
Chapter 210 - Frustrations and Helplessness

"Right," Rynold groaned and sat back up.

Neana went and sat by the table at the side of the room. The food wasn't there before, making Rynold think someone must've brought it here while he was in the shower. Regardless, Neana was right. The food did smell amazing.

"Let me warn you," Neana said as she settled down on a chair, "It smells better than it looks."

"Seems like an understatement," Rynold added as he came up to the table not soon after. The food smelled great, even more so now that he was closer to it. But, it certainly didn't look the part. Nobody plated the food right as they were in small metal lunchboxes.

As Rynold sat next to Neana at the table, which could only seat two people, they began eating. The atmosphere around them was comfortable. They talked while they ate, much like those who are in a relationship. It was a nice and pleasant evening, nothing more to it than that.

"So," Rynold spoke as the conversation reached this point. "How's the kid? He's in the room next to us, yeah?"

"Yeah," Neana answered as she stuffed her mouth with yet another spoonful of food, "He said he wanted to spend some time alone. I don't really know what that means, but I'm sure he's fine."

Rynold looked at Neana, who seemed hungrier than he was, and smiled. It was a sight to see Neana do whatever she wanted in front of Rynold. It was a sign that Neana was comfortable around him.

And, it sure as hell was cute.

"Maybe I should spend the night in his room," Rynold nodded as he took another bite of vegetables. "I mean, he is still a kid, right? It'll be irresponsible of me to leave him by his lonesome. Someone needs to watch over him. And, I probably shouldn't sleep in the same room with you."

After saying that, Neana looked at Rynold dead in the eye. Her expression gave the subtle context of bafflement, thinking what Rynold had just said as something unbelievable.

"What?" Rynold asked cluelessly, not knowing what Neana was trying to tell him. "It's wrong for a guy and a girl to sleep in the same room, let alone the same bed. Right? I don't think it's appropriate for 'us' to do something like that."

"Why the hell did you just say 'us' like that?" Neana asked accusingly. And, with a mouthful of food, no less.

"Hm? Well," Rynold hesitantly answered, "I don't know. I don't mean anything by it. The point that I'm trying to make is, we probably shouldn't be sleeping in the same room, at least for tonight."

Rynold could tell that he had given the wrong answer. Even though Neana didn't look upset or anything, Rynold could feel the slight tension in the glare directed at him. It was hard not to miss considering how close the two were sitting together.

"I'm okay with it."

Neana turned back to her meal and ignored Rynold's ignorance. She then swallowed what she had in her mouth and drank some water. After which, she turned back to Rynold and looked deeply into Rynold's eyes.

"I get what you're saying, but you should learn how to loosen up," Neana added with sincerity in her voice. "The kid is doing fine on his own. He wouldn't do something irresponsible or get himself in harm's way. He's too mature to do anything like that."

That said, Rynold stiffened up for what Neana was about to say next. He wasn't so sure why he was tense, but Rynold didn't want to run away from Neana because of it.

"Besides, I trust you enough that you won't be doing anything inappropriate," Neana patted Rynold on the shoulder. "I told you to relax for tonight, right? Both of us are too tired to do anything that requires heavy thinking. We're sleeping tonight, and that's it."

Rynold calmed down for a bit, not knowing what Neana might be planning. Regardless, the two of them retained the same comfortable atmosphere.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Rynold nodded in acknowledgment as he finished his meal. "Still, I think I should check up on him. It's been a long day for all of us. I want to make sure he's fine."

"Go ahead," Neana said as she soon finished up her meal. "I'll be right here when you get back."

"Mmhmm," Rynold confirmed. "Thanks, honey. You're the best."

With the playful end to the conversation, Rynold headed out of the room and went next door. From there, he knocked gently, waiting for the kid to answer.

"Kid? You there?" Rynold asked again, a few seconds later. And then, there was still no answer.

So, Rynold knocked again and again until the kid responded. Each second that passed made him increasingly worry. It got to the point where he wanted to bust the door down. Luckily, though, the kid opened the door in a maddened fury, much to Rynold's surprise.

"I thought something bad happened," Rynold calmed down as he entered the room, "You weren't answering the door for so long, and I got worried."

"I told Neana that I didn't want to be disturbed," the kid answered, anger in his voice. "Did she not tell you that?"

"She did, but I just wanted to see for myself how you were doing. And, by the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you're doing okay."

Looking around, Rynold immediately noticed something wrong. Even though the room was fine and nothing got destroyed, but Rynold could see wet spots around the place. It was weird, but Rynold thought that the kid was unconsciously reverting to a slime.

"I am alright. Just tired is all," the kid was trying his best to get rid of Rynold and return his focus on what he was doing. But, as it stands, it did not go well. Rynold could tell what he was doing.

"You won't be able to control any of your powers like that," Rynold spoke about the child's abilities out of the blue. It was unprompted, but accurate.

"How did you know?"

"How can I not know?" Rynold answered mockingly. "There are wet spots everywhere. Either you're trying to siphon your abilities, or you're doing something private. I'm willing to bet that it's the first one. What the hell were you thinking, man? You shouldn't pressure yourself."

Sitting on a spot on the bed clear from any liquid, Rynold looked at the child with a somewhat concerned look. It carried Rynold's worry of the child, and he wasn't hiding any of it.

"I don't know," the kid answered, sitting next to Rynold. He spoke defeatedly. It was something that Rynold didn't expect to happen.

"Look, I don't know much about your abilities," Rynold admitted, sympathy in his voice. "But, I'm sure as hell that this isn't the way to do it. You, forcing yourself, will amount to more harm than good, okay? Especially considering how long this day's been. You're not in the state of mind to do something like that. You might not even be in the physical condition to do something like that."

As Rynold kept talking, he felt his voice rise in volume. He couldn't help it, of course, as there were some things at stake here. Rynold wouldn't allow the kid to revert to a slime again. But, getting carried away and reprimanding the child wasn't the best way to go about it.

So, Rynold took a sharp breath and exhaled not long after. He placed his hand gently on the kid's back. Rynold then carefully chose the words he would use next.

"Kid, I want you to listen closely to what I have to say, alright?" Rynold became serious. "Your abilities are an extension of yourself. If you keep forcing yourself, you're bound to get hurt. It's great that you're trying to unlock your potential, and by no means should I stop it. But, it doesn't mean that you should force it out. It'll come when you're ready for it. But, for now, rest."

As Rynold said all of this, he felt as though he was going too far. It wouldn't be a surprise if the kid chose not to listen to a word of what he said.

Even though Rynold knew what he was saying, there was no guarantee that the kid would believe it.

"I just...," the kid responded solemnly as his expression noticeably dropped. "I just wanted to be of use. I can't stand idly by anymore and watch. I don't want to be some incapable kid anymore."

Rynold was taken aback by what the kid had said. There was no reason for him to think that way, but Rynold himself could sympathize with the feeling of helplessness. Even so, however, there wasn't anything that could appease that feeling.

"What you're feeling is valid," Rynold said as he let out a deep sigh. "But, like it or not, there are always going to be times like these. Especially moments when you know you could've done something, but you failed to do so. It's unavoidable. And, the things you're feeling right now are only going to get worse if you try and force your way out of it."

Shaking his head in deep regret, Rynold sighed and raised his head. And, after a brief pause, he continued.

"But, so what? No sentient being is capable of handling all their problems on their own. Things would start falling through the cracks and only become worse as they went on. That's the reality of the situation. But that's why I'm here, kid."

Patting him gently on the back, Rynold then turned to the kid and smiled.

"You can count on me. Even if you can't fight right now, I'm here to help you through it. I have your back. And, when the time comes — when you're ready to fight, you'll have my back. Even though you can't do anything right now, it doesn't mean you're some helpless kid. It just means that it's not your time yet. So, take it from me and rest, kid. I'm not going anywhere."

Rynold gave his honest and most sincere effort to the explanation. He had been avoiding doing something like this to the kid as he feared it would warp his judgment.

But, it was the feeling of being lost that got Rynold to talk.

The kid was feeling something that Rynold knew all too well. And, it was for that reason Rynold had to say something. Otherwise, it would have only escalated further and made the kid lose his sense of self.

"Okay," the kid answered as he took Rynold's advice to heart. "I'll stop for the time being. But don't expect me to stop trying to bring my abilities out. I want to be of help; nothing is going to change that. Eventually, I'll become formidable in the face of adversary."

"And, I expect no less, kid," Rynold patted the kid's back twice before standing back up. His face lit up to a satisfied smile as he saw the kid's troubled expression disappear. "Make sure to get some sleep, alright? I'll see you in the morning."

As Rynold walked out the door, he headed back to his room.

'It sure is quiet,' Rynold noticed as he walked, 'There's really nobody else here but us, huh? It's not even that late, and people are already calling it a night.'

Rynold stopped as he soon reached the door to his and Neana's room. There was a cart just outside the door — something Rynold would notice that wasn't there before.

"Nea?" Rynold called out as soon as he opened the door. "Did you call for something? There's a cart outside, and I..."

Stopping mid-sentence, Rynold looked at Neana curled up in her chair and eating ice cream.

"Wow, you really took advantage of the room service, huh?" Rynold mocked as he closed the door behind him. "Did you at least get me one?"

Neana, with a mouthful of ice cream, pointed at another pint on the desk.

"So," Rynold sat down next to Neana and opened the other pint. "Why'd you order more?"

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