

Cinder looked at the old shack that belonged to the Gaunt family with mild interest, but as busy woman she was, she continued with her work, walking to the house ignoring the curses and wards that were either made to repel or outrightly hurt or kill the people who come near, Cinder walked to the house while being encased in her aura that gained fire ability thanks to her magic and made all but few curses she destroyed with spells completely meaningless.

As Cinder finally walked into the house, destroying the doors and any obstacle in the process, she finally arrived at her's target location.

And as Cinder took care of all things, she was left with an innocently looking ring.

"Well, hello there, long time no see..."

Cinder said with a smile as she played with the ring, in that moment, Cinder felt a strange connection.

"Ah, how forgeful of me..."

Cinder whispered as she remembered the old legend about uniting the three deathly hallows...

And even if she didn't have a wand or cloak by herself, she did take them from Dumbledore, and probably because she was Harriet's family, the cloak acknowledged her as master too...

Cinder felt an icy grip touching her, and smiled.

"Was there any truth about the legend? Or did you do it because you were bored?"

Cinder asked and was glad it was her who united the deathly hallows as she feared that if her little Aeg united them, something could happen to him, and at the same time she didn't believe others enough to control themselves with such power, so she chose to by one to find it if there was any truth about becoming master of Death, or if it was a ploy.

Better her than her little Aeg, after all, no matter what wishes or desires she once had, now she had all she wanted, family and her little Aeg who she still was on chaste kiss step even if she shared her Emerald with her little brother, Cinder was happy with her current life to have anything that could corrupt her.

"Both, nothing, curious, perplexed, unseen?"

Said a chilling voice Cinder faintly remembered hearing it just three times now that she heard it again.

For the first time when she was born, the second time she died, and the last time she was born again, the same voice that everyone forgot about until their time came.

Cinder looked behind her to see a deathly pale girl with pale white hair and pale grey eyes, clothed in gothic black dress and emotionless face.

"Did my time came or did I become your master?"

"Neither, test, worthiness, curiosity, unseen, blind, no, free..."

The pale girl said with a tilt of her head as she looked at Cinder with what could be said to by interest.

"Interesting, free, unbound, not a concept, yet free, how?"

"Before that, can you tell me what happened to me, or what was your goal in creating these trinkets?"

Cinder said and watched the pale girl nod her head, immeadetely Cinder felt alien memories in her head with muted or nonexistent emotions as she watched them as if she sat in the cinema.

Cinder watched how the Death becomes bored, or not bored but rather interested in why mortal's lived or how could they live as even with an untold amount of time and watching both humans and all races through the universe, the Death never understood or wasn't taught to understand the mortal emotions, all she felt was acceptance, resignation and curiosity...

What Death done was to look at one work of a man who created or wrote a book with the concept of deathly hallows, interested the Death chose to make the trinkets with limited powers she government upon and gave them to three brothers who she orchestrated to make them think she was angry for not daying, all of it was a mere show for Death.

And uniting the three Deathly Hallows in truth just summoned Death's avatar for discussion...

Cinder never believed that there could be a mortal or even god capable of being master of Death, that was one of the very few concepts of life.

"I see... What do you want to do now?"

Cinder asked as she looked at the ring that once held Horcrux but was now free as Death arrived.

"Follow, curious, unseen, unbound, free, new, fresh."

Cinder raised her eyebrow in curiosity that changed into aahh face as she understood what Death meant.

"I see, but there are rules where I live."

"Of course, will follow, act as one of your, will mask her presence, do as you, you a blind spot, interest why, interest how, interest in reason."

"Well, I suppose that's alright."

Cinder said with a bemused smile as she remembered into what place Death wanted to follow, her...

"Oh, I wonder what my little Aeg will say..."

"Aeg? Ah. Aegis Schnee. Blindspot, Changer, New one, Unseen, A host, A lock."

Cinder just shook her head, this was a truly interesting find, Cinder thought to herself.


In magical Britain, prophet news released information about Azkaban losing all of its Dementors, thus making the inmates break out successfully with the help of Death Eaters.

In non-magical news new wave of Christianity and people who sought the help of the newly introduced order of holy cross risen to an alarming level.

In Japan that was mostly free of any in-fighting between magical and non-magical's the demons and mean spirits that once lived under shadows stopped being subtle in their actions of terrorizing Japan population, making Omnouji and exorcist with shrine maidens busy around entire Japan, with Yuki-onna clan freezing part of the ocean near Japan into their own castle and thus leaving from the human population.

News about ghosts and paranormal activities increased with people demanding and begging all exorcists, shamans, or priests for help with their homes where the activities happened.

News about the USA military bombing of MACUSA headquarters in payback for zombie attacks was released a day after the attack.

Britain's Death Eaters attacked multiple churches on Britain soil, killing, pillaging, raping, or torturing the followers of God and all unfortunate souls who were at that time in churches, the act was followed by outrage from the Vatican that with England Queen permission, send a legion of the templar's to protect their churches.

Sentinels and Solitas battle-mechs crushed Death Eater's attack on the non-magical hospital, killing twenty Death Eaters in one five minutes long battle.


*Author note*

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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