

Five Bullheads flew across snow plains in a hurry ignoring any Grimm in the vicinity, and these bullheads were different from others as it was more significant from standard bullheads be more than half. The reason for it was apparent as it had four additional weapon emplacements and tougher armor platting.

The bullheads were painted in white color with a blue snowflake symbol on its back, pointing at its owner, the SDC company.

And the reason why it was in a hurry was inside of one of Bullhead, Aegis Schnee himself came to look into the matter.

Aegis was now reading throughout the files he gets before the facility went dark, pointing to the reason why as the facility was researching one of Aegis's main concerns, immortality.

The facility was housing one of Aegis's most important objects, a man with regenerative semblance.

The man now named subject zero was a man that lived for two hundred years, and yet he looked at his early thirties. In his long life, the man changed multiple professions, with his last one being successful crime lord in Mistral, the moment Aegis found out about the regenerative powers that did slow subject zeros aging be such high margin made order to apprehend him and transport him for research silently.

The reports Aegis gets from the research were promising as they were able to transport the regenerative powers into other humans and animals with just small problems. Unfortunately, the regenerative powers were very weak outside of the support of subject zero semblance, at least that seemed at that time.

The researchers tried to combine the regenerative powers of subject zero with other regenerative abilities of animals that could regrow their body parts, such as starfish, flatworm, and Axolotl.

The first stages of the combination were unsuccessful as the genes of animals and humans rejected each other.

That was until they started mutating them on the atom level.

That was when results started to become chaotic.

Some of the subjects that were given the mutated regenerative powers started to show not just psychical deformities but even mental ones.

When scientists looked into it, they found out that the mutated regenerative serums not just regenerated lost or injured parts of the body but started to change the bodies from inside slowly.

One of the last reports showed that the mutated regenerative power was acknowledged as a virus by the Head researcher, who found out that it forcefully changed the subjects internal and external parts in a horrible way, but the most worrying to Robert Willson were the brain images that showed the virus building a slug-like organ inside of subjects head.

It was not clear if the virus had its own intelligence, but the Head researcher order complete quarantine and extermination of all subjects, be it human or animal.

That was the last report before the facility gone dark.

Aegis had the idea of what happened as the notes he gave to researchers from his memories from shadowlands were from researchers that worked on bioweapons. Aegis was just glad that he made contingency plans for such an outbreak inside of the facility.

In case of quarantine being activated, the defense towers outside of the facility would shoot anything that would leave the quarantine zone without his own order.

The same goes for Bastion that was stationed outside of the facility, and Aegis just hoped it was enough and noted to himself to make more contingency plans as he now knows that these things could be made even there.

Still, that was the reason Aegis himself was going there, and the regenerative powers were just too crucial for Aegis to just purge the entire complex. If Aegis could take out the harmful agents from the mutated serum, he is sure that it could be his key to make his loved ones stop aging and reduce the chance of them dying.

"Etta, five minutes."

Pillot said, and Aegis just closed his scroll.

"Hey boss, are you sure these things aren't just Grimms?"

Asked one of the more young soldiers who clearly was worried about the idea that zombies exist.

"Yes, you saw the recording, the things inside arent Grimms."

Aegis said without emotion as he looked on the defense towers that could be already seen scanning anything in the vicinity.

"Shit, well, that would be messy."

The soldier said, and it was the truth, they usually fight Grimms what don't bleed or leave after themselves body when they die.

With was annoying for Aegis and all researchers as they can study Grimms bound in cages without any way to dissect them without them just evaporating.

"We are there."

Aegis said, and the doors of Bullhead opened, letting soldiers quickly stepped out and surveyed the area for anything dangerous.

"Relax, as you can see, Bastions did they work."

Aegis said as he saw fifty Bastion units outside of Facility main doors aiming at the doors.

The doors themselves were damaged with holes in them that showed that something from inside tried to get outside just to be gunned down by Bastions that were guarding them.

Aegis saw blood and body parts on the floor, body parts that were even now moving...


Aegis said to soldiers that wanted to get a closer look and pulled out his spear.

"Let me see."

Aegis said and deactivated his weight glyphs and became ready for any situation.

Which was good as the moment Aegis came close to the bloody tentacle-like thing, it threw itself at Aegis in surprising speed, but Aegis just pinned it down with his spear without a problem.

"This could be a problem."

Aegis said as no longer were mutated animals and humans threat.

But even something so small could pose a significant threat.

"Build HQ hundred meters from there, fifty meters from doors would be quarantine zone that, use fire to burn everything that is made of blood and meat! Anybody who comes closer can just in biohazard suits!"

Aegis said, and his soldiers started to work as they saw the tentacle themselves.

Aegis looked at the Bastions that were there and made a note to rewrite their threat list and add body parts on it too.


There was a sound from inside of the facility, and Aegis just looked with cold eyes on the shadows that could be seen moving from the hole-in-the doors.

"I need to get the cameras working."

Aegis mumbled to himself as he gave the hole last look and made his way to call additional personnel with equipment for prolonged operation.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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