

After lightly reprimanding the two slacking operators, Album returned to her primary job, after all, it was not her duty to make punishments, no that Album left to Director of DRG Facility, plus, if she was to harshly punish all who joked about big brother's harem, then she would have a lot of work, even for super A.I, as she was, another point was that Album understood that organics needed these jokes about their's bosses or better's, it made them feel better, and thus happier, and as long as it stayed at words, it was alright, but if someone were act on their jokes...

Well, Album was Aegis's sister, she knew how ruthless he was when his family was in question...

Album looked on one side, immediately seeing the conference room in SGF, seeing Ilia having things in hand, Album nodded with a smile, it seemed the chameleon faunus was growing much faster than she expected, good, Album was glad that another of her worries was gone, still, she would observe them, just in case...

No, Album focus now fell on the Moon City, the sole city that would be on the Moon, of course, there is already more than a secret military base in construction, with ground space-based weapons and secret research facilities in progress, in short, Album was transforming the broken Moon into a military fortress under the veil of Moon city that would show a peaceful image, hiding the military beast hidden under it...

Already there were twenty thousand Solitas citizens that called Moon city as their home, something Album was glad for as it showed that the final opening of the city to the rest of Solitas was close, there were just some bugs to take care of, like transportation system, something Album almost forgot about, as even if Solitas had entire fleets of space ships, almost all of them were military, or in civilian case cargo ships...

So Album started using her's space shipyards for building civilian transporting ships, something that was easily made, as they lacked weapons, and were just to transport the people from Solitas space elevator to Moon city, something that would take an hour in relaxed speed, thanks to plasma propulsion drives...

Things were going great, and Album couldn't wait for her big brother to return and show him her progress, ah progress...

Album shot a quick glance to one of the R&D facilities and groaned as she saw an absolute waste of materials, still, she gave it the green light, just as an experiment, time would see if they will build more than one of these wastes of space and material...


At least it had a catchy name, Album thought with a scowl...

Still, Album had work, like always, her big brother was lucky that Album actually liked her work...

"Let's see, should I build a space fortress class ship?..."

Album mussed, as already thousands upon of thousands of plans ran through her digital mind with blueprints and ideas of fortresses that should make any and all who attack it shit their organic pants...


Aegis slowly opened his eyes, looking at one side where he felt bare and big breasts of Neo touching him as her legs locked around his right leg and her hands locked around his...

That wasn't surprising after they finally became one, Neo stopped sleeping alone or clothed, fully not caring about other girls seeing her naked Neo slept with Aegis every night, that she used some of these nights to secretly ride him meanwhile other's slept were another thing, Aegis already knew Neo get off the adrenaline that someone could see them doing it...

No, what surprised Aegis was another feeling from his left side, and even without looking Aegis knew who it was, not even needing his super senses, Aegis could recognize Krull's scent everywhere...

And truly, looking on his left side, Aegis could see the pink hair of vampire as her little head rested on his left hand, with her hands and legs locked around it, Krull wasn't so small, yet her sleeping position was so strange that all she needed was one of his arms for her entire body...

Aegis wondered just how his hands would be sore in the morning if his body was still of a normal human, something he surpassed so long ago...

Some days Aegis wondered if his family forgot of that little fact, or why just Willow, his mother became pregnant, true, Aegis thought he was little young to be a father, but the need in his mother's eyes as she asked him to for his children made Aegis stop sterilizing his semen with his magic...

Yes, that was his not so secret, Aegis never hid the fact he used magic instinctually, minus some Rune works, Aegis almost never used the things called spells, all his power rested in his brute and instinctual approach, something that worked well with Aegis, did he lose of versatility?

Yes, did he plan on working on it? No...

Aegis knew that even the most complex spell matrixes could be soo easily broken by brute force, as Aegis didn't plan on wasting time, learning, or training on spell works, rather Aegis used his magic to reinforce his body in such a way it became permanent, making his body and Aura denser and denser, not even the titanium armor Solitas used on ships was as hard as Aegis skin, something that was problematic sometimes as Aegis needed to concentrate on letting Krull or the three vampire sister's feed on him as normally they wouldn't be able to get through his skin if Aegis himself didn't let them...


Aegis gently hummed as he looked on his chest, his eyebrow quirking as he saw another change in these days, seeing the black cat Kuroka sleeping on his bare chest as Aegis slept nude, something that made Asia blush every time, and Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner hot making them excuse themselves as they quickly got away to take care of their bodily needs...

Ophis didn't care, just quirking an eyebrow at him when she was awake, which was a rare occurrence in itself as the Aspect just soundly slept, still, Aegis could see Ophis sometimes throwing him looks, the problem was, Aegis had zero ideas what was in the mind of that being...

Another stranger reaction was from Viser herself, who almost salivated, albeit secretly as she was looking at Aegis, especially when she thought nobody looked, something Aegis knew made Krull chuckle, it seemed to Aegis that Krull liked letting Viser go all hot without any outlet other than her own hand...

And Kuroka? Well, Aegis could see the intelligence in her eyes, or the lust she almost radiated when she was so close to his member, yet couldn't act as to preserve her act of normal cat, something Neo, Krull, or his three cute angels already saw through but stayed silent as they could see Aegis having fun with that play...

Another addition, or would be if Aegis didn't let them have another hotel room, just next to theirs were Irina and Xenovia, who be all counts lived on Aegis expenses, something that made Aegis smirk every time he saw their shameful faces when they realized that the sole reason they aren't on street's or some broken church building, was because of him, him who let Krull bound them...

Still, all the teasing aside, Aegis fully let the two nun girls let go with their investigation, and...

To say Aegis didn't know what was in Church's mind would be an understatement, yes, these girls had some martial ability, albeit weak ones, no...

The problem was with their absolute zero of knowledge about the investigation or finding clues where the Kokabiel could be, something they said was not in their training regime...

And when Aegis asked what their training regime was, all he was told was they just trained...

When Aegis asked if they had any etiquette, political, or other much handy courses for someone who was supposed to be exorcist that would be sent around the entire world for the missions and would by undoubtedly meeting powerful persons and beings...

They said that no, this was not being taught, at least not yet to them...

Aegis, at that time, had a very, very big desire to punch a hole into the wall with his own head...

Still, as Aegis laid on the bed, sandwiched by naked Neo, and Krull in her nightgown, with cat Kuroka on his chest, his mind wandered to future plans, Aegis already understood there was some problem in Solitas if they already didn't create a portal, as Aegis already felt their presence and was sure they felt his, so the location wasn't a problem, but something other...

Still, Aegis had trust in his family and subordinates, so he didn't truly worry, after all, he knew if they truly wanted, the Dimensional Rift Generator would, or rather could punch through reality and create a portal for him, so it was probably something delicate, Aegis bet on demons, already knowing how annoying that civilization if it could be even called as one, truly was, so blaming demons made it much easier...

"Haah, nothing to do now..."

Aegis murmured as he didn't want to wake up his loved ones, closing eyes and returning to sleep, with a promise to plan when he wakes up...

Not knowing that his wake-up call would be by wet feeling on his member...




Sona grunted as a missile clothed in pink and sparkling clothes hit her...


Sona grunted out as the petite girl pouted...

"Soooonnnaaa call me Onnee-chaaaann!"


Sona flatly said, making the small and petite girl in what looked like a magical girl outfit pout...

"Why... Why are you there, onee-sama?"

Sona asked, but something inside her dreaded the answer, and truly, when Sona saw the dark look on her big sister's face, Sona knew that Serafall knew...

"Where... Where is that evildoer that took Sona-tan's heart?!"


"So... This is the place?"

The Ravel mumbled as she saw the place where Rias Gremory lived...

"Finally... Finally, I would have my answers... Let mother chase that dumbass Riser... I would get an answer from the first-hand source."

Ravel said as her eyes looked as if set on fire...

Ravel would find just why her big brother who was so prideful, would so quickly and without any fuss give up on a deal that would help their family, something Ravel knew Riser would do, no matter how lustful or ignorant her big brother sometimes was, he did have family in his heart, something Ravel knew...


*Author note*

Pics in comments of both Atlan and Serafell :P

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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