

Aegis watched the landscape with calm eyes, as his duties as King were for a while taken care off, with his work done to the future, his plan's told to Album and visiting and spending times with each member of his family, his women, and his little brother Ren, Aegis finally could say he was ready for the mission, but that would be lying as there was nothing more than reluctance that he felt on leaving his loved ones, albeit for a short while...

Even if for a short while...

"How do your daughters feel about this?"

Aegis asked Krull, who looked at him from the side with her frown that was present every time she stayed near him after that day where her emotions went of rails and she found out about her new side.

"They still can't move..."

Krull said as she threw Aegis a glare, and Aegis just amusedly laughed.

"Yes, they are quite gluttonous... Arent they?"

Aegis asked with a grin, remembering last night where he let the three vampire sister's drink his blood for hours before they finally fell over on the bed with their bellies full, to say it was probably the first time they took so much blood at one time wouldn't be surprising, as Aegis knew that without his body that regenerated blood quicker than they drain it, he would be dead thirty-eight times and that even with his body that can go with the loss of blood for days...

"They would need at least a month before they could absorb the last proteins they drained from you..."


"Magic, blood, proteins, all the same in this case."

Krull waved her hand dismissively, finding calling it proteins more useful as it clearly told everybody how she meant it...

"Well, they were quite put off that they can't go with us."

"Don't worry about them, even if already old, these three cant control their instincts, they would be better off there where your people can oversee them."

Krull said, and Aegis, after glancing at her relented, he knew that Krull did care for the three vampire sisters in her own way, even if she sounded callous or cruel sometimes...

/Ohhoho? Waiting on us? Sorry!/

Said Neo in her standard semblance language of writing everything above her head, after meeting and importing things from Wizard Earth, Neo did come to like the comic bubbles in which the words were written in, thus started using these bubbles with her semblance to speak or rather write...

"No, you are just on time, Neo, Neopolitan."

Aegis greeted his little sister and her alter self as the younger one jumped into Aegis, making him hold her as her nose touched his, and with a grin mounted, 'Missed you' as she kissed him.

"Missed you too... And you know you can always come home? I mother would love to spend some time with you."

Aegis said to Neo who bashfully looked to the side as she threw him a scandalous expression, and after a while, it did click in Aegis head.

"No, not in such way, and I do not think mother like women or you in such way."

Aegis said with laughter as Neo shot him a challenging grin, to which he just shook his head in laughter as he looked at other Neo.

/Hi hi!/

The Neopolitan said with false cheer as Aegis came to her and just patted her head, making her surprised for a moment that turned into a pout.

"You know you too are welcome in our home, right? After all, it is your home now too."

Aegis said as he looked at alternate Neo who looked at him calculatingly and then threw her head to the side, not wanting to speak, yet when Aegis wanted to take his hand from her head, he could feel her tense, so he just let his hand rest on Neopolitan's head as the younger Neo grinned at the two...

Krull looked at the three humans with a raised eyebrow, feeling some kind of throbbing in her heart, not knowing that Aegis' show of affection to other women made her feel bad...

"Hey hey hey! Missed me? No?! That's cruel! You are cruel!"

Zoe said as she appeared out of nowhere with her trademark bubble-like teleportation.


"Aegis said with a neutral smile."

"Hmmmm, well now that you are there, are you ready for the trip?!"


Aegis said as the other three women beside him just nodded their heads, making Zoe grin as she looked at them all, making some of them uncomfortable as if they felt they were in the room with the apex predator, but rather than the dread of death, they felt dread as if someone would troll them...

To death...

The three, Krull and Neo's were told to be careful what they said in Zoe's presence, as even if they thought about it and Zoe could read their minds, she couldn't act as much freely until they spoke, as such, they chose to speak to the entity in the form of a little girl...

"Then adventure there we come!"

Zoe screamed in delight and joy as she teleported the four people away...



Krull said as she looked around, the entity in the form of a little girl named Zoe nowhere to be seen.

"True... And these words... We are in Japan."


Asked Neo excitedly, already imagining all these manga's and anime she could get from this world, the older Neopolitan just looked around, but not finding anything interesting outside of glances of some people who looked at them...

"What are we supposed to do?"

Asked Krull, throwing a disdainful glance at some humans who kept worriedly looking at them.

"By Zoe's words, the bigger change we make the better, but to change what... Hmm, let see, if she sends us to this town, there could be a start of something, let see, who has the biggest FATE..."

Aegis said as he started to sense the invisible strings of FATE on these humans, finally finding it, he looked in one direction.

"Let's go, I think that I got it, this kind of amount of FATE could have just someone who will change the world..."

"And what would you do when you met him/her/it?"

Krull asked as Aegis looked in said direction.

"That is still to be found."

Aegis said as Neo's just shrugged, both of them not caring really about some chosen ones, Krull just nodding her head, but before they could move there, someone called them out.

"Hey! Children, why aren't you in school?"

Asked man who was clothed in a police uniform that was standard for twenty to the twenty-first century...


Aegis made a sound as just now he realized that Krull, and Neo's, and maybe even him, looked as high-schoolers by this world standards...

Neo just started to laugh her ass off as the implants in them translated the man's words, making them freeze at the question they never heard...

"This is the first time."

Aegis mumbled as he found this predicament both rare and curious...

"After all, it is no every day someone would act like this to King."


/Hehehe, why did we run?/

/True, why?/

Neo's asked as Krull, who was in Aegis arms in a princess carry, just looked at Aegis questioningly, wanted to know the answer as well...

"Well... I just thought that this is a rare opportunity to behave as kids should."

Aegis said with a smile as he saw Neo laugh, Neopolitan trying to hold her grin down, and Krull just incredulously looked at him at his nonsensical answer.

"Well, it was a first-time someone asked me such a question, I couldn't just let it by, could I? So I did what is expected of me and run."

Aegis said with a smile as he led the girls to their destination, finally finding their target that seemed to be in a heated conversation with two other boys.

"You don't understand OPPAI SUPREMACY!"

"No, Issei, we do, but what is most important is ASS the sweat and plump ASS cheeks!"

"Both of you are wrong! The Flat Is Justice! The Flat Is Law!"

The boys traded another of their opinions, not seeming to care about the people who looked at them with disgust or contempt.

"This is supposed to by chosen one?"

Krull asked with an incredulous expression at the humans before her.

"I never said that chosen ones need to be paragons of virtue."

Aegis said, not caring about the conversation of boys, he understood that they were just boys who liked and thought with a simple mind, still, he himself found their entire conversation meaningless as Aegis himself didn't have preferences outside of his loved ones where he loved their entire being, still, if he were to chose, Aegis did love Weiss body the most...



Neo's made a sound with their semblances, scaring the people nearby as they saw images starting to appear above the girl's heads.

"Ah... I forgot that in there, this would be a problem."

Aegis said as he looked at Neos.

"Can you please stop using your semblances until I do something with the chosen one? After that, you can use your semblances for all I care."

Aegis said to pout but nodding Neo, and Neopolitan just gave him a nod.

"Thank you, I will buy you ice cream later."

Aegis said as he walked to the boys, who still kept talking about their preferences.

"Lads, can I have a word with you?"

"Hm? Of FUCK."



The boys said as they looked at Aegis, who looked at them bemusedly, still not truly caring about their words as he was so many times told he was pretty or handsome, so they spoke truth even if they meant it in a malicious way, Aegis truly didn't care for opinions of someone he didn't see as close one...

"Im Aegis Schnee, and I wish to speak with you, boy."

Aegis said as he looked at the boy named Issei who put on a guarded expression.

"M-me?! W-what do you want?!"

"Yea what do you want to do with Ise?!"

"Yeah, we will not let you bully Ise!"


Issei said with tears in his eyes as he looked at his bros.

"Yea just we can bully Issei!"

"Or women with big breasts he so loves!"

"Ok screw you guys!"

Issei said as he heard them speak, still, he kept grinning at them as they looked at Aegis challengingly, but then they at Aegis back's to gasp in shock as they saw Neos and Krull.

"L-Loli! B-big breasted loli!"

"A-and these proportions!!!"


The boy's said as Aegis quirked eyebrow, it was true that for their short height, both Neo's had very mature hourglass bodies, with big and plump hips and ass, and big breast's that seemed out of place on their short bodies, and Krull, Krull even though Krull body was almost flat, both in the breast or rear area with her nonexistent ass, she still managed to look both sexy and cute at the same time with her long pink hair that almost reached the ground as her pink eyes, little fang on her left side of the mouth and her pinkish red eyes, plus that black attire she wore made her lithe body very desirable...

As the boys kept speaking about the proportions of his girls, Aegis just kept quiet, he didn't find their remarks offensive as what they said was true and probably more than one News that dealt with gossips and these things in Solitas already printed proportions of his women, Aegis didn't care that other's admired his women, as they spoke truth...

Most of the time...

Still... As he felt Krull's bloodthirsty rise, making Aegis speak.

"Boy, Issei, I wish to ask you one question, if you chose life or power, what would you choose."

Aegis lightly asked, but the boys were frozen at his question, as something told them that what he said was not meant to be taken lightly.


Issei asked as he took a step back from the pretty boy, now fully looking at him, and seeing the emotionless, cold blue eyes, made Issei speak seriously as his human instincts screamed at him to not fool around.

"Choose, Life in which you could find a wife, have family, and live a normal life."

Aegis said as his words somehow made the boys quiet, it was not any power, but the sheer charisma and absolute meaning of Aegis's words that made them realize that Aegis didn't joke with them.

"Or, power, a life full of fights, possible love, possible reaching your dreams, but ultimate demise as you have something I need to erase."

Aegis asked, but it wasn't a question, as he clearly said something that made the boys pale, as they stopped seeing Aegis, a human, but some kind of form that towered above them with power that made their hearts hammer.

"I-I-I! W-what do you w-ant from m-me?!"

Issei asked as he wanted to run, but something inside told him that it would be a bad idea, and when he looked for help, he saw his friends being in the same situation, and when he looked at the three girls, his heart stopped as he saw the pink-haired loli make grin that showed her fang's and made his heart freeze as the grin was something unnatural to human...

And when Issei looked at the other two, he saw them look at them in both curious and uncaring attitudes.

So Issei thought, he thought really hard, and with a somehow heavy heart, he chose.

"I-I W-want to l-live!"

Issei said and almost blanched at his own voice, but when he saw the man, no the monster's face smiled kindly at him, something told him that he chose rightly.

"Good, then know this boy, from this day I bless you to have fulfilling normal human life, with a good wife, nice children, and many friends and fulfilling job."

Aegis said as his magic acted on his command, as it ripped to the boy's body, making him scream, and the other two boys back in fright as they saw their friend without any indication of reason fall down on the ground as he held his hand in pain.

"I took something that would make your life hard to predict, live your life to the fullest, Issei."

Aegis said as he walked away, leaving the boy wondering what was happening on the ground as he felt he lost something, yet gained something, what Issei and other's didn't know was that Aegis used one of his master's Primordial Runes to bless the boy with good life as he took something from him in exchange.

"Such an interesting toy..."

Aegis said as he looked at the gauntlet in his hand, thinking of just squeezing the abomination called Sacred Gear as he understood that it was more curse than a blessing to Humanity...

It took a lot of Aegis power to rip it from the boy without killing him in the process, with the thing being tied to some kind of system that was built by HIM, and so intertwined with the human soul...

"Truly, what he thought when he gave few from many of humans such power, without even teaching them... Letting them be ripe for taking for other races... Or was this your plan along? To make them love humanity by taking them for themselves?"

Aegis mumbled, feeling the Holy aura that just one being could hold...

"Your ways are truly a strange, God Of Christianity... And as always your methods have left a lot to be desired..."


*Author note*

Pics in comments!

And Finally, a new world!

Stones for me?! STONES FOR ME?! :P

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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