

As the week went along, Aegis found himself in quite a relaxing mood, yes he would much prefer for Weiss, Willow, Winter or others to be there with him, but Aegis knew there was little to do other than wait for his people to get to him, and knowing his family, Aegis knew that the poor sods in Dimensional Rift facility were probably now sweating buckets to get to him or suffer his wife's wrath...

The situation with Rias progressed without issue as now that Rias was semi-free, her spirit seemed as if to lift and she showed her gratitude in showing Aegis her likes and seemingly wanting to get closer to him, Aegis himself didn't push Rias in any way, which seemed to make Rias even happier as she chose to by a first friend of Aegis and then maybe something more, something she herself said as Rias made it clear that Aegis gave her choice, something other's didn't, and that made Rias truly see Aegis in a new light...

With Akeno, it was more complicated, as the moment she heard that Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner were fallen angels, she almost broke into anger until Raynare, with her traditional pride, showed her new white wings with blue ends, and that seemed to make Akeno stop as Raynare gone into tirade how Akeno dare to call her as something inferior as fallen as she was now an angel of her new lord, and then gone ripping into Akeno that she herself was half-fallen where they were completely new Schnee Angels, no need to say that Akeno for three days seemed to lock herself into a room, just for the fourth day coming out and bowing to Aegis and his angels, giving them bow in apology and then striding to Aegis and giving him kiss with a tongue that made Rias eyes widen, and after while in which Rias and other's seemed in shock, and after what seemed like an eternity to Rias, Rias finally awakened and quickly tore the handsy Akeno from Aegis as Akeno hand's were too much wandering...

After that, Rias quickly dragged the giggling Akeno away, but not before Akeno said that she wished to bonus...

Aegis shook his head, he knew the girl was inexperienced when it came to male's, no matter how much she acted as experienced, still Aegis let her as he found that fuming and pouting Rias was kinda cute, especially when Akeno saw the little glint of amusement in Aegis eyes, and quickly knew he enjoyed rilling Rias up, and so came Akeno's multiple advancements in on Aegis in Rias presence as both Aegis and Akeno found enjoyable hobby picking on Rias who always became as red as her hair...

Then came Koneko who seemed to be firstly wary of Aegis, but after a while, it seemed that Koneko found Aegis presence soothing, saying that he smelled like a fresh nature, Aegis immediately knew it was Gaia's imprint on him that probably made Koneko's animal instincts telling her that he is a friend and not threat, making Koneko liking to eat in his presence, truly, no matter how much the girl wanted to hide it, Aegis knew just how much as a cat the girl was, and immediately thought how funny it would be when the white-haired girl meets his other wife who is black-haired cat faunus, Blake...

Kiba, that was something Aegis wanted to ask Rias about but stopped himself, as he gave the boy and Rias time to come to him, Aegis could see the darkness and corruption in the boy's heart, no matter how much he wanted to hide it, Aegis made himself a mental note to look out for that boy, as he could see that he was dangerous not just to himself but to Rias and other's, something Aegis wouldnt overlook, still, these were Rias matter's and Aegis was patient enought to let her dealt with it, still the boy was polite and respectfull, and after some day's the boy finally asked for a spar, something Aegis on Rias behalf accepted, and thus the boy learned that his power was too weak as Aegis smacked him from every side, still Aegis was not meaningless in his method, and in beating the boy, Aegis made sure to point out any error or mistake the boy had, and at the same time giving him pointer's how to use that Sacred gear of his much more innotivitely...

Then came a box of problems, in this case, a box with a trap boy that looked cuter than most girl's, Aegis didn't have anything against such things, Aegis himself found appreciation in cute things, and as such, the boy named Gasper Vladi gained a point in Aegis favor, still, even if Aegis himself didn't see anything wrong in it, the same thing could be told about Krull who seemed to go berserker without Aegis holding her in place...

Krull, who saw the dhampir, was at first curious to meet a new vampire, even if half one as dhampir, that changed into a rage as she saw how shy and cowardly he was, which made the boy immediately hide inside his box, screaming apologies as Krull screamed bloody murder...

But before Krull could calm down, Aegis saw how everyone froze and knew what happened, and hearing the sniffling sound's from the box, Aegis understood why Rias was worried about the boy's power, as time meddling was never a good thing...

Aegis had few sacred things into what he didn't meddle and made sure that other's too stay clear of it, and time manipulation was one of them, Ozpin semblance was an expectation as Aegis knew his power wasn't worldwide as this boy were, for where Ozpin could use his power in few meters, the boy who was sniffling before Aegis could stop time in entire world as Aegis could sense the Earth stop spinning...

Aegis then calmly walked to the box, slowly opening it and finding a sniffling boy that somehow made him look as a girl, even more, the crying boy didn't notice Aegis until Aegis hand fell on his head, and rubbed him calmly, making the boy freeze as if he joined the stopped time...

What followed was the boy becoming scared and asking for forgiveness until Aegis took him from the box and gave him a gentle hug as he rubbed the boy head, whispering to him to calm down...

After while, Gasper finally calmed down and asked Aegis how he wasn't frozen as other's, making Aegis smirk, telling the boy that there were few power's that could stop him and even more powerful being's that would be needed to use these power's, as even if powerful ability, Aegis was just too strong too by anyhow affected by it...

After that Aegis let the boy cry as the boy cried in both happiness and sadness, in happiness that Aegis wasn't affected and that he was the first one who wasn't, and that he again made a mistake, Aegis knew that no matter what, he said that he couldn't make the boy immediately calm or even accept his own power, thus Aegis went slower route, speaking and befriending the boy who seemed to like when he could speak with someone who understood him and his power, still, Aegis eyebrow twitched in amusement when he saw the boy redden every time Aegis rubbed his head...

And after what looked like an hour's of speaking, the boy finally fell asleep, making the time run again after that Aegis needed to make Krull calm down, making her storm from the room, fuming how weakly the boy acted, and making Rias both worried and happy as she could see that Aegis somehow could negate Gasper's power...

It was funny in that way that Gasper seemed to enjoy his first fried who was immune to his power, in such a way that he sometimes stopped time just to play with Aegis some of his games that were surprisingly working, making Aegis understand that the boy had more control of his power than he let on...

Of course, then came the situation with Sona, who Aegis after Sirzech walked away, understood what the loss against him in chess meant, making Aegis palm his face quite literary, and telling her that she doesn't need to mary him just because she lost in some game, making Sona both happy and somehow irritated, in short, Aegis told Sona to think about it, and from then Aegis didn't meet her, still from what Rias told him, Sona seemed to be in distress as Rias said this was the first time her childhood friend didn't know what to do...

Aegis wanted to mull over more, but he felt something pulling him away, making Aegis look at occupants of the room who too, felt something.

"It seems that my sister needs me, I will be back in a while."

Aegis said, and Neo, Neopolitan with Krull, seemed to understand him, just Asia and his angels, and even Viser seemed to be unsure by his words until he was summed out of the room.


In ruined streets that seemed to be some kind of the epicenter of battle, Taylor wheezed in pain as she looked at the bolt in her shoulder, making her look into some alleyway from where it came, but before she could say something, she screamed in pain as she was kicked away.

"Ha! All bark and no bite! Of course, this could be just from some filth that has jew name! Hebert, where is that projection of yours hm? Call it so I can rip it apart, just like your father!"

The man-beast of metal said, making Taylor's eyes widen open in fright, before she calmed down, her father was in Rig, there was no way for Empire to get to him in such short time, Taylor knew he just wanted to rile her up, and unfortunately, it worked as Taylor felt the crossbow bolt in her shoulder, her aura was broken and before it could recharge the bolt in her shoulder needed to get out, but that was easier said than done with Hookwofl in her way...

"Someone called me? Hm... You... Why every time you call me is when you are about to die..."

Aegis shook his head as he looked at his blood/soul adopted sister...


*Author note*

Becuase of some comments, to make u understand, Gasper power is little or more AU, for future need

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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