

/////////Short Lemon Ahead//////////

Aegis awakened with pleasurable feeling as he felt his member being caressed by two very warm and wet tongues, knowing who was doing it, Aegis didn't react except for his hand's reaching down and stroking two heads that seemed to become even more energized with their duty of making him come...

Just to hear a 'Che' sound from his side and remember that Weiss came to sleep with him.

"These two..."

Weiss muttered as she watched the Malachite twins wink at her as they continued their work to make her big brother ejaculate with their mouths and tongues...

Weiss shook her head as she kissed her big brother on the cheek and ignored the two succubi that worked on the thing she herself the night before rode on for hours, let them clean it, Weiss thought as she watched with her blue eyes as her big brother let out a sigh of both pleasure and helplessness.

"Good morning, big brother."

Weiss said as she kissed now fully awake Aegis, who returned the kiss with equal love.

"Good morning Weiss, and good morning you two... You could at least wait for the day to start."

Aegis said with a weak smile as Militia stopped licking his balls and looked at him semi-seriously.

"But from what we read in Earth import books, this is something men love and what maids are supposed to do for their master."

Weiss's eyebrow twitched as Aegis wondered what books they read and what Album released on Remnant as she was the one who controlled the information flow...

"And pray to tell me, what kind of books you mean?"

Weiss asked with a twitching lip, not telling them about how she had already studied a book called Kamasutra for her night activities with big brother.

Seeing Militia returning to sucking and licking Aegis balls, Melanie stopped her work on Aegis dick as she, with one long and sultry POP, pulled out Aegis dick from her mouth and said.

"Good ones, they even wrote about the need to satisfy Lady of the family head, would you wish to be waked up by the same way Miss Weiss?"

"No, thank you, my body belongs to big brother and nobody other."

Weiss said with finality as her tone told everybody how serious she was, even if she didn't mind for her body to be seen by other women in her big brother's harem, touching it was something different...

"Then just Master would by waken up like this, of course, if he desires so?"

Melanie said and as Aegis wanted to think about it, he saw two pairs of green eyes that looked at him with hopeful and fearful emotion at the same time...

Sighing, Aegis nodded with his head and the twin's eyes immediately lit up as they started working on his morning wood with renewed vigor...

Weiss who saw it, just made a note to speak with them but was surprisingly alright with such a thing...

Weiss knew her body limits, and no matter how much she desired to be connected with her big brother, she knew it was impossible, but where she had limits, Weiss found out her big brother hadn't, and the sole reason he didn't fuck her until morning as sometimes Weiss told him to do so, was because he was careful to not hurt her and them...

So at least like this, Weiss knew her big brother's sex drive would be satisfied, even if little...


Aegis made a sound of pleasure as he felt his member throb inside Melanie's mouth as he shot his semen deep inside her throat that seemed to suck on it with learned experience.

"Gulp, gulp... Ooohh..."

Melanie made the sound of ecstasy as she gulped the white nectar that she now received...

"Hey, no fair..."

Said Militia, who immediately pushed Melanie's mouth away and took Aegis dick inside her mouth as she gulped for any leftover semen...

Weiss just quirked an eyebrow at their actions but didn't think about it as she herself found her big brother's semen surprisingly tasty, something which was strange from what she read, but it seemed that even women who had rich experience in sucking dicks were enjoying her big brother's taste...

Aegis, who watched the twins battle for his semen, just deeply thought...

"Is it really that good?"

Aegis asked as his mind that was making some conclusion.

"Yes, it is..."

"The best we ever tasted..."


"Any man..."

"Tasted even..."

"Halfly good..."

"In truth we..."

"Always hated..."

"The taste..."

"But Master's..."

"Taste is..."


Twins said as they spoke for each other as they seemed to enjoy the taste of his semen...

"I see..."

Aegis said as he made sure to let Moira Vahlen run some test's on his semen, just to be sure there wasn't anything bad with it...

/////////End of Lemon//////////


Cinder looked at the report from Sentrie's patrol and stopped as she saw something new.


"Yes, Cin?"

"Don't call me Cin, Cinder is already short enough for it to be even more shortened... But this isn't my concern look at this, are you sure you run all immigrants through the tests I gave you?"

Cinder said as she showed Album what she thought just for Album to stop for a second that was in A.I term a LONG time...

"I see, let me take one more look..."

Album said seriously as she ran all tests and simulations...

Cinder let her as she herself looked into it, making sure to put it down before it could even bloom.

"This is Remnant... Christianity doesn't have a place there..."

Cinder said but deep down knew that the mortal mind often needs to believe in something above them, and if they don't come up with something soon, the Earth influence could come with it for them, for better or worse, but in this case, Cinder knew it would be for worse...


"There she is!"



Ciri froze in shock as she looked between a smear on the ground and a place from where she could see faint white theme figures that she guessed were either Sentinel's or their Captains, but from the mere power she witnessed, she would go with Captains...

Ciri looked back at where Wild Hunt Navigator stepped out of the portal, just to not leave even a bloody mark as it seemed his entire body and black armor were erased from existence...

Closing his portal after himself with his death, thus making any probably Wild Hunt member stranded in the void...

"I-I need to take care of this soon..."

Ciri said, still shocked how quickly it happened, the enemy she had been running for so long died, and she wasn't even able to act, this just showed what she knew, even with all her experience, she was still a long way from the capabilities of true veterans that seemed to tail her even without her knowledge...

Ciri shook her head as she made a mental note to speak with Aegis and made her way from the forest, her mood destroyed with the now-dead bastard...


"Mom, mom, can I truly go to space?!"

"Yes, honey, you can, don't you see, our new home is even more active with their space travel..."

Said mother to her son who seemed to even more radiate happiness at her confirmation as they passed a holo-advertisement about colonizing Moon...

Hermione who looked at them from her place by the stool that belonged to the coffee/book shop, just smiled as she saw something that seemed to be common in all families that came to Solitas for a new life...

"There you are..."

Hermione looked at the voice and saw Harriet who came to her with a concerned expression that made Hermione guiltily sigh.


"Don't Hey me, Miss I don't want to walk... Tell me why..."

Harriet said with a demanding tone, but Hermione could hear a concern she held for her, which made Hermione feel even worse as she looked at her unfeeling legs...

"You know... I never had many friends... No scratch that, I never had any friends longer than the day before they became tired of my personality, which I now know was, as they called 'Bossy..."

Hermione said and thanked the fox-eared waitress that delivered her's order, which was a coffee with a chocolate muffin, and waited until Harriet didn't order something for herself and for the waitress to a walk-off...

"So when the owl with mail came, you can guess how happy I was, at that time I thought that my difference came with magic, so of course normal children wouldn't be like me... Oh how wrong I was..."

Hermione said with a wistful smile that showed her pain and acceptance...

"Then my dreams were again crushed as I found the magical children to by same, or even worse than non-magical ones, and then... Then that thing came and robbed me of any rest of hope I felt..."

Hermione said as she looked at her legs, just to feel her hand be grasped by Harriet who looked at her with...

"Fuck... You don't make it easy, Harriet..."

Hermione uncharacteristically cursed as she looked into the green orbs that looked at her with sisterly love she never felt...

At least not before she met Schnee's...

"You know, even if my mind tells me that with you im safe... My heart still fears, It fears that this dream, that this family and friends I made thanks to you would pop up any second and I would be again that lonely child..."

"That still doesn't explain why you don't want to be cured..."

"Yes, it doesn't, or does, I-I just fear, ok? What if I gained my legs that made me weak in body but strong in mind to survive my years in Hogwarts? That if I again gain my legs, I will lose something more important! I know, I know it is stupid and nonsense and STUPID BUT I-!!!"

Before Hermione could continue, she felt herself engulfed in a hug as she released tears in Harriet's back...

"I-I just... I just can't... Not again... Don't give me that hope..."

Hermione continued to cry as Harriet held her in the embrace, not wishing to let her go, the passerby and clients of coffee stayed silent, both from the sympathy for the disabled girl and because most of Solitas knew the face of Harriet Schnee and didn't wish for their names to be written on her shitlist...

Hermione just continued to cry as all her stress, worry, pain and anger she gathered for years started to spill out like a waterfall...

"I-I just..."

Hermione hiccuped as her hand clutched Harriet's back's in desperation...

"It is ok... Everything is and would be ok, from now and ever..."

Harriet said as she cried for her friend and with her friend who seemed to be emotionally on deep end...


*Author note*

Btw you can support me with your daily stone's :P

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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