

There was a reason why Aegis, until now didn't rush into the portal and seek his little sister, the same reason he didn't unite the Remnant through pure brute force, and the sole reason he didn't unite the relics and didn't try to shoot the twin gods into the face with ten-meter long titanium slugs shot from rail cannons and supercharged laser's.

Aegis wasn't ready to paint a target on his back to every divine, eldrich or other being in worlds he would visit.

"Salem, how much you think it would work."

Aegis asked Salem who stood by his side and looked at the innocently looking device.

"Truly, you never stop amaze me boy, to think you have such marvel in your head, why I have urges just to open your head to look at what other things you hide in there."

Salem said with enthusiasm as she could feel the device's power.

"Yes, a marvel..."

Aegis said with a strange undertone as he touched the device he built from the moment Harriet went missing...

"A dangerous marvel..."

Salem just nodded with her head, even her millennia of experience was short when met with such a concept, to cut of one presence from the world...

"How sure are you that it would work boy? After all, it wouldn't do if all of your work that made my dream of slaying the twin bastards were to go into smoke."

Salem said, she knew she could outlive, or at least thought so she could if the device the Aegis built go full fiery, but she did enjoy the time she spent in Schnee mansion, and to lose her current lifestyle would by more than an annoyance for Salem who even got strange feelings when she saw her friend getting pregnant...

"I don't have any doubts that it would work as intended, it is simplest yet the most dangerous of devices I did see in multiple memories from multiple souls, the purpose and safety are clear, what I ask you is if I should use it."

Aegis asked Salem who put a pensive expression on her face as she thought.

"In the end, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from it, I know you detest any idea of future knowledge, after all you are well aware of butterflies could make in any plan that is build on such knowledge of future."

Salem said and opened the lid of the device.

"So I will ask just this, can I activate it?"

Aegis looked at Salem who seemed almost eager, but he couldn't fault her, if he was bond to these two gods who could use their divinity to see future, he too would be more than antsy.


Aegis said and Salem for the first time with a nervous expression in millennia, pushed down a little button, just for nothing to seem to happen, until Salem's face brightened and looked at Aegis with a smile that was too sincere for a witch that lived for millennia.

"Finally, Im free... Now let see if they could see me!"

Salem said and turned to Aegis as she walked to him and gave him a sudden kiss.

"And you, you boy deserve my gratitude, even if they aren't dead yet as you promised, to make them blind about happenings on Remnant does satisfy me until I rip their hearts of their draconic bodies."

Salem said as she ended up her kiss and traced her finger across her lip.

"Mnn, you taste even better than Willow said..."

Salem said with an easy smile that made her even more beautiful.

"Thank you Aegis..."

Salem said and gave Aegis one last kiss before going away with sway in her hips as she planned to use her new partial freedom in millennia.

Aegis shook his head, he knew that even if the twin gods didn't observe Remnant, it was in their power to do so, and that alone made Salem both scared and enraged, but now that she could feel the strings being cut, she gained a new spark of life.

Aegis himself looked at the device that started to dissolve in motes of light, it was maybe one of the most treasured creations that he made for both himself and his family, a mix of both magic and technology that he saw in memories of some most interesting souls in the shadow realm.

A Pandora box...

Yet this one was not as legends told it, yet it could make the same horrors...

For that device released not horror's and demons, but the strings of fate that bound humanity to their divine creators...

A device that made all powers that could foretell the future obsolete releasing humanity into a universe Unounded, Free, And Invisible...

What the Pandora box done is to cut the strings of fate that bound Remnant from twin gods, and so entire divinity, no matter where humans/faunus of Remnant will go, or what world they would visit, they no longer could by predicted for they were free of any prophecy, or such thing.

Aegis looked the way the portal stood with a smile.

"I had strings... But now im free... We all are free..."

Aegis sang a song that suddenly popped into his mind, as if they were the most natural thing to say.


Every living person on Remnant, by it human, faunus, A.I, or even animal and insects, stopped from what they were doing and looked into the same direction Schnee mansion stood.

Everything that had a destiny and had even the simplest mind looked that way.

Everyone could feel something change, like if boulders were lifted from them and they felt free.

And everyone who could speak felt to sing the same thing.

"I had strings... But now im free... We all are free..."


Ozpin looked at the way the Schnee mansion was as he gripped his mug.

"What did you done..."

Unknow to Ozpin the Crown relic that was hidden under his school in his vault lost all power as it became just mere junk.


"Brother, did you felt it..."

"Yes, something changed..."

"Brother, I cant feel where it was!"


"Remnant! I cant feel its position any longer!"

The God of Light looked alarmed at his brother's words and tried to sense the relics they left on Remnant, just to come empty.

"What did they done?!"


Aegis smiled, it was time to take his little sister back...

"We are free to do as we wish so, from now and forever, our fate would be destined by our own hands and actions... From now on we are free, my family is free."

Aegis said and walked from his room with a cane in his hand that made clanking sounds every time it hit the floor.

"Free to do as we wish."

Aegis thought, how fitting for Pandora box to release the biggest horrors, to release mankind from their mortal bonds...


*Author note*

Pics in comments...

What do you think of my idea of Pandora's box releasing the biggest evil and horrors in the image of giving mortal's truly free hand?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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