

The first thing that came to Aegis's mind was Brown...

Aegis who came to the coffee shop hour before meeting time to enjoy the scenery and everyday life of civilians for once with good coffee and a clear view of the streets.

And before he knew it, the time flew like the wind, as he could see his target among the crowd.

And if he were to describe her, the first thing that would come to his mind would be brown, like a lot of brown...

Short brown hair, with light brown skin, and a beauty mark below her left eye, that too was brown.

With clothes that were combining brown, yellow, and white blouses.

She was one kind of beauty that Aegis could say for sure.

But the next thing that came to Aegis's mind was magic.

Aegis who spent a lot of time near magic-capable individuals, build his own sense for magic perception, Harriet, Cinder, Raven, Salem, Ciri.

All of them had magic, all of them had a different feel, but if he could guess, then Amber is like Raven, thus marking her as Maiden.

"Hello, im Amber."

Amber said and Aegis stood up and gave her his hand to which she accepted and wanted to shake, just for Aegis to bend his head to kiss her knuckles.


Amber said embarrassedly.

Amber had multiple partners in her long life, but never, never someone kissed her hand like some prince from a fairytale!

"Glad to meet you miss Amber, here let me."

Said Aegis as he moved a chair to Amber, who had deep blush on her pale brown face.

Aegis let Amber gather her wits as he interestedly observed her, Aegis knew these actions of his were born from Weiss's tries to make him into gentlemen that would gather ladies hearts, and in truth, Aegis didn't care about Amber, not really.

But, but it was Weiss who taught him to be a gentleman, and Aegis would sooner die than to reject his little sister's desire.

"So, even if I can sense why you contacted me, I would like to hear it from your mouth miss Amber."

Aegis said, and the moment he said SENSE Amber panicked for a short while, just to calm down.

"So you truly know... I thought it was just another test from Ozpin..."

Amber said, and Aegis inclined his head.

"Im, to understood that this isn't a rare event for you?"

Aegis asked and Amber lightly laughed.

"No, gods no, Ozpin likes to send test for, um those with deep powers."

Amber said as she stopped herself from saying magic as she realized she is still in public.

"I see, not surprising, after all, all men in power have a strong tendency for controlling others, just means change, Ozpin seems to like to test his people."

Aegis said and he meant it, as he himself had a strong tendency to supervise his people, that was the reason he had entire facilities under supervision, either from his droids or hidden cameras, he was unwilling to repeat the mutant outbreak.

"All men huh, you too, mister Schnee?"

Amber asked half teasingly and half-seriously, after she gathered her wits, her long life of traveling experience told her to be careful, and that was bad when you are maiden, it meant that even with the help of her magic, she had a very slim chance to defeat this Aegis Schnee.

"All men, and im not different in that regard, and please call me Aegis."

Aegis said with a chuckle and Amber nodded her head.

"Then you may call me Amber."

Aegis nodded and called for the waitress.

"What will you have dear hosts, nyaa?"

Asked cat faunus, and Amber just deadpanned as she could see the faunus waitress eyes trail Aegis as if he was a piece of meat for the cat to play with.

"I will have a latte, and you, Amber?"

Aegis asked and Amber broke of her gaze from waitress to her menu.

"Um, I would like cappuccino and that strawberry cake."

Amber said and the waitress nodded her head as her cat ears twitched.

"Good choice nyaa, I will be back shortly nyaa."

As the waitress walked off with their orders Amber just couldn't help but watch her ears.

"You know that nyaa tic she speaks with is just a means to get a bigger tip, right?"

Amber said as she looked at Aegis who was smiling at her.

"I know, and she knows my real identity, even if im not much in public, there are stills a lot of articles about me, after all im the shadow leader of Atlas, or how the people like to call me."

Aegis said with a light-hearted laugh, to which Amber nodded her head.

Amber still had difficulties in accepting that the boy, no man before her is probably the most prominent figure in all of the Remnant with his wealth and personnel that she heard even Ironwood envies.

"And, I truly like their coffee."

Aegis said as he looked at his empty mug that waitress forget to take.

"Oh did you wait long? I thought the meeting was at nine?"

Amber said panicly as she tried to remember if she misspoke and let Aegis wait for her.

"No, I just wished for little time for myself and to see changes with my own eyes."

Aegis said and Amber could feel him speak the truth, but there was a strange undertone as she saw him look from the window at the streets.

"You never know how much can be changed by simple acts..."

Aegis mumbled and remembered times when faunus were looked down upon when they needed to hide or band together to protect themselves.

Now? Now Aegis sits in one of the most popular coffee shops that belong to faunus and is being served by the faunus without any sight of prejudice in the vicinity.

"Yes, I heard a lot of changed in Atlas, I truly didn't believe it at first."

Amber said as she too remembered her last time in Atlas and Mantle, and it was like two different worlds, where previously she saw a bleak picture of now she saw rainbow all around her as both humans and faunus worked together without any violence.

"Tell me, Amber, if you were given a choice to live how you wish, what would you pay for it?"

Aegis asked as he looked into Amber's eyes that showed both confusion and caution.

"Is it an offer?"

Amber asked and Aegis inclined his head on the side.

"Do you wish for it to be offer?"

Aegis asked the Fall maiden.


Amber started but stopped as she tried to weigh her options.

"Yes, yes I wish for it to by offer."

Amber said and Aegis could see what lay behind the facade of a confident woman, it was tiredness and a bitter reality she was constantly pushed into.

"I see."

Aegis said and took Amber's hand into his as to squeeze it.

"Then, I will say it just once, will you join me?"

Aegis asked and Amber looked at her hand that Aegis held with a strange expression...

The Fall maiden looked into the warm blue eyes and made up her mind.


So comment if you like it or give spirit stones my dears xD

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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