work so effieciently, he thought it would take a couple hit's but not just two stabs to the back.

As he was observing the Obsidian weapon's Ulgrim and Ardor had returned from their battle "So how did it go Eldrich was he powerful or weak like his majesty said"

"He was pretty weak or he was just overly cocky of his abilites as he only knew a handful of magic and it was weak the only other thing is he had super human abilites but my magic bypassed that and killed him" Said Eldrich

"Well once we head to this new continent in a couple year's his majesty promised that we could use our full abilities to fight some powerful foes" Said Ardor

"Indeed now let's return back to Kingslanding and report this since all the undead have already stopped moving and dropped on the floor so the battle is over and all the white walker's are dead" Said Eldrich

"It's a shame though I would have liked to take one back to study it and it's species to see how strong they are and such" Said Ulgrim

"You'll get another chance so let's return" Said Eldrich as he cast his teleportation cricle and teleported back to the Capital

Meanwhile the soldier's all over the wall were celebrating their victory but only for a short while since it was indeed cold outside so they first finished burning all the bodies first and then they went inside the castle's and started celebrating in the warmth of the fire.

This was happening all over the Wall on the various castles as the castle was briiming with light's from the fire inside the building's. The Asgardian's had requested to stay and join in the celebration in which Maximus allowed them since they deserved it after losing two if their brother's.

Maximus who had already heard about the victory over the White walker's wasn't even fazed since he knew that they would win anyway since the Night king while powerful in the series can't win against the power of a System that gives him powerful soldier's and abilites.

But since that is over with all that needs to be done now is wait out the Long Winter and prepare to leave for Middle Earth.

Of course he will consoldiate his power on the Contient and spread his new religion while also figuring out how to make a Magic ship since he can't summon that from the system.

The Long reign of the Immortal Emperor Maximus Aurelius shall continue on for centuries to come and his empire will survive through all the conflict's that is thrown at them.

Let me just say that First of all I coudn't write down all the reward's that he got from the System so once I come back from break I will def do that and have images to go with those that I can find images for.

And As said before This is the last Chapter of this Volume and I will take a break from this book maybe unti december or if I am able to I will start earlier than that.

And lastly let met thank all the reader's for their support on this novel thus far I didn't even expect it to get this much reader's when I first started it but here we are.

One last thing any ideas for Legendary character summon's that are from either movies, shows, books, and such you can comment them down below since I def need that to get more character's but please no Character's from Space fantasy games, shows, movies etc I want to keep it strictly medieval and mythical.

Dr_Dredcreators' thoughts
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