
Meeting with ORC

Koneko had just finished telling Rias and the rest about what had happened including when the attack stopped before it hit Gojo.


Gojo was looking for a club to join and he definitely did not want to join the "Gojo Fan Club".

Gojo walked around for a bit more before a certain white haired loli tugged on his shirt.

Gojo turned around with a smile "Koneko-chan what can I do for you today?" Koneko simply replied in short concise replies. "Have you joined a club yet?" Gojo shook his head, Koneko seeing this chance decided to nag him if he didn't come.

"Senpai you might want to join mine and my president wants to meet you and potentially let you join."

Gojo seeing that she was not going to stop so he just went along with her and agreed.


Gojo was sleeping with his chair perfectly balanced on a tip with his sunglasses covering his eyes. A certain loli had entered the room to fetch Gojo only to see him sleeping. Koneko seeing that waking him up was the only option decided to poke him.

Koneko poked him but he did not wake up so she decided to put more force that could injure him but not a serious injury. Koneko was shocked to find out that her finger had stopped just before touching Gojo. Koneko then had a thought and shook her head at how stupid she was.

Putting her mouth right next to Gojo's ear she screamed "WAKE UP!" Gojo awoke with a fright and fell off his chair. "Is it time already?" Koneko nodded and motioned him to follow.

Gojo looked in front of him and all he saw was an old decaying building. "Is this...?"

Koneko replied with a nod and opened the door. Gojo quickly took a seat on the spot he deemed the comfiest and started eating sweets that he pulled from his pocket. The door suddenly opened and Akeno walked in. "Ara~ara hello I'm assuming your the one our president wants to see?" Gojo nodded before continuing eating his sweets.

Akeno decided to break the incoming silence by offering him a cup of tea which he immediately accepted. The door opened once again and a group of people filed in. The tomato and the perv were at the front.

"Hello I'm Rias Gremory I'm in your class and I'm the president of this club."

"Gojo Satoru nice to meet ya."

Rias decide to get straight to the point.

"I'll be honest here we saw what you did."

Gojo feigned ignorance "What did I do?"

Rias seeing this wasn't going anywhere whispered to Koneko and Kiba.

Gojo who was eating his sweets and drinking tea didn't seem to mind as Koneko and Kiba attacked him in the middle of eating. Kiba disappeared and reappeared swinging his sword at the head of Gojo while Koneko was about to punch the stomach of Gojo.

Gojo then smiled and continued eating his sweets as both attacks simply stopped just before touching him. Rias looked shocked as well and quickly became wary as she sensed Gojo getting a bit hostile.

"Sorry about that I wanted to test if your were worthy to become my servant."

Gojo suddenly gained a massive tick mark on his head. "Worthy of being a servant to a spoiled, rotten tomato?" Gojo crossed his fingers and took of his sunglasses "Domain Expansion: Infinite Void" The ORC members suddenly appeared in the dark expanse of space with a black hole in the centre. None of them could move, "It's funny isn't it? When you are given everything you can only do nothing. In here every action needed to live is repeated an infinite amount of times."

Rias and the others were frozen, Rias was thinking "I can't see anything, I can't hear anything, I can't fell anything. No I can feel, hear and touch everything."

Gojo released the domain and the ORC members all dropped down. Gojo decided to tell them what would happen if they were human. "If you were all human you wouldn't have been able to survive in my domain for more than 0.2 seconds without having to have 2 months of rehabilitation."

Rias was thoroughly scared as the boy had just told them that 0.2 seconds in his domain would be enough to get a human to need 2 months of rehabilitation, but what if they stayed longer? Issei being the weakest had passed out from the flow of information.

Gojo simply walked out before leaving a message "Don't put me in this club I'm going to the sweets and baking club."


Sona was processing the information relayed from Rias. The transfer student had stopped Kiba and Koneko's attacks without moving and then entrapped them in some kind of dimension that paralysed you from making you experience things and infinite amount of times.


Gojo had finally found his calling. The sweets and baking club. The best thing was that he didn't need to bake as the girls would present their creations to him. In doing so he sort of indirectly became the king of the club.


Sirzechs had been given a call from his sister about a powerful individual that had just appeared and attacked them. So he headed there immediately. Grayfia followed suit and teleported out of the room and arriving at the ORC club room. Sirzechs got straight to the point once he heard what the boy had done. "Where is he?" Sirzechs asked with urgency. Rias simply said sweets and baking club.


Gojo was currently giving out expert advice on the sweets and pastries. The girls had all formed a line in front of Gojo who had been tasting and criticising the products. "This ones' a bit too sweet compared to the flavour your going for. Try making it a bit mellow so it contrasts with the strawberry." With his advice the sweets and baking club had all gone through huge improvements.


Sirzechs was currently in front of the door to kitchen. Opening the door and preparing for the worst he saw Gojo showing the girls how to make daifuku while wearing an pink apron. Gojo looked at Sirzechs and decided to do exit in a calm fashion.

"All right girls seems like this man has some business with me, just continue your activities."

Sirzechs saw that he had complied so he set a place before hand.

Gojo was walking and suddenly appeared somewhere else. "Shit!"

Gojo looked up and saw that he was in an arena with multiple devils watching while Sirzechs was in his battle armour giving him an angry look.

Sirzechs broke the silence and spoke. "Gojo Satoru has hurt my sister and therefore will have to fight me for his freedom."

Gojo smiled at hearing this and cracked his knuckles and took of his sunglasses before grinning.

"Let's get this started"

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