

Qrow shuddered at the look Aegis had, those ice-blue eyes made him remember the event of last month...

Qrow at as one of the most prominent huntsmen was sent to investigate the settlement that had gone silent, a standard mission where he would either confirm the worst fears of the destroyed village or, in better case, find out that the communication was either destroyed or faulty and with good laugh leave the still safe village with good spirit.

So it came as a surprise to veteran huntsman that he found the entire village of hundred people colored in red paint, by it houses, roads, or walls, rarely he saw the other color that wasn't red, and by the Gods, the smell...

The horrid smell of blood and flesh, and in the very center of that bloodbath where there were more bodies than it should be was standing the sole living person, the Aegis Schnee...

Aegis Schnee himself graced the Vale with his presence as his spear, still dripping with blood, looked at the sight before him.

And when Qrow silently came to Aegis side as he knew it wasn't him who destroyed village, not after seeing thousands of corpses of something from horror film he saw a common sight that was in every village that fallen, a little girl, not older than ten that was shielding another child, a brother Qrow would say, both ripped apart even against the best tries the girl could do to protect the younger sibling...

And when Qrow finally looked into Aegis's face he froze in shock.

Aegis who until now was never seen with other emotion than indifference, an amused smile, or cold face, was now looking at the siblings with an emotionless face as a single tear ran along his face and in a strange tone said.

"In the end, nothing ever changes."

"So you claim to be my sister."

Qrow awakened from his memories and looked back at sight before him, his Ruby, no the different Ruby was looking at Aegis with great confusion, whereas the Ice princess was looking in both confusion and mix of multiple negative feelings.

"Let me introduce myself once again, Im Aegis Schnee, son of Willow Schnee and Jacques Gelle, younger brother of Winter Schnee, and older brother to Weiss Schnee, who currently sits in of greenhouses with both her sister and mother."

Aegis said and there was short silence until Ruby spoke.

"But I thought Weiss's sole brother is Whitley?"

"There isn't any Whitley named a Schnee, and you can be assured that I would be informed if I had another sibling, miss Rose."

"You can call me Ruby!"

"Ruby then, and you have truly grown into a beautiful woman no matter what your words about don't being beautiful."

Aegis said with a slight smile as he looked at the silver-eyed girl who was now blushing.

"You know me?! No wait you know the younger me?"

"Why yes, just a week ago I accompanied Ruby Rose and her sister Yang Xiao Long around the Solitas R&D facilities that are specialized in inventing of weapons, thought miss Yang was very unsatisfied with the excurse which she found a boring her words, not my."

"Yea, that sounds like Yang..."

Ruby said gigglingly, but then she looked at the Weiss who was now stopped looking at Aegis and looked at her with a little smile that she returned with a wink.

Weiss just smiled, at the start, she was scared, confused and jealous, Weiss thought about herself being very attentive, and so she could piece together the little tibits of information she found and come to the conclusion that the other version of herself was happy and the final nail into her coffin and her conclusion were the ice blue eyes that looked at her from the screen with both confusion and love that she could swear to suffocate in...

But as Weiss emotions became a bigger and bigger mess, her partner who changed her entire life and never let her down, once again came to her help, and the more this Aegis spoke with Ruby the more Weiss calmed down, and as she shot Ruby a grateful smile that she returned with a wink, Weiss knew that Ruby did it for her.

Yes, Ruby was naive little dolt, but Weiss wouldn't ever say that Ruby was stupid, even if sometimes she left herself to act like a child on sugar...

"Yes, Im Weiss Schnee!"

Weiss said with newfound confidence as she looked into the ice-blue eyes that were oh so similar to her own, yet where she was fulled with newfound determination, the others changed into that of amusement.

"I see..."

Aegis said quitly as he looked at her more as if searching for something.

"Then I invite Weiss, and your friend Ruby into my home, I would like to meet you in person, and im sure other members of my family too would like to meet a girl who is their daughter or sister from another world."

"Then you believe us?!"

Ruby said surprisedly as her voice hitched for little and Aegis just looked at her with an enigmatic smile.

"Yes, im very well aware of the existence of other worlds and alternate realities and different dimensions."


Weiss asked quietly and Aegis just shot her a small smile.

"That is secret, but if you visit Schnee's home... YOUR home then you will find all answers you seek for, and even if not im ready to help you find them myself."

Aegis said with a smile and Ruby just brightened as she looked at both Aegis and Weiss, but then her smile dropped as she saw Ozpin who looked at Aegis with neutral expression.

"I remember you gaining new sister King Aegis, sister you given control of Sentries."

Ozpin said as she looked at Aegis who looked back at him with a look that made Ruby shiver.

"Yes, and that is a conversation for another time, but by assured that she has my utmost trust, that should make you feel at ease."

Ozpin just looked at Aegis with a stern gaze that fallen into a relieved smile as if he found some confirmation in Aegis's gaze...

"I see, then I will wait for us to have that conversation in earlier possible time."


Aegis said and looked at now spooked girls.

"Now, I believe that there is a waiting ship in Beacon air docks, so if you wish to see the Schnee family and find both answers and help in person, you should embark them."

Aegis said and then waved with a smile.

"Well see in a short while yes?"

And with that Aegis closed the call and let the occupants of the room look at each other.

"What was that headmaster?"

Asked Weiss and Ozpin just shook his head.

"I thought we told you what happens when you hold secrets! Why don't you tell us if you think there is something wrong?!"

Weiss demanded and Ruby looked worried as Qrow expression palled when he finally remembered the name of Solitas Sentries Commander and looked at Ozpin in alarm as Ozpin shook his head.

"That is another matter, miss Weiss, alas I feel that this topic should be discussed with mister Schnee in person, but I have utmost belief that he does mean no harm to you or miss Rose, and of that im sure as is rest of Remnant, after all if I could tell you just one thing about Aegis Schnee, it would be that he is family-driven man as none other in the entire world."

Ozpin said and looked into his cup deep in thought as his hand clenched in worry...


"And why should we act? Bullying and competition is a standard event in all echelons of society, especially in school."

Eredith said, he didn't approve of bullying, seeing it as a waste of time and unnecessary cruelty, alas they were both guests and foreigners that needed to watch their steps, and Eredith already had enough work to protect their princess than saving some random girl from her cruel classmates.

"It's wrong!"

Harriet said strongly as she looked at Eredith in a heated manner, Eredith just sighed, he could already see the direction this was leading in...

"But normal princess, such activities aren't uncommon even in our world."

"That isn't true! I know that Solitas schooling is free from bullying!"


Eredith stopped himself from speaking, yes Solitas schools changed after Schnee's became royalty, but that wasn't because of some miracle...

No, that was because Aegis Schnee said so and others followed from fear of being on the shit list of Sentries that made even most banal bullying into a big matter, and so teachers who normally would overlook such acts were driven to stomp any bully the moment they know about them for fear of being charged into the prison that became very common after the Solitas Kingdom was formed.

So no, it wasn't because children in Solitas were good, but because of very goodly justified fear of being found out by Sentries under Cinder Fall command.

"Princess, please bear in mind that we aren't in a position to create even more waves that could hurt our objectives."

"Eredith, I. WILL. NOT. LET. THAT. GO!"

Harriet said with fury, she was any injustice, she herself was being tortured something she found out after being accepted into Schnee family and finding out that what Dursleys made was wrong and disgusting by everyone standard, and so Harriet rejected the idea of looking on another side when she was able to help.


Eredith sighed in exasperation.

"Then please tell me how you want to help this girl."

Eredith said and Harriet smiled beamingly that made Eredith even more miserable.

"Why, as teeneger of course!"

"And that is?"


Harriet screamed in rightful rage and Eredith just put hands on his face as he remembered to punish that Sentinel who brought this topic in princess presence...


"Interesting... Thank you Album."

Weiss said as she looked on the screen in the bathroom mirror, just to see an older replica of herself that maybe looked like her but just in body and not a mind.

"What are your plans, sister?"

"Why Album, I wish to see, to witness what Weiss without her Aegis is..."

Weiss said with icy blue eyes that were showing distorted emotions.

"I wanted to forewarn you and make you ready, sister, not send you on the warpath."

Album said as she could guess what Weiss thought, after all she was born from Weiss's brain waves and thus had similar thoughts.

"Oh Album, I will not permit the existence of Weiss that don't belong to my brother..."

Weiss said as frost mist that was so strong that they started to crack the walls in the bathroom as she watched the screen with dead eyes.

"Peace was never option Album, I will not let anybody question my love, the Weiss Schnee love for her big brother."

Weiss said, and the mirror cracked and closed the holo-screen as just Weiss's own image was now reflected in the mirror.

"Never ever and ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, and never ever..."

Said Weiss as her twisted face in the mirror smiled at her.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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