

Weiss was the happiest when she was able to persuade her big brother to sleep with her!

Well, persuasion is a little strong to her method that she uses on her big brother, as she just needs to dip her head a little with a sad smile, and her big brother always just gives up on resisting her.

Oh, Weiss knows she has wrapped her big brother around her finger, but it is for his sake!

What if some of these hussies she read and heard about approached him?!

That's a big No-No!

Just imagine that someone woman would have the same intentions on her big brother just because he was wealthy was a big NO. After all, Weiss will not permit another Jacques tragedy!

So she made a plan!

Weiss knew she couldn't be with her big brother at all times, so she comes with a plan. Her big brother has such weakness for his family and, most importantly, his little sister.

So she started looking for girls who will be her sister in the arms to protect her big brother from the hussies!

Harriet came first, and Weiss immediately knew that the little shy and hurting girl would be the ideal little sister she seeks!

So she made her brother, little by little, accept her into the family, and it was a success!

After that, Weiss started secretly taught Harriet the dangers of hussies and different women. Harriet, who never had a loving family, immediately built up protective for her new big brother. Aegis showed her the love she always desired.

So that was one, but it was not enough!

No, not enough, just two little sisters can't protect hers, still growing big brother!

So she spoke with Harriet, who acknowledged the need for another's help, so they searched for suitable candidates. Still, nobody was good enough for Weiss and Harriet standards.

Until she came, flowing red hair, with green eyes not so different from the Harriet, and hurting inside seeking for kinship!

Pyrrha was an ideal candidate for little sister! So Weiss and Harriet spoke to her and asked her differents kinds of questions without making anybody suspicious, and when they get all the answers, they wanted Weiss, and Harriet just nodded at each other.

They hugged Pyrrha and called her sister, and as they planned, their big brother Aegis immediately accepted them to their home!

So now they needed to train Pyrrha in their way of thinking, and this time, Weiss made sure she would not make the same mistake she made with Harriet.

Oh, Weiss is satisfied with Harriet, but she made her too independent, and now she made Weiss furious when she heard that Harriet's birthday wish was to get hugged by HER big brother any time she wished!

Harriet has done that without even speaking to her first!

And to even dare to stick out her tongue at her! HER!

After that, Weiss plotted that she needed to bring favor back to herself again, and Pyrrha would be the ideal weapon against Harriet's puppy dog eyes!

These eye techniques were cursed! CURSED, SHE SAYS!

So before Harriet was even able to speak with Pyrrha in private, Weiss made beth with Pyrrha that the one who wins in their spars will be a leader.

Pyrrha didn't know what leader Weiss meant. Still, the cursed Harriet knew and wanted to stop Pyrrha from accepting immediately. Still, it was too late as Pyrrha took her challenge.

So they are fought against each other, and Weiss won all of one on one fights.

Of course, she would win, Weiss thought with a smug smile. She saw her big brother use their family semblance in many different ways, and as his little sister, she made sure to remember all of them!

Harriet was good, Pyrrha too wasn't bad, but they could not win against her in one on one fights as Weiss was able to manipulate the surroundings with her semblance.

Weiss's most favored move was to summon ice swords that she sends on her opponents in salvos. Thanks to her brother, who made her clothing from woven dust, she had enough ammunition for hours of casting if she didn't get tired.

So after she won, she made Pyrrha swear that she will not try to take her place as Aegis's most loved sister!

Pyrrha, still not understanding, accepted it even as Harriet had a sour expression on her face.

Then the time of training come, and Weiss, with now helping Harriet taught Pyrrha everything they knew about their big brother Aegis and the dangers that could come if some hussie sank her filthy nails into their loving big brother!

It did take time, but in the end, Pyrrha saw their reasoning and joined them in protecting her new big brother, who saved her and her mother from an awful fate.

Weiss was far from satisfied with their progress, but now she had the excellent groundwork for fulling her big brother's heart!

Still, Weiss was confused why every time she saw someone other than herself hug her big brother felt so much anger and something else?

The worst was when she saw her mother Willow and big sister Winter hug her big brother Aegis!

At this time, she felt something foul in her chest...

She must speak with them, and she will talk with her mother first and see why she felt like that...


Willow sipped her tea as she listened to Alexandra and Iris speaking about some of her son's work, oh she knew about what they say, but she didn't really care as the paperwork was never her strong side.

Willow was satisfied with her progress in charity programs that finally started to bear fruits in the form of orphans that were scouted from them as new SDC candidates for employment. The ones that showed high IQ or talent were given a chance to gain full sponsorship on continuous studies under the condition that once they end their studies, they will join SDC.

"Willow, what do you think?"

Willow woke up from her thoughts as she heard Iris ask her question.

"Can you repeat that, Iris?"

Iris just sighted good-naturedly at her friend's absentminded.

"I said that Alexandra would be an ideal candidate for Aegis helper, as you know even if im his secretary I cant do all the work as to take care of his appointments and different task that is growing every day, Aegis needs someone who will help him with the paperwork as I don't have time for it."

Iris said with a sigh, and Willow just nodded as she knew that now that her son is both heads of SDC and Mayor of Mantle, his work is enormous, no need to say about the papers he needed to sing. There were at least fifty different reports and documents that needed his sign form or attention...

"Yes, but are you sure, Alexandra, that you want the work?"

What Willow asked was that if she was sure she was capable enough.

"Yes, Willow, I need to thank you and your son for accepting my daughter and me into your family. Truly this is the first time I ever saw my daughter smile from her heart."

Alexandra said as she remembered her daughter, who previously never truly smiled. Yes, she did smile, but it was nothing but a polite facade, but now?

Now Alexandra could see her daughter smile every time she saw her!

Indeed the Schnee family is the best thing that ever happened to them, and she felt she needed to prove just how much she is appreciative of their kindness...

"Well, if you are sure."

Willow said with a smile as she didn't have anything against Alexandra, who she now saw as her friend, just like with Iris.

"Now, that we speak about Aegis, did you already make a move, Willow?"

Iris asked with a sly tone.

Willow just spat her tea and blushed as she looked at Alexandra, who had a confused expression that morphed into a shocking surprise to a polite smile. Still, Willow saw the strange glint in Alexandra's eyes. It was the same kind Iris had when she teased her!

These sadistic bitches!

"Ohoho? What move does Iris speak of Willow? Don't tell me that something is going on between you and Aegis?."

Alexandra said with a predatory smile.

Willow just blushed, and she petulantly looked at Iris with a pout.

"Nothing happened. I still didn't find a way to breach that line."

Willow said with a sad smile.

Alexandra lost her sadistic grin and taken Willow's hands into hers.

"Willow, dear, there is nothing wrong in loving your son more than a mother should. After all, you cant choose who you love, but you must act before it's too late."

Alexandra said with an encouraging smile.

"you make it better than I thought, Alexandra."

Willow said with a puzzled expression.

"Do I? Well, maybe it's because my parents were brother and sister."

Alexandra smiled and continued.

"My parents were the best parents child could wish for, they were kind and stern, they never pampered me, but I had all the love I could wish for, OF course, there were people who criticized my parents, but there were people who accepted them too."

Alexandra said and squeezed Willow's hands.

"Do you think Iris would ask you that question if she didn't know about my stance? She was the one who came to me and asked me to help you with your dilemma."

Alexandra said, and Willow's eyes widened at the now gently smiling Iris, who stood up and came to hug her from behind.

"There is nothing wrong to be happy, Willow, and if there are people who would judge you, then what? These persons aren't important."

Alexandra said, and Iris continued.

"And I don't think my boss Aegis would not let anybody badmouth you, Willow, and you know how protective he is of the ones he sees as family."

Iris said and smiled at the boy boss she had, and indeed he was the best thing to ever happen to her, and if she weren't tired from relationships and sex, she would go for him herself.

Maybe in the future, now she would enjoy her freedom.

And seeing both her friend and boss having a relationship is like a drama show!

And what kind of woman didn't like to watch such forbidden drama?!

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