

Alexis sat in the office and stared at the other wyrmling. She had already started the process for creating a new one after reabsorbing once. This had given her five proficiency points. That meant she would have to wait the full duration of the wyrmlings gestation period in order to reach the next mastery level. Therefore, she decided to reabsorb the other wyrmling as well. Part of her started to hate the idea of wasting those points. She felt like she could do much better.

Although the Blood Burst was interesting, Alexis wanted better. Her instinct told her that a higher proficiency would also give higher quality spawns. After swallowing the Wyrmling, she immediately formed another egg. This pushed her proficiency to one hundred, increasing the master of her spawning ability. Alexis felt the changes in her body and smiled. Now I can create a stronger army for Matt, she thought.


Species: Wyrmling, Dracolisk, Tarranaught

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