

Scathach scoffed, or rather tried to, as her face showed more of pout than scoff...

"You doing it again."


"Look, just wait, ok? Just because they arent of your caliber doesn't mean it would stay like it, Hell is just... Surprised by our assault..."

Sienna said with a sigh, trying to reign in the master of her husband was... A hard thing, especially when the demons proved to be much individually weaker than Scathach or any Servant or Captain...

"Why don't you just go and fuck him already to get it out? My men already pity some of the demons when they looked how... Thorough you are with them in venting our your pent-up feelings..."

Scathach shot Sienna a dirty glare.

"Im not like someone lusty harlot, like others."

Sienna's eyebrow twitched, yes, she liked sex, and yes, she liked when there were more participants in their sex plays with Aegis, that they were females didn't change a thing, after all, their tongues were pretty good in a time when Aegis fucked others, and her pussy was sore... Still...

"Ohh? I remember legends telling other things..."

"Hah! Legends say too that I would sleep with any man that would best me!"

"Wouldnt you?"


Scathach said, with a tone that left nothing other to say and clear displeasure of the entire topic.

"Let's just say, Legends were written by those who didn't know anything about the people they wrote about..."

Scathach simply added.

"That still doesn't mean you can't just go to Aegis and fuck him silly."


Scathach looked outside of the window, showing the blood-red skies, and the occasional light show from one of the main laser towers...

She mulled Sienna's words in her mind as her eyes scanned the blood-red landscape that was constantly being changed into trademark white and blue Solitas colors...

The battle itself moved a long way from the main fortress, as with each push Solitas made, Album's drones moved, building new walls, new fortifications, new shield and barrier towers, new sensor towers, new turret towers...

Each time Solitas destroyed one wave of demons, they took additional territory, constantly advancing, there were already twenty walls and enormous trenches, each two kilometers apart from each other...

"It's the student that needs to show willingness first..."

Scathach finally said, making Sienna gobsmacked.

"You mean that Aegis wouldn't want to and gladly burry himself deeply into you? Are you stupid? You know that Aegis would fuck you for an entire day if he could, right?"

Sienna asked, it was no secret that Aegis's love for Weiss was above others', but Aegis's respect for Scathach was just so...

It wouldn't be surprising if Aegis took Scathach as his second wife, just after Weiss, even if it hurts a little, still, Sienna knew she shouldn't be jealous, it is not like he didn't love her too, and it's not like Sienna herself was some virgin maiden even before Aegis came...

Still, it somehow irked Sienna, seeing Scathach, who Aegis, her husband, respected the most being so... Obvious...

Scathach just frowned, still, Sienna saw Scathach hands twitching, so being wise, she changed the topic rather than risk a fight she couldn't win...

Being spanked by Aegis was different from being beaten by others. Sienna had her pride, after all...

"Back to the previous topic, the reason for Hell being beaten so easily is pretty simple, Hell's main weapon and the most dangerous one is Ardent Energy, which could succumb other's to their deranged cause, mutate or change other's to their side, with Solitas being immune to this thing, Hell is mainly, let's say surprised, not knowing what to do..."

Sienna said, moving her hand, as holo-screen rose from the ground, showing the battlefront of today, and tomorrow maybe another Solitas wall addition, watching and showing Scathach the feed of Solitas artillery and ships raining iron and energy weapon hell on the Hell minions...

"The second and most dangerous Hell's main weapons is their never-ending of slave soldiers that don't seem to care about dying, these weak demons who have strength in numbers, which again would be dangerous if we didn't have Prismatic generators that giving us unlimited energy for our energy weapons, and Album's factories that are continuously bringing us batches of ammunition, making it possible for us to drown Hell's minions in fire and iron..."

Sienna then changed the feed with a move of her hand.

"So, yes, Hell seems to be surprised that their two main tactics of attacks arent working on us, but, as Album and our think tank tacticians theorized, sooner rather than later, Hell will come up with a new way to attack us, so our main priority, for now, is to take the most land we can and build enough defenses until we have time and until Hell comes with a new way to counter us..."

Sienna simply said, and Scathach, who was still frowning, nodded her head, watching how one of Atlan's punched one of those Titan demons, another being shot down by the Solitas ship's main kinetic batteries...

Sienna then again made a gesture with her hand.

"Still, if you have nothing to do and want to see something interesting, you can shadow her."

Sienna said as the new feed shoved a woman in battle armor that was fully covered by the blood, punching demons with her fist, legs, and head...

Not seeing to ever stop, no matter how many demons she had already killed, a long way from her, Scathach could see figures in white armor and blue robes, marking them as Captains...

"Lili Scribe... Our... Demon specialist, you could say, Morgana and Merlin couldn't find how exactly her power worked, other than she seemingly recharged and boosted herself with the each demon she killed."


Scathach interestingly looked at the feed, she heard rumors and already saw the woman herself, but this was the first she saw her between demons...

Then Scathach, with a new grin, immaterialized herself in motes of blue light...

Making Sienna sigh.

"Album, please?"

"Don't worry, I already contacted the Captains on the place, they will know of her coming."

Album said with a smile.

"Thank you... And."


"Tell my stupid husband to call Scathach to his office, and already fuck her silly, this can't go on."

Sienna said, having someone so strong being leaving so pent up wasn't a good thing...

"Heh, yeah, I probably should, shouldn't I?"

Album said with a grin...

"Still, you are being called to the next plan meeting."

"Arghh, cant you tell them that im sleeping?"

"Nope, can't do."


Sienna grumbled as Album grinned, watching Sienna standing up and walking to the strategic room...

Album hummed as she watched and talked with hundreds of people present and thousands of requested just in Hell Solitas fort, being A.I had its perks, the multitasking was sweet...

Still, Album sent her construction drones to build a new wall and dig new trenches as she saw another part of land becoming demon free...

Album wondered how long till the demons find a way to stop Solitas advancement...


Album hummed in curiosity as one of her's newly build sensor towers caught a non-Solitas signal...

"H-Help!! They are coming!"

"60% Of the Earth fell into Demon's hands!"

"All come to the Last Bastion of Humanity!"

"They are coming!"

"The whispers!"

"Make it stop!"



"Fight! Fight to the death! Don't let them through!"

"This is UAC everyday radio. Please, all humans, give up your delusional resistance and welcome the end with your hearts, it is Human's time to repent."


Album hummed...

"This is certainly interesting... Where is this coming from? Ah, a portal..."

Album sends the feed and information to the meeting room, it seemed that a new strategy was to be made...

"Earth, hmm? I wonder... Big brother would want to know..."


*Author note*

:O Hoh, it's advancing! Still wonder how Doom guy will meet Solitas...

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