
Rebuilding Dragon God Trials

All the Elders, Maids and Xiao Long Harem have gathered in front of the cave. This cave was strange as it was empty but at the same time it was not.

As Xiao Long entered it and never left it.

That was several days ago.

Eventually, with an azure blast of energy, the Young Master of Floating Cloud Sect walked out the front of the cave.

In his hands he was holding an azure egg, it was quite a scaly one, quite different from the Phoenix one.

'Is that another egg!?'

Xing Tong felt utterly spooked because of how heavy the presence of this egg was!


The elders rushed over, followed by his maids and his wife and fiance.

They quickly surrounded him.

"Is everything alright!?"

"Yes-Yes, I just finished Primordial Azure Dragon's trials." As he said that he called forth his cultivation.

Everyone is shocked to sense that he has reached the Monarch!

The Young Master just skipped 5 minor realms at Overlord!

"And got a boost in cultivation."

"Oh, impressive! As expected from my Grandson! First ever Monarch of our Sect and he is a Xiao!" Xiao Li exclaimed happily.

"Is that egg… is it the Primordial Azure Dragon!?" Xing Tong asked as she floated over into the circle.

She asked because it's huge! Primordial Azure Dragon was THE strongest True God, just below Creation Gods! Its fighting strength could rival them!

"Yep, I think I broke my buddy Big Blue."

"Big Blue?"

"His nickname, anyway, I have close to half a million corpses of Profound beasts."

"H-Half a million!?"

"Yes, in the second trial, I needed to kill 499999 Profound Beasts. I have all their corpses in my storage space."



"Does this mean we are getting a fourth island?"

"Hmm, not really, I can build trial grounds on Xiao Island."

"I see, I see the point of that." The Sect Master said that as he looked around, it was a wasteland!


Xing Tong was baffled, Primordial Azure Dragon, such a beast's legacy was left here!

And now in its entirety, it will be added to the Floating Cloud Sect which already has Phoenix Legacy!

This was insane.

'I should go through the trials! The blood of the Primordial Dragon gives an unparalleled constitution to one's body! This legacy mixes well with any other legacy!'

"Tong'er, my cute crimson kitten~"

"Gah!? W-W-Why you keep on calling me like that!?" The Slaughter God reeled back and took a few steps back. That attack was critical to her heart!

"Nothing I was feeling extra happy this time around. I got close to 250 thousand Monarch Profound Cores plus the blood. Then a large bucket of dragon blood AND lastly bone marrow of Azure Dragon himself."


'He didn't finish the trials, he broke them, completely consumed the whole thing!'

Cold sweat dripped down her forehead.

"W-What are you going to do with all of this?"

"Rebuild the trials on Xiao Island, then do some work with Slaughter God's Godly essence."


"What did you just say!?"

She jumped on him and grabbed his cheeks making him look directly at her.

"What about Godly essence!?"

He chuckled at how the boundaries between them shrunk to this level. Now the crimson kitten doesn't mind doing things like that.

"D-Don't laugh! O-Okay!?" She quickly let him go as she realised how embarrassing this was.


He stopped laughing before bringing his right hand close to his chest.

With a burst of light, the Mirror of Samsara appeared.

"This is!!!"

"Mirror of Samsara, the Seventh Heavenly Treasure, and I am its Master."

"N-No way! What does it even do!? Records of this treasure never said what it does, only speculations!"

"Power over Reincarnation, Karma and Destiny."

Her eyes bulged out as she connected the dots.


He summoned a blob of Crimson energy showing it to her. The crimson girl's eyes bulged out as there was a reaction from her very being!

"This is… Slaughter God's Godly Essence!"

"Yep, I used the mirror to visit the place where the god died, the place between life and death, from my understanding after the Samsara Well or something like that is destroyed, the flow of souls and reincarnation doesn't exist anymore."

"D-Does this means you can resurrect people!?" All of a sudden she became extremely happy.

"I guess? Could have resurrected the Slaughter God, but instead decided to keep the essence to myself."

"Amazing! You could resurrect my brother and my mother!" She said that with a gushing tone, the girl was almost dancing.

"I don't know. You do realise that I need a connection to them, plus didn't your brother kill himself by trying to serve Ying'er?"

"That bitch lied!" The redhead exclaimed angrily.

"Sorry to disappoint you but she did not. When it comes to her pride she won't lie."

"How do you know that!?"

"Because I made HER obsessed with me, the girl would tell me everything without lying just to get my attention."

"...Still, she could lie."

"And make me disappointed in her? Do you know what will happen if I tell her that I can resurrect her mother?"


There is no point in her being angry here, she won't get anything!

"Fine, he killed himself, but he is still my brother! I want him alive!" Xing Tong caved in just to allow her brother to be resurrected.

"And for such a wimp I would need to gather energy for nearly half a year?"


"O-Okay? What is it you want me to do?" By this point the Crimson Kitten was anxious.

"I don't know. You are the one who wants this. Half a year of pure energy gathering to resurrect a wimp is boring."

"Then my mother!"

"What am I going to do with her?" He said with an eye roll.


"For me? Please!? I will follow any commands! I Promise!"

The girl ended up bowing like her forehead touched the ground.


"Fine, whatever, if I help you then I am sure Ying'er will want the same thing. For that alone I will waste a year and a half. I will make you two work to the bone."

He said that as he counted in his head, 3 people that's around a year and a half.

But, at least he will have their utter and complete loyalty.

"YES! Y-y-your Kitten promises to follow all your commands!" Xing Tong bashfully said that with a deep blush. It's embarrassing but she can live with this!

"Nice to hear, I will be getting those cat ears for you."

"I-I don't mind!"

She said that with a serious tone.

"Very well."

The deep blush returned to her cheeks. She might have overdone it…

After finishing the trials, the floating islands started to move towards Heavenly Sword Villa.

It will take around 5 to 6 months to arrive there. The speed of the moving islands is not fast, and the distance is quite large, what would take for a [Sky Profound] or a Throne to fly in just under a day it would take their islands close to half a year.

But that doesn't matter, they have time so why not fly there slowly?

With a new destination set Xiao Long proceeded to dumb some of the beast corpses for rendering.

He needed to create an upgraded version of rendering formation to deal with Monarch realm beasts.

And he could not dumb all of the corpses as it would destabilise the floating island, that's just how much he has of them.

Then after that, he made several Monarch Awakening Pills, and placed the dragon egg in the Cultivation Tower, as the beast's egg doesn't have a true preference, a place where Profound energy is the thickest is the best place for such being.

After that Xiao Long proceeded to build the new trials.

Around a week into it, he was nearly done with the foundations. It's not as hard, he already has foundations in the form of Seven Floor Pagoda.

He already knows how to spawn monsters, in mass. What he developed from the very ground up was the Stone Warrior part, the first trial. It was interesting as he was making a stone figurine able to move.

"Ugh, when can you start gathering energy for the Reincarnation?"

Xing Tong interrupted Xiao Long's thoughts as the Crimson Kitchen was always next to him now.

"I am busy, Tong'er." He said with a sigh.


"Sheesh I have things to do like finishing the trials and adding Dragon God's constitution to myself." He said with an eye roll.

The Slaughter God mumbled to herself as she brushed her hair, she could feel the fake cat ears! He was quick to give her this accessory but bringing her family? Now that will take time!


Setting up the Dragon Trials took time, but not something he needed to create from scratch. The only thing he created from scratch was the Stone Warriors, the first trial.

After that, it was just basic work. To expand the size of the trial space Xiao Long used True God Language, with this trick the size of the trial ground was around 3 times the size of the island. Not big, but the whole point of the second trial is to kill a large number of beasts.

And lastly, the second and third trial is the same as the Phoenix one.

So nothing intricate, after finishing everything Xiao Long went to do some other work, and that is to finish the scheme with loyalty.

He has the ring but now he needs to make his clansmen consume the blood-purity pills.

'Nah, this is not enough.'

To make it even better he decided to create an array which could directly purify the blood and mark it with runes.

'Projections arrays, projects runes into the blood and at the same time purifies the blood.'

This was similar to what he had built in the Phoenix trial grounds. People who don't have Feng blood, they get a blood purity boost.

"Long'er! Why didn't you say that Azure Dragon Trials are done!?"

Some of the elders asked him what he thought about the purity Formations.

"Hmm? Oh right, they are done. Take this to the Contribution Hall." Xiao Long handed over a scroll with a few talismans.

"Damn, so busy that you even forgot that you finished the trials!"

"You could say that."

As the elder took the scrolls and the talismans the Young Master returned to his work.


The word that the trials were opened to everyone spread out like wildfire!

It doesn't help that the tournament is around the corner, the Youngsters from Floating Cloud Sect are pumped up about this.

The reason is that two of these youngsters will represent the Blue Wind Empire's Royal Family and Floating Cloud Sect.

In other words, they will get fame and loads of contribution points.

This alone made them enter a frenzy.

"What the hell! 50 thousand for entry!? And the trials could last up to half a year!?"

"This is insanity!"

"Heavens! What did the Young Master build there!?"

The youngsters who were below the middle stages of [Earth Profound] could participate in this tournament. Anyone who was above that could not.

So they could get the talisman and enter the trials, but the issue is that the trials cost a fortune AND only one can enter at a time. This means if one enters he won't exit for a long time.

But, the students quickly realised one issue.

The whole thing has been booked by the elders already.

They will only get entry into the Trial Grounds in 5 to 6 years.

"Damn! By that point, I will be in my middle twenties!"

"Tell me about it!"

The pair of students walked away, hell, they can try Phoenix Trials but those won't give them real Phoenix blood!

However, a few days later they all heard that the list was empty! All the elders failed to finish even the first trial!

So the word quickly spread that the Dragon God Trials were extremely difficult and they are miles apart from Phoenix Trials!

"Damn, Young Master is not messing around!"

"Yes, however, this is different from the original because none of the elders died! At least that's what the Young Master said!"

"True, we can start preparing for them!"

Sure enough, even though the booking for the Dragon trials could be set for more than ten years upfront, one booking represents half a year.

This won't matter as the whole list can disappear in just a few days.

After all, not many even last more than a day inside.

This was good for Xiao Long who was to keep his Sect always alert and on their toes.


A few days after setting everything up, Xiao Long gathered his harem and a bunch of extras from Feng clan members and Frozen Cloud Fairies.

The reason for this is to start his plot to root out the trash and lazy people.

"The reason I have called you here is because I need someone who could look out for me to see if someone is abusing our Sect for completely selfish reasons.

Getting strong is fine, but what comes afterwards is important.

I am talking about my Princess' latest creation, the Lifeforce Restoring Pill. This pill will turn people into lazy ones as they could technically live forever.

My Sect doesn't need leeches and this extra baggage. This is why I am asking to observe and look for people who could potentially do nothing with their time and don't train.

Report it to me and I shall deal with them."

After finishing his speech there were a few questions after, but soon enough the majority of people left.

Cang Yue quickly walked over to his side.

"I am sorry. Didn't expect this pill to make such large waves."

Xiao Long pulled her into his hands and kissed her forehead.

"It's fine. The same thing happened to me as well. But at the same time, this is an opportunity to weed out the garbage."

She slowly nodded, there was a small smile on her lips.

"Yes, but it will be hard for us to do this. You have brought so many cores and blood, the majority of the sect will be Overlords and Monarchs soon."

"I know, this is why it's a long-term plan."

She nodded once again before leaning into his chest.

At that moment he could feel a bunch of gazes on him, Xia Qingyue, Chu Yuechan, Gong Yuxian, and Feng Qianhui, the ladies looked at the pair with serious jealousy.

"I know, since you are quite good at this, I could promote you to Alchemy Hall to be an Elder?"

"Eh? Me an Elder? Are you sure?"

"Yep, plus you could watch them for me? And get some students under you?"

For a second she nodded, before imagining herself having a special place just for herself and her future husband!

That's right! She wouldn't need to rent a house on the other side of the city!

"Alright! I accept this deal!" Cang Yue smiled, there was a crafty look on her face.

"Good girl."

As he said that he kissed her on the lips for a second.


After the meeting was finished, Xiao Long spent a while in Frozen Cloud Island. He was finally setting the place up.

A Mountain was created by all the dirt which was dug up before.

Another one was a mountain that was created opposite to the first one, this was created from the Underground Cultivation Hall.

Bunker would sound strange, so they went with Hall.

Regardless after finishing the mountains, It looked like Frozen Cloud Hall was made between two mountains in a valley.

'A city between two tits… damn…'

Such a setup would help to keep the cold on the island. Xiao Long has set two formations which would keep the place in permanent permafrost.

Apart from this Xiao Long has installed several support buildings which are not as cold. There are hot springs, resting areas and places where one could enjoy warmth as many of the fairies have developed a curiosity for the other two islands.

So he brought some of it to their islands.

Once the cultivation part was set, it was time to start building the mines.

After making a basic tunnel and stuff like that, Xiao Long handed over the reins of this to the Contribution Hall which will need to deal with Gong Yuxian and Feng Qianhui.

It was amusing to watch how frosty the pair of women were with other men who are not him.

"Are you done yet?"

Xing Tong appeared next to the Young Master.

"What is it?" He asked her, turning around and looking at the cute Crimson Kitten, those fake ears are just the cutest to look at!

"Did you finish with all the tasks?" She asked him with a sigh.

"I still got some dragon god blood splicing to do and check if I could recreate the bones."

"Ugh…can we start the part where you start gathering the energy for the reincarnation?"

"Hmm, you seriously want me to spend months in that tower again?"

"N-No I mean, you could spend the majority of your time there, gather the energy and then return home in the evening!"

She quickly adjusted her idea.

"I could join you and keep the company!"

Yes, she could do that AND she would reach the peak of Monarch as well!

Such a grand idea!


"Fine I guess, let me get another tattoo first."

He sighed as he changed his direction and proceeded to walk towards his warehouse.

"Is there a different way to get the aspects of bloodline or tattoo is the only way?"

She asked him curiously, after all she wants him to be interested instead of bored! So she is keeping the conversation going.

"Hmm, possible, we could add a third option, for example when your blood gets potency up it could be infused with the aspect of Dragon God constitution."

"Oh, that could work! One would not need to worry about an excess of tattoos!" Xing Tong quickly got excited about this new option.

"Yes, I guess, this way my harem could get the same bonuses without the worry of tattoos."


The Crimson Kitten agreed on this, this was the whole point of it.


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