

Blake and Yang stood almost in a catatonic state as they watched the true from of city from the balcony until now they still thought that they were in another city than Menagerie, but now? Now there wasn't any doubt it was the same city, and yet so different, where wood once was it was white polished marble, where the desert was green gardens were.

They still could see the sea and sand desert from the balcony, but the city was something they would think Atlas would be capable of building, and not a poor faunus country...

"Surprised? It took years to build all of this, and no small amount of my Lord's resources."

Said voice and Blake looked at her younger self as if she was looking at a stranger, not surprised as Yang still remembered her partner when she was seventeen years old, but when she looked at this Blake that was sixteen years old and looked so different even Yang didn't know how to react.

"You know? Our city, the Menagerie, was merged with Solitas kingdom, under Aegis Schnee, and he built it to this image of paradise city where everyone who wants to rest would go, thus improving the economy of our city that don't have anything other to give."

Mini Blake said as she looked at the two girls with a piercing gaze.

"But, this wasn't the reason I came, here someone wants to speak with you."

Mini Blake said as she gave them to scroll and left, her after-image of semblance fading away as the mini-Blake was nowhere to seem.

"Does she have invisibility?"

Blake asked with uncertainty as she knew she herself didn't have one when she used her semblance.

"Hey someone calling."

Yang said and took the scroll from Blake who hissed at her as a cat.

"Hallo Hallo, you called for the most beautiful wait RUBY?!"


Yang looked at the scroll with wide eyes as Ruby, HER'S Ruby, looked at her in similar surprise.

"Let me look you dolt!"


Yang and Blake said in unison as they saw Weiss and Ruby look into the scroll with relieved smiles.



Neo tilted her head as she saw some man walk into the room with text above his head.

/Neo, im soo glad to see you!/

Neo looked at the man strangely as she knew she didn't ever save him and became guarded even if she was still smirking.

/Neo, don't you recognize me?! Im you father!/

Now Neo looked at him as if she looked at an idiot.

But before she was able to move, she felt a blade on her neck.

"Well, it seems from two of us you are the weaker one."

Said a voice that sounded as if fairies chimed in a beautiful voice, Neo for her matter, stood frozen in her place as she knew that voice, how could she not when she hid that voice for her entire life.

"Well, look at me, look at us."

Said the voice and Neo who no longer felt the blade on her neck, looked, just to see a mini replica of herself.

"It seems we have a lot to discuss... And now with bro away to fetch our little sister, I need to make sure you will not make problems for him, after all, I know myself very well to trust you for that matter."


Willow closed the doors of the room as she walked to the bed.

"Hello, how have you been? Good? Bad? Why don't you speak with me?"

Willow said sweetly at the peacefully laying man on a medical bed, she noted the upgraded life-sustain systems with a smile, she knew her little baby boy was vindicative, but sometimes he surprised even her, still when she looked at the man's eyes, she smiled sweetly, it seems that the vindictiveness was inhered from her after all.

"Well I came to you with happy news, im pregnant again! And this time it is with a man I love, well will you not congratulate me?"

Willow said as she muted the tv that showed how advanced and progressed the Solitas under SDC that was led by Aegis.

"Well, Jacques, it seems we have a lot to discuss."

Willow said to her previous husband with a cruel smile.


Salem looked at the creatures before her with interest.

She heard that humans of this world used them as guard dogs, so she didn't have big expectations, but was pleasantly surprised as she finally met them.

"Maybe you will be a good addition to my collection."

Salem said with a smile as she ignored the pained wails of Dementors that were bound under her dark magic.


Cinder walked with a smile in dark hallways until she reached her target that was a poor image of the previous youth she once knew.

"Hello Gellert, long time no see."

Cinder said with a smile that became bigger as the man's eyes widened.

"Impossible... Mistress Fall... You came for me?"

"Oh no, you aren't dead, my boy, not by any long stretch..."

Cinder said with a smile at her traitorous disciple that gave her a chance to meet her little Aeg once again.


Lucius looked at the boy that pretended to be king with derision, he thought that him being king of the magical country would make him great, but when he saw how friendly he acted with the muggle queen, any of his respect evaporated.


Now, what Lucius thought with a false smile as the boy looked at him.

"Tell me... You belong to that group that wishes to harm my sister?"

Lucius stopped for a second to register who he meant and then falsely smiled.

"But of course not! I would never try to harm an innocent child, that is something muggles do, especially to a child that released me from my captor."

Lucius said, ignoring the looks the filthy muggles send him, and the disapproving look from that old goat fool, just his good minister, nodded along as a good wizard should.

"I see."

The boy said, and for while, Lucius thought it was the end of the topic just to feel pain as his neck was squeezed and his body lifted into the air.

"Urgghh... Wh-wha--."

Lucius tried to say, but couldn't as his breath was stolen from his lungs and he tried to trash around.

"It is a mistake to lie to me... Tell me, are you or are you not trying to harm my Harriet? And think carefully before you answer, I can feel your pulse."

Aegis said as he held the worm in the air with his hand.

Albus alarmingly looked at the boy king, he didn't know how he got to Lucius in such manner, there wasn't any clap of apparition or magic in air, yet when he felt the air current shift in the room, he palled little, he knew this feeling, it was like the times he battled vampires who were so quick for the human eye, it was one of the reasons wizards invented slowing wards.

Thank Merlin that vampires were incapable of use of magic and thus could be countered with such runes that could be put on battlefields that would make them no faster than a normal human.

Still as Albus was to do something, he saw the look the boy gave him and when he felt nothing that would make him act against his will, he gave up and chose to let the boy take care of it...

Now that Albus thought, it was just one of many things he did in the past as to forgive Tom's followers from being thrown into Azkaban, that curse that made him do a lot of things he would do differently, it came to surprise to Dumbledore that when he was near the boy, he couldn't feel any urge to act ilogicaly.

It was like the boy blocked it...

But how...

"Well, do you wish to harm Harriet?"

The boy asked and released Lucius who started to chough and reach for a wand just for the boy to kick him into the wall.

"That was a mistake, the same mistake that made you come to this place..."


Pics in comments.

So, in my comments, I see a lot of ideas, as someone is on the non-magical side and some on wizards...

Let me state my option, there is no telling who would win a war without Nukes in play, and IF Nukes would be used then yes non-magical could win but that would by Pyrrhic victory as they would poison the planet, plus wizards are capable of teleporting around the world with right means so those more bright could run and start the fight again in a city that non-magical's couldn't nuke because well there would by A lot of civilians.

And until non-magical's couldn't build a device that either hampers or recognize the magic in wizards, they play blind, just like with terrorists, you can't know who is or who isn't one of them.

In short, non-magical's are in this war more blind, where wizards can target any muggle.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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