

*Author note*

Yes, both Earth and Remnant are separated worlds. How did Harriet end up by Aegis's side? Well, Magic, of course!

Well, she returns to Earth? Let us say that Prophecy is the very adamant thing...

How? Thin about fourth Hogwarts year...

And Yes, Aegis will have a romantic relationship with Willow, Winter, and Weiss, and about others? That will tell just time...

Oh, Yes, there will be some yuri, but every Girl that will be in Aegis harem will be loyal to him, but Aegis is just one man who has other things for work than sleeping with his girls all the time, so yes, when Aegis couldn't be present then they can satisfy each other...


And if you don't like how Harriet looks, then just google Girl with black wavy hair and green eyes and don't stop looking until you find a girl you would like to Harriet look! :D

Btw there will be a world-traveling, but that would be really as all matters in Remant, and Wizard Earth would be taken care of...

And SCP... Oh boy, I released Kraken, didn't I ? :D


Aegis was sitting in his office as was already normal for him and revied all feed with the flaming bird and to say he didn't found out how it comes here or the absurd latter for Harriet it brought with him made Aegis antsy as he once again needed to make plans of mansion defense against clearly teleporting users...

*Brrrrrr brrrrr*

Aegis looked and smiled as he saw the identity of the caller.

"Ghira, how pleasant for you to call. I hope all is alright?"

Aegis asked the faunus leader who he comes to like the more he spoke with him.

"Aegis! I have great news! With your new powerplants and articulate plans, I could extend Menagerie borders without fear of running out of dust or manpower! Just look at th---"

As Ghira was excitedly telling Aegis about the results of his help to the Menagerie power supply and food problems, the doors in Ghira's study opened...

"AAAAAHHH Blakey nooo daddy have important conversations!"

Aegis could hear another of his acquaintances...

Or Friends as every time Aegis tried to speak with her respectfully, she just shot him down and reprimanded him for talking to her more familiarly...

Aegis just looked as head with of black hair and cat ears stuck out of the doorway and as Aegis looked closer he could finally see the famed baby kitty of Ghira and---

"Blakey! I said you numerous times to not disturb your dad when he speaks with somebody!"

Said the woman who was now coming through the door, petite hourglass figure, short black hair with diamond oval face and cat ears with yellow eyes...

"Ah, Helou Kali..."

Aegis said with a smile to a newcomer who immediately looked at him after hearing his voice...

"GHIRA! You didn't say that you will be speaking with Aegis!"

Kali reprints her husband as she pulls a twelve-year-old girl before herself and makes her look at Aegis.

"And Aegis, why do you call just when is something happening?! I already said to call us whenever you want to speak to someone!"

Kali said with reprimanding tone, and Aegis just smiled at her...

Indeed Kali was sometimes just too much open for Aegis, who liked to hide his emotions...

Alas, Aegis just couldn't say no to the cat woman whose ears always deflated when he was about to say no to her...

"Sorry, Kali, just too much work."

Aegis apologized as he saw Ghira giving him a pitying expression...

"NO matter, young man! Look who you finally met! This little kitty is my and Ghira's daughter Blake! Common Blake says hi to Aegis!"

Kali says as she is poking her daughter, who looks at Aegis with a strange expression...

"Ah well, as you already heard im Aegis Schnee. Nice to meet you, Blake."

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