
Rip and?

"Director! The anomalies rose in frequency!"


But before anything other could be said, all doors in the complex closed off as red lights started to flash and automatic voices started to speak through the entire Dimensional Rift Facility.

"WARNING! Supernatural presence detected! All units are to rea-"

But before the warning could continue, there was a tremor as multiple portals opened inside the facility, immediately starting multiple skirmishes as laser weapons wielded by Facility security fired at abominations that walked out the portals.


Director screamed as she flinched when she felt the doors outside the control room tremble, and when she looked at the video feed, she could see that Sentinel's that were outside were outnumbered, as already two Sentinels with seven security member's and multiple droids laid down either already killed or destroyed, hell it wasn't even minute and already losses were so big.

"The dimensional breach is outside of context! We cant close it! The Rift Generator is running on whatever energy that is coming from these portals!"

"Shit! What about outside, is there any word?!"

"By the protocols of the possible dimensional breach, the entire facility was quarantined and outside forces started to mobilize!"

Director nodded her head, knowing full well that if they lose control of the facility, the automatic system will activate self-destruction of the facility and everything that is inside.

"Fuck! Sector seven is lost! All personnel is dead, and just battle droids are still fighting!"

"Sector six cleared enemies! And the portals were closed!"


"Unknow! The moment they killed the invader's the portals just closed!"

Director looked at the feed of destroyed corridors and rooms that now were red from the blood and organs all around, looking at sector six as she made up her mind.


Director screamed through the loud noises of battle that was happening outside.


Director watched how sector seven was immediately bathed in green light as neutron bombardment cleansed sector seven of everything organic, even security android's that were purely synthetic in nature didn't stay intact in the onslaught of energies...

"Director! The sectors two, three, and five are secured!"

"Sector eight, nine and ten are safe!"

"Good! It seems the main invasion force was in sectors one and seven! All surviving forces are to secure their sectors and immediately send help to sector one!"

Director said as another shot struck the door of the control room, as sector one, which was sector around control room where now director was, the fight still continued, now no longer surprised, the Sentinel's, facility security and battle mechs were able to hold their positions even against a more numerical enemy that seemed to never stop coming from these portals.

"Any news from outside?"

"No! We are still under quarantine protocols in case of loss of control!"

Director silently cursed but accepted the logic, as the protocols took in mind that they could be compromised and thus send false news outside...

No, until the fight didn't stop and the automatic defenses didn't send clear green outside, they couldn't do more than wait and hope that outside forces don't send cleaners there to kill anything that moved...

"This is Captain Wood we coming from West entrance to sector one!"

"Chough! Thi-s is Security Chief! Sending a team of security droids to east sector one entrance!"

"This is Alia Roch we are taking North sector one entrance!"

Director sighed in relief as she and the other person in the control room watched three doors of sector one open and reinforcements starting shooting these otherwordly invaders...

"I see you had fun there..."


Director screamed in shock as Album's presence was unexpected.

"That is against protocols! This facility is quarantined!"

"Who do you think wrote these protocols? But im just one of Album's forks demons be in case of sacrificed if I get compromised, still, demons?"

Album said and Director immediately knew what she spoke about as she looked at the invader's appearance, which truly reminded her of Earth's so-called demons and devils...

"Still, you are lucky."

"What? How anything could be called lucky!"

"Oh but it can, you could die, as you should from what I saw from the feed of your office."


Director started to hyperventilate as one of the operators helpfully opened a video feed of the Director's office, now a very destroyed office as limbs, blood, and scraps of security drones could be seen in there...


Director frightfully looked at the bloodbath room where she was five minutes before she came to the control room, she looked how the security droids she never liked as they never left her from their sights now laid on the ground, clearly destroyed from the skirmish...

"Still, big brother was already notified, so you can expect his visit."

Album said as she went to her own work and started looking at the data that this invasion gave them...


"This is hell..."

"Yea, it looks like it, right?"

"No... I mean a literal Hell..."

Aegis said to pensive-looking Morgana, a smiling Merlin whose face twitched at the mentioning of literal Hell and neutral-looking Scathach.

Aegis's day progressed normally, with him taking care of everything he needed, giving more power to Iris who would look after the kingdom in his hopefully short absence with the help of Album, and spending time with his family and his women, girls...

But the moment Album told him there was an invasion in his Dimensional Rift Facility, Aegis just nodded his head as he asked of status of forces inside the facility and if forces outside were ready to fend off any kind of danger that could come from inside of facility if it fallen to enemy hands...

Aegis... Aegis was not surprised, or even agitated or angry of what happened, Aegis knew from the moment he activated Dimensional Rift Generator that such a thing could, and will happen, the question would when, and now Aegis was just glad that it happened when he was still on Remnant and not away...

"It reeks of corruption..."

Scathach said as she looked at the bloodied walls and scorched marks...

"Not truly surprising given how the creatures look..."

Aegis said as memories of some souls from which he used their knowledge to create Sentinel's and other's things rose to the top of his head, giving him an idea which what they were now dealing with...

"Morgana, Merlin, Master, I took you there to ask you if you could do something about this, as Facility is the direct center of Dimensional Rift energies, it wouldn't be surprised if other's such attacks repeated."

"You want us to ward off this place, right?"

Morgana asked as she used her magic to look at some of the creatures as her interest was picked by their unusual biology.

"Yes, especially your's master, the Primordial Runes should be proven to be especially good against such teleportations."

"Hmmm, yes, I can help you, but first, why don't you tell me what you know of this... The energy that we can feel reside there?"

Aegis stopped as he looked at his master and sighed.

"Yes... Its name, at least the one others gave it, is Ardent Energy... Soul energy that was stripped of everything Holy and Sacred and used as nothing other than Fuel."


Merlin asked as she stood frozen, even Morgana and Scathach looked like little sick, and given what Aegis said, he wasn't surprised.

Soul was the thing that made a person, a person, use it as Fuel in rituals was one thing, to use Souls as Fuel on such a grand scale was another thing...

"How do you know of this pupil?"

Scathach asked with a calm voice, and Aegis just shook his head...

"My Master, the one who trained me, Scathach was one of Nexuses, or more precisely her Shadow Lands were Nexus of not just Earth souls, but multiple souls from multiple universes, and as such, there were souls of humans who deals with Argent Energy and Hell Realm on a grand scale, wars of genocide were waged, which the humans lost, again and again, there were multiple souls from multiple different Earths whose worlds were devoured by the endless hordes of Hell spawns... And their corrupting powers that changed even the most loyal soldier of humanity into one of Hellspawn..."

Aegis said as he looked at the bloody diagram on the wall, a clear indication of Hell's presence...

"I see..."

Scathach said slowly as she started doing something, and in a while, Aegis could feel some force taking shape around Facility, Morgana and Merlin watching her, too, joined her efforts without speaking as they magic and their wards started to seep into the very walls...

Aegis already looked at his people who were in direct contact with Ardent Energy, and from the scans, they survived, no fended of the Hell Wave that would normally turn them into Hell spawns, and from his findings, Aegis knew Aura was the main reason why, as even Album said that whatever wave of energy hit Facility personnel it was fought of the Aura's of people, as the Souls of living fought the Ardent Energy that was made out of corrupted Souls...

In short, Aegis was pleased that he wouldn't need to worry about any mass turning, as Aura protected the people against the corruption, all he needed to worry about were the invaders, which weren't a problem in many ways outside of their surprise element that was the sole reason of why so many Facility personnel died, as nobody expected such attack to happen...

"Done, for more, I need to make special rituals."

Scathach said.

"We are same, on this, for more, we need ingredients and time."

"Then please, if you can, then I would like to secure this place as it is the first thing that needs to fall for invaders to get into Remnant, this place needs to be protected."

Aegis said as he asked his three most experienced ward users...

"Album, sent the bodies to Vahlen, and tell her I want to know how these things tick, I want to know what does the biggest damage to them, and what are their weaknesses, and that I want to have a fully working device that could either siphon, block or outright purify the Ardent Energy, and that she is no under any circumstances use these things biology for her experiments, anything that Hell touches become corrupted make sure any scientist with access to this is under full supervision and know the risks, and the moment their behavior is out of character they are to be immediately hospitalized, forcefully if needed."

"Yes, big brother."

Hologram of Album said as Aegis looked at the room, seeing Morgana use her powers to magically look at the blood of Hell spawns, Merlin having rarely serious expression as she observed the Hell wards on the walls and Scathach, who looked at their weapons with little interest...

Aegis was fully aware that this would by the repeated incident and already planned to bolster Facility security, just like adding another fleet and Sentinel base above the Facility, just in case...

Still, Aegis knew there was little for him to do, with him leaving for some time and Facility under repair's, Aegis needed to wait for his people to come with a device that can hamper, block, or siphon the Ardent energy before anything else, as the Ardent energy was the most dangerous thing about Hell Realm...

Before they had it, any idea of countering their attacks or sabotaging their ways of travel was outside of Aegis and Solitas hands...

"There is nothing for us to do if you wish you can stay there, just be sure to not leave Album's sigh with these things, if you wish to research them, do it under Album's supervision, as A.I she is more protected from corrupting forces, im going to visit Vale to see my little sister's..."

Aegis said as he saw the three women nod, clearly wishing to stay behind and look at the novelty the Hell Realm is, still Aegis wondered what was on Merlin's mind as she was half succubus, someone who had ties to Hell, even if different one than Hell that invaded them...

And Aegis himself needed to be ready for his trip...


*Author note*


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Stones for me? So that Doom Slayer have enough ammo to


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