

"So, the top three winner are Alicia, Robinson, and Odelia! What a great matches!"

Everyone cheered.

"So now, let's see the next game!"

"Pon Pin Pon!" Two robots with duck shaped came.

"Please choose two participants from each school!"



"Who should we pick?" Rheinalth asked.

"I think we need two person with good bonds..." Denzel said.

"But it could be tricky like the match of Kurosa and Asuka.... it might be another one vs one..." Nera said.

"How about Rheinalth and Ermin? You both good at fighting one on one or team. And you two have a great relationship since Junior High school." Denzel asked.


"Okay, we'll try." Rheinalth said.

"Is it okay?" Ermin asked.

"Of course, why not?" Rheinalth asked.

".... okay..." Ermin answered.



"The participants please headed to the participants room!"

Everyone gathered in the room. Rheinalth and Ermin sat next each others. Ermin hold Rheinalth's hand tightly, then Rheinalth looked at Ermin, Ermin stared back at him.

"What's wrong, Ermin?" Rheinalth asked. Ermin answered,

"I'm nervous..."


Rheinalth smiled and gave Ermin a head pat. He said,

"Don't worry, you're not alone. We are both nervous."

Ermin smiled back at Rheinalth. They both smiled at each other, until someone interrupted them,

"Eheeem! Eheem! I never thought someone send a couple as the representatives.... it makes me kinda sick..... not in the bad way."

Ermin and Rheinalth stared at someone who interrupted them. A girl with orange twin tail hair was standing in front of them, interrupting them, she wears braces.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Ermin asked.

"Ah, I see.... since we lost in a row, you didn't remember us, Aldora Academy High School. I'm Darchelle Kerwyn, Darch for short." The girl said while giving her hand at Ermin.

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Ermin Janira Gracious." Ermin answered while giving her hand and they both shake hands.

"Such a gracious name, like your name." Darchelle, the girl, said.

"Thanks, yours as well." Ermin answered.

"Darch, don't interact with our rival!" A girl with white hair said coldly.

"Come on, Snowhite, don't be like that!" Darchelle said.

"Ah.... that Snowhite never let me interact with anyone here...." Darchelle complained.

"Then I'll met you later at match, and maybe after match if you don't mind for sure." Darchelle said.

"Okay Chelle, I don't mind." Ermin said. Darchelle got flustered and said,

"D-Don't call me Chelle!"

"But it's cute." Ermin said.

"Uuughh..... okay then, Jany." Darchelle called Ermin.

"Oh!" Ermin was flustered. Then they both stared at each other, and then they both laughed.

"Darchelle!" The white haired girl called again.

"Okay then, bye Jany!" Darchelle said while walking toward the white haired girl.

"Bye-bye, see you, Chelle." Ermin said.

Then Ermin looked at Rheinalth, Rheinalth seems a little bit pissed off or mad, he was blushing.

"Hm? What's wrong, Rheinalth?" Ermin asked.


Ermin stared at Rheinalth closer. Finally Rheinalth said,

"You..... seem so close... with a new person...."

Ermin laughed,

"Don't you said that you're jealous...." Ermin said while laughing a little bit.

"N-No I'm not!" Rheinalth yelled, his face was red.



"So now, we will explain about the game!"

"So now the participants please headed to the stage!"

Everyone walked to the stage. Suddenly three robots came to each two participants.

"So, here's the rule of the game! There will be 3 robots for each team, yes the team were the participants. So each person will be back each other in the team. One robot, the biggest one from the other three robots, will be placed between your backs. The other two small robots will be placed in the right foot of the participants. You need to destroy the other team robots while protecting your robot. Don't worry, the robot will likely won't move from your place. Magic are allowed and physical as well. The one who got the robots destroyed first was the looser, and the winner is the one team who stands."

Ermin and Rheinalth stared at each others, then they both nodded.

"Any questions?"

"Um... if we accidentally let our robot fell, what will happened?" The white haired girl, Darch's partner, asked.

"Well, remember, the robots are fragile. If it's fall but didn't got broken or something, then it will attached to it's original place, so it's a great advantage you have guys."

"Can I ask too? Is jumping and flying allowed?" Ermin asked.

"Well, it's allowed, unless you're exited the arena or went away from the stage's line. Flying so high until none of us could see will be considered as lost."

"I see, thanks." Ermin said.

"Any other questions?"


"Oh I forgot, you aren't allowed to seperate from your partner. You need to keep that pose the whole game. You're better to hold your hand to each other so that the robot between your backs will be more protected, but don't bumped at your partner's back or the robot will be surely got destroyed. And giving protection magic to the robots are forbidden."

"Ok so.... are you ready?"

"Yes." Everyone answered.

"So the game will be started!"

Yukina watched carefully from the spectators seats.





Immediately Rheinalth and Ermin jumped from the stage's surface. They went to the Miyuki's school team's head. Immediately Ermin rolled in the air, and Rheinalth got rolled on Ermin's back. Rheinalth prepared his leg and kicked the Miyuki's school team's middle robot (the one that located between the backs of each other) and the robot got broken and fell to the ground. Miyuki's school team's got shocked, not just them, the others too. Rheinalth landed on the ground with Ermin on his back. Ermin was facing at the Miyuki's team's while Rheinalth was facing to the other side. Ermin managed to kicked one of the team's left foot, so that the person was fell, so on the other person. When they fell, one of the robot that located to the person's right leg got bumped by their own body and got destroyed.

"W-Woah..." Yukina said, she was amazed.

Denzel and the others smiled.



Since Kannoya's team (Ermin and Rheinalth) made some great moves, everyone started to make a move too.


Suddenly it was snowing. The white haired girl and Darch immediately moved so fast and they both managed to destroy three robots immediately from the Kenichi's team, even the Kenichi's team didn't realized it until it was mentioned.

"Rheinalth!" Ermin said. Immediately Rheinalth jumped to the air. Rheinalth's robot was destroyed, their middle robot got scratched, luckily Rheinalth act fast so that their middle robot and Ermin's robot was alright. But the Miyuki's team last robot was destroyed too, so they're the first looser.

"So fast!" Ermin said.

"Be careful!" Rheinalth said. Because the Aldora's team jumped toward them in the air.

Suddenly a wire flew toward them. Then Ermin and Rheinalth turned arround to dodge the wire. But then they got tied by the wire because the wire flew by following them.


They're tied, then pulled toward the Aldora's team.

"Wire magic? I never knew about it...." Ermin and Rheinalth thought.

"Who did it?" They thought. Then they stared at the Aldora's team.

"Darchelle?" They thought.

"Hm? What's with those face, Jany? I see.... you never see the wire magic? Too bad... then I'll show you." Darchelle said.


"Wind!" Ermin said, then the wind spinned them so that the wire got of from them. Ermin landed on the stage.

When they landed, suddenly some weird red stems appeared. When accidentally the stem touched Rheinalth's skin, it has the burning sensation. But it was so weak, only with a weak kick could destroy the whole stem.

"Toshiko! Tch.... why are we teamed...." a boy complained at her back.

"You're too weak that I should do everything by my own!" The boy complained.

The red braided haired girl stared at the ground and said,

"Sorry, I am really weak."

Since they're busy arguing, their robots were destroyed by Kannoya's team and Aldora's team. Before they're go away from the Alanis' team, Rheinalth tapped the boy's shoulder and whispered next to his ear,

"If you're a man, stop blaming your partner and show her that you're strong enough to win the game while protecting her!"

Then Kannoya's team and Aldora's team faced each others again.

"Since the first day, Aldora Academy High School didn't gave a great performance, maybe this is the time." Darchelle said.

"Can't wait your performance, Chelle!" Ermin said. They both stared each other sharply.




Lucianna stared at Yukina, she was really tense. Lucianna smiled and touched Yukina's shoulders and give her a little massages.

"Eh! Ouch!" Yukina said shockly.

"Haha, your reaction was cute. Don't be too tense, it's just a game, not life death game." Lucianna said calmly.

"I think this is faster than planned...." Denzel said.

"Do you really think so, my Denzel?" Jewelia asked. Denzel sweated while whispering,

"Help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me!"



Ermin and Rheinalth stared at each other, then they nodded again. Then the Kannoya's team striked toward the Aldora's team. The one who faced at them was the white haired girl, and the one who faced the Aldora's team was Rheinalth.


Suddenly the white haired girl disappeared in the snows with her partner.


"Fire!" Ermin said. Then from her left hand, a fire appeared and blasted toward the ground of the snowy stage. The snow melted into water, and the white haired girl appeared again and they're pretty close to each other (only a step from Kannoya's team and Aldora's team). The white haired girl turned her back and Darchelle was now facing at the Kannoya's team. Immediately Rheinalth slipped to the ground stage and slided from the Aldora's team legs. They were shocked since Darchelle already prepared her fist with her wire.


Everyone was shocked too. Since Rheinalth slipped and slided from their legs, his body bumped the middle robot and since the middle robot was a bit scratched, the middle robot was destroyed.

"Why did they do a stupid move?" Alvina cried while holding her head.

"No...." Yukina said.

While sliding, Rheinalth and Ermin managed to destroy the Aldora's team two small robots at their right legs. Ermin pushed her arms from the ground so that Rheinalth stood up again.

"Sacrificing the big one to destroy two of the enemy's robots..... that's kinda crazy!" Alvina yelled.

"Yes it is.... but if they're caught by that orange haired girl's magic just now, they'll be loose for sure." Yukina said.

"How could you know?" Alvina asked.

"They most likely couldn't dodged the wire and we don't know the other ability of that wire, we are lucky enough that the girl didn't show the other abilities. And if they got caught once, there's a chance that the wire could split out and damaged the other robot Ermin and Rheinalth have in instant. I think the white haired girl is the supportive type, since she didn't give many attacks, or even none.... so the key must be in that orange haired girl." Yukina said.

"Yukina.... what did Osamu feed you?" Alvina asked.



"You're sure crazy...." Darchelle said.

"Yeah...." Ermin answered.

"Earth." Ermin said.

Then the land arround the Aldora's team got lower and the other got higher unconditionally. Darchelle command her wire to the edge of the land and they climbed from the hole immediately. When they jumped in the air,

"Frozen swords field!" Rheinalth said.

Spikes that has the swords shaped appeared and tried to stab the Aldora's team. Immediately Darchelle stepped on the spikes body and jumped higher.

"Water fountain swords field!" Rheinalth said. Then the spikes spreaded water to the whole directions. Darchelle command two wires to the ground and the wires become really stiff and hold Darchelle and the white haired girl.

Ermin touched the water that spreads from Rheinalth's spikes.

"It will froze!" The white haired girl said. So Darchelle released the wire and jumped away higher.

Ermin smiled,


A great wind whirlpool appeared from Ermin's hand that touched the water. The wind destroy the spikes and changed the water shape. The wind hitted Aldora's team too. When Darchelle command two wires to the ground, the wire couldn't fought the wind whirlpool so that instead of following the command, the wire followed the whirlpool direction. Then the whirlpool suddenly stopped. And Kannoya's team was suddenly above them, and Rheinalth kicked their middle robot strongly with his foot got frozed so that the damage increased. The middle robot got destroyed.

"The winner is Kannoya Academy!"

"So the first winner was Kannoya Academy High School, then the second was Aldora Academy High School, and the third was the Alanis High School! Congratulations!"

Everyone cheered.



"So it is for today, tomorrow wi be the last game for this 1st grade High School tournament and tomorrow we will announce the result too!"

Rheinalth and Ermin released their last small robot, then they smiled at each other.

"Aaah... I haven't showed you all of my techniques... but the victory were yours!" Darchelle said while giving a hand to Ermin.

"You did well too, Chelle." Ermin said with a smile, Darchelle smiled back,

"Thanks, Jany.... but it's all thanks to Snowhite too. As you'll know one day, I'm the slowest person and my stamina was really bad. Snowhite was the opposite."

"Well, I'm bad at stamina too. One day you'll see that I'll be the weakest here." Ermin said. Darchelle laughed,

"Hahaha! Don't said that! By the way, how many elements you could control?"

"Well, the whole main elements." Ermin said. Darchelle was shocked,

"I see! That's the reason why you're feared! The strongest title wasn't nothing for you!"

"Don't overestimate me, one day you'll know why." Ermin smiled. Then they leaved the stage, but meet up in their way home.



"Tomorrow was the last game...." Yukina said.

"Haaaah.... I'm embarrassed...." Kurosa complained. Yukina stared at the ground with no expression.

"Here!" Asuka said while giving dango at Kurosa's mouth. Immediately Kurosa ate it all.

"Thawk wyou Awsuwka!" Kurosa said. But Asuka didn't gave any expression.


"I'm sure loosing like that will be embarrassing for Asuka.... especially when everyone knows that Kannoya's speciality was in that thing.... friendship. It said that if you hurt one of the Kannoya's student, they'll be stronger to defeat and pay you the price, but Asuka lost.... she was in her rage and that's the reason she got beated up and lost...." Yukina thought.

"Awsuka.... thwank ywou fwor fiwthing Rowbison!" Kurosa said at Asuka. Yukina stared at the innocent Kurosa that was staring at Asuka. Asuka didn't stare back. Kurosa smiled widely and said,

"Because you fight Robinson, now I know that you're really have the spirit to fight. I thought you just a girl who fight for fun, and moreover you fight for me. I'm so happy."

Asuka was a little bit touched by Kurosa's words, so on Yukina.

"Wone dawy, Iwll fiwght fwor Aswuka lwike ywou fwight fwor wme." Kurosa said while eating the other dango.


Asuka smiled, finally.

"You're silly, Kurosa." Asuka said. Kurosa laughed innocently.

Yukina smiled behind them all.

"One day.... I will be strong enough.... to protect your smiles." Yukina said in her heart.

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