
Lemon? LEMON!



Aegis simply said as Neo pouted, her hand stopping in mid-air.

"We will not use her, nor will I try to sleep with a woman im, not in a relationship... Plus, assaulting Aspect isn't a bright idea, no matter how clueless the Aspect seems to be around mortal things..."

Aegis simply said as he scooped the pouting Neo into his arms, squeezing her ample bust and flicking her nipples, making Neo shudder as she retreated her hand that was about to reach for Ophis, who was soundly asleep on the bed just next to them, Neo changed her pout into a grin as she realized that her plan, well not plan but action worked as she did somehow warmed Aegis onto the idea of having sex just next to the sleeping god, something that made Neo wet just thinking there next to them who would soon fuck as rabbits slept a being that had the power to kill them, well maybe, Neo didn't know just how much power her big bro was hiding in that sexy body of his...

Aegis said, not needing to add that he had plenty enough memories of both men and women sexually assaulting each other, Aegis didn't want to add his own experiences, not when he knew from both sides how assaulters and assaulted felt in that precise moment...

Having memories of untold amount men and women from all walks of life made Aegis's love life sometimes too strange...

It was probably the reason why Aegis preferred to do sexual things just with people he loved...

/Awww, a spoilsport, don't tell me you wouldn't want to ravage that little body of hers? Just look how provocatively is clothed or how she hides her bare breasts or rather nipples, just hidden with some black cross-shaped tape./

Neo said with a grin that changed into a painful pleasure as she felt Aegis's hand pinch her clitoris...

"Liking it or not, appearance for beings like her is a little thing, she could walk around naked and I wouldn't say anything."

Aegis said as his hands started feeling up Neo's body, making Neo writhe in the excitement in his arms as Neo felt Aegis member gently touching her ass cheeks...

/Ohhh? So you wouldn't mind me clothing more provocatively?/

Neo cocky said, just for her to breathe out as Aegis member found its way between Neo's asscheeks.

Aegis just hummed behind Neo as his tongue traveled around Neo's neck, letting Neo taste her own medicine as Aegis teased her.

"I would say that you already wear more than provocative enough, and even if im not a selfish person in nature, you aren't a shapeshifter for me to let others outside of our little family see your true body."

Aegis said as Neo grinned at Aegis's rare show of possessiveness.

/Ohhh, I see./

Neo said, but before she could continue, Neo's eyes opened wide as she felt Aegis hands finding the spot, making Neo go completely still, following up with Neo stretching out in pleasure as her pussy released a healthy amount of juices as she finally came after a season of Aegis teasing...


Aegis made up sound, but Neo didn't react to his provocation as she herself was just coming out of her post-cumming trance...

Aegis just smirked from behind of Neo as he didn't see her react even when his fingers gently made circle-like motions around Neo's sensitive pussy, making her body with each movement twitch, especially when touching her clitoris...

Neo, who felt her body jolt after another of Aegis teasing acts, ground her teeth in mock anger as she didn't want to let Aegis win, even if this was no contest, Neo was quite a highly competitive girl, and as such, her face transformed from pleasure one into payback one.

With one swift motion before Aegis could react, Neo lifted herself just enough for Aegis member to change position from Neo's ass cheeks that until now served as his home near her wet pussy as Neo tightened her grip around Aegis member with her tights, pressing Aegis member against her wet pussy.


Aegis made a pleasurable sound as he felt Neo starting to play with his member, especially as she made her tights that were wet from her juices much tighter, and from time to time, Neo made sure for Aegis member to touch her pussy, sending not just to Aegis but to herself too a jolt of pleasure each time their most private place touched each other.

/How do you like this?/

Neo said with her semblance, glad for not speaking as she was sure than now her voice would by hitched one as she felt her body going warm with each movement, but her smirk grew as she felt Aegis chest going warm too, especially his member that became harder and harder, in truth Neo was surprised just how hard it was for her to need to press her tights as Aegis member seemed to truly want to change her tights for her pussy...

"Just... Peachy..."

Aegis breathed out into Neo's back, making his warmth and sensual breath touch Neo who stilled for a moment as she felt Aegis lips touch her back and freeze even more as Neo recognized Aegis's tongue that now traveled around her back...

They continued like that for a while, with each teasing from Aegis, Neo repaid tenfold, or at least that how she wanted to think until both of them stopped death as Aegis arms pressed Neos back against his chest, and Neo tightened her tights grip on Aegis member as both of them came at the same time, and thanks to Neo's positioning, Aegis cum shot just on her pussy, mixing their juices up...

For a while, they just sat still, until Aegis lifted Neo, surprising her as she felt her back touch the cushy bed with Aegis now above her, with his still hard member near her wet pussy that was now not just very messy from both her juices and Aegis cum, but much more sensitive from already cumming two times...

For a while, Aegis didn't say anything as his head came down on Neo, kissing her wet lips, their tongues meeting as Neo stilled as she felt the tip of Aegis member touch her pussy.

"Do you want me to continue?"

Aegis asked, ignoring the fact that Ophis slept not even an arm away from both of their naked bodies...

Neo looked into Aegis's eyes, this was the moment, from that time, Aegis found her in that alley, dirty and hungry from living on streets for some time...

This was it Neo thought as she remembered just how much her life changed from that day, how Aegis, no...

How her big brother changed her fate, taking the orphan and making her into his sister, giving her not just a roof above her head but showering her with love and giving her family that even if sometimes very strange and to others maybe think a disfunction one, but it was family that loved her in their own way, all of them, and Neo was not really picky, even if some of them sent creeps to her spine, especially Weiss when she got very possessive of their big brother...

Neo's mismatched eyes, right brown and left pink, looked into Aegis typically cold ice blue ones, now fully warm and loving, as she nodded her head and finally opened her mouth.

"Yes... M-make me yours..."

Neo said as Aegis eyes opened wide, looking down at Neo as he heard her mesmerizing voice, even the souls inside Aegis became quiet once they heard Neo speak, either from surprise that Neo spoke or the voice that seemed to have a calming effect on her...

"Good, good."

Aegis whispered as his lips touched Neo, their eyes still opened looking into each other as Aegis hips moved and his member piercing Neo's last barrier, fully piercing through hymen as Neo made pained sound into Aegis lips, Aegis himself gently laid down on Neo as their chest touched each other with Neo's ample big breast pressing into Aegis chest as Aegis arms get under Neo as Neo's own arms and legs locked around Aegis, pressing their bodies even more as Aegis started to slowly move in and out of Neo, with each thrust pressing their bodies even tighter into each other as their tongue got into rhythmic dance...

That was how it went for some time as not even one of them wanted to let go of each other, seeking a way for their bodies to fuse into each other as Neo's nails seemed to want burying into Aegis back...

Aegis himself breathed out into Neo's mouth with each thrust as he felt Neo's wall tighter, even more, making it both painful and pleasurable as Aegis member touched Neo's womb entrance, shooting jolt of pleasure into Neo's head...

That went for a while until Neo's eyes opened wide as she stopped kissing with Aegis and exchanging their salvia as she felt something warm hit her insides, sending such jolt of pleasure that she came more than one time as a white liquid seemed to fall from her pussy that was fully occupied by Aegis member...

Aegis himself smiled as he didn't stop moving even after cumming inside Neo, making Neo tremble even more as she came again and again of how sensitive her pussy and body right now was...


Aegis caressed Neo's head as she laid sprawled on his body, with his member still deep inside Neo even as Neo herself was soundly asleep, totally spent after hours of lovemaking sex, and with a big wet spot under them as Neo's pussy even now was leaking the combined juices of their cumming together, Aegis himself couldn't pull out his member outside of Neo with how much her pussy seemed to not let go even after so many times cumming and with Neo herself asleep...

Still, Aegis enjoyed the feeling of Neo's insides that massaged his sore and hard member, as he felt Neo's breast pressing on his chest and her head just under his chin with feeling each time Neo breathed out or in...

Still, Aegis looked on the side, and his eyes opened wide as he saw another person who until now he thought was asleep looking at him with one opened eye.


Aegis just could see the question mark inside Ophis's head as she looked at him and Neo, her eyes traveling up and down their bodies, seeming in search of an answer to one of her questions...


Aegis gently and quietly asked as even if he didn't think Neo was ready to wake up, not after hours of such activity, Aegis didn't want to risk waking Neo up.


Ophis said as she looked at Aegis.

"What? Sex?"

Aegis asked and Ophis seemed to think deeply for a moment, and then barely little moved her head from side to side.

"No... Your... Act..."

Ophis said as Aegis looked at her confusedly, not knowing what act Ophis spoke about.

"You... Are strong... Why care... For that... Mortal?"

Ophis finally asked and Aegis's hold of Neo tightened, making Neo breathe out in what seemed joy as she felt her body press against Aegis's warm and cuddly body...

"These are the times... That im glad that im a mortal... Especially when I look at existences like yours..."

Aegis said as Ophis just tilted her head at Aegis's strange proclamation as she herself didn't see any appeal in being a mortal, after all, mortals were just like specks, they come and go all the time, yet someone strong at that man who gave her back her silence was glad being one?


Ophis made a sound as she gave up on thinking and closed her eyes, leaving the strange strong mortal alone with his weak mortal one, going back into her promised silent land of sleep...


*Author note*

Pic in comments.

Well? Liked the long-promised lemon? And Neo finally got her man yay for Neo!

You can support Neo with your POWER STONES :D

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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