
Chapter 36

Chapter 36

"Daddy!" Baby 5 jump at him as Yuuto caught her skillfully into his embrace " Who is that, a bad guy? Are you hurt" Baby 5 ask worriedly as she put her tiny hand on Yuuto cheeks

Yuuto chuckle at her antic as he kiss her gently making her giggle a little before putting on a serious expression her face.

"Who is he Daddy? Don't worry, when I grow up and become stronger I will search for him and take revenge on him for you" she said seriously and start to imagine multiple scenario of capturing the man.

"Haha, don't worry about that" He pinch her nose "He won't and can't come back again, so you don't have take revenge on him"

"Hmph, lucky for him" she although disappointed that she can't show her cool side to him but quickly forget about it "But you didn't answer my question Daddy, who is that?" She tilted he head and ask

"I like to know as well"

"Me too"

Shanks and Buggy voice is heard from behind as they heard the conversation that Yuuto and Baby 5 is having. Buggy is unusually serious after he got his memory back and Shanks who already recovered has sunken expression as he take the strawhat in buggy hand, but he didn't wear with like he usually would but just stare blankly at it

Mihawk just stood a little away not planning to join in the conversation but he still curious about who the man is

"….." Yuuto stare at them and just keep silent for awhile before he let out sigh "It's not something you should know about at this moment, or to be more precise..... you are not qualified enough to know" he then pat Baby 5 on the head before walking away and giving his back to them before glancing at Mihawk "Protect her for a moment"

"Why... Tell me WHY!!!!!" Shanks yelled out loud while unconsciously releasing a burst of Haki, he glare at Yuuto back with red eye as tears start to fall down to his cheeks. With a burst of speed, Mihawk quickly arrive beside Baby 5 and retreated back while protecting her

' I feel like babysitting is my second jobs now days' Mihawk thought wryly as he did a backflip landing gracefully on the ground

Shanks slowly got up and walk to Yuuto with a slow step, every step he take leave a small noticeable crack behind, his eyes shadowed by the strawhat he is wearing hiding his tears away.

As he was in front of him, he look up directly into Yuuto eyes with a pained look on his face, he slowly raise his hand and clutch Yuuto hoodie tightly and bring his face down

"P-please, at least tell their name... M-mom, D-dad, everyone else beside us is gone.... I-I….."He's trembling as he speak more of his emotion that's bottling up.

For both Shanks and Buggy, what happen 10 years ago is just like yesterdays. They remember the day in such detail that they want to remember

Shanks remember the smiling face of his mom that has a hole in her stomach, he remember the despair face of his dad as he ran over to both of them albeit already too late to do anything about it before everything goes black

Buggy remember coming out to the deck seeing his sworn brother lying on the ground pass out with Kushina who paled enough to consider a living corpse and Mikoto who by their side slaying the abomination with enrage look on his face.

Both of them are something close to a parents to him who is an orphan and seeing them in this state, he will be lying if he is not sadden, anger, rage and grief about it

He remember the last thing he saw is Kushina finger gently touch both he and the unconscious shanks and mumbling something with a gentle smile on her face before everything gone black

Buggy expressionless face broke the moment he heard the trembling voice of his sworn brother, Yuuto look at his direction and open one of his arm while giving him an encourage smile that was the final straw for him as he broke down in tear as he run to Yuuto embrace.

Yuuto then felt a small tug on his pant and seeing Baby 5 behind, also full of tears. Yuuto just chuckle a little and with a small gust of wind lift her in his other arm

'Children… easily affected by emotions'

Mihawk who is not far away suddenly feel like an outsider and as if he can read his thought, Yuuto gesture him with his head to come over.

He just smile wryly at that and reject the 'generous' offer, let them have their moment

"There~ There~.." Yuuto pat both of their head and kiss Baby 5 on her forehead to comfort them

They stay there for a while before he answer the question earlier

"The 'person' I just kill before didn't have a name... I can't tell any of you yet who they are or where they come from, it's not good mentally for your growth as of now as you all are to weak in the face of such ... threat" Yuuto said before any of them could speak a word

" S-sensei p-please make me s-strong" Buggy said, his voice is shaky but he lift his head and look directly in Yuuto eyes and Yuuto can see the determination to become strong lit up inside of him making him smile

"I-I don't want to feel helpless again…. I don't want to feel like I can't do anything again in the face of such threat." Buggy eyes tear up even more than ever " I hate it, I hate being weak all the time Sensei….. *hic* if-if only I…-"


"DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER DAMN WORD, YOU BASTARD!!!" Before Buggy can finish his word, Shanks punch Buggy in the face hard enough for him to stumble a couple step back. He approach Buggy and lift him up by the collar of his shirt and glare at him with red eyes

"What!? You want to say all of this is your fault?" Shanks continue staring straight into Buggy eyes " Or do you want to say that it was you who suppose to die…"

"I-I" Buggy can't utter even a single sentence after hearing Shanks angry tone

"…Do you still remember the promise we make?"


" 'No matter what happen, we as brother will face everything together' that's the promise, the oath we made that day. And now you want to said something this selfish?" tears polling up on his eyes as Buggy just lower his head " I-If you also die that day….. how am going to continue living a single day without any regret? At least now I still have you as my only family left… Buggy" Shanks pull Buggy into a tight hug as they embrace each other

"Waaaaaahhhhh Shanks"









" You guys are not doing this for revenge?"

".... Although I still felt a lot of resentment and wanting for revenge on whoever is behind this, it's not our main focus." Shanks answer

"And what is?"

"It is to prevent the same thing from happening ever again" Buggy answer is Shanks stead

After calming down from their emotional and rather 'sus' heart to heart conversation. They both look each other in the eye and nod their head as if reaching an agreement and with a resolute step approach Yuuto.

And that's how they reach the current scene where Yuuto sitting with his leg cross on the similar chair from the one he took out before and in front of him is the both of his youngest disciple in dogeza position

Mihawk is standing behind him with Baby 5 on his shoulder watching the scene unfold in front of him with interest gaze while the little girl just pout since she got separated AGAIN form her Daddy.




"Hahahahaha" after a short silent, Yuuto suddenly let out a boiteruous laugh " I expect you guys to be stupid, but not THIS stupid *pftt* hahahahaha" He cover his belly unable to contain the laugh

"Y-You" Buggy and shanks point their finger at him with face turning red from shame and anger. They expect for Yuuto to give them an inspiring speech about the world or some motivational stuff

But contrary to that he just... laugh?


"FINE!!! If this is how you are going to respond to our feeling than we will go and get strong with or without your help " in anger, shanks walk up with a stride without looking back "Let's go buggy, we will get stronger together"

"*Pftt* HAHAHAHAHAHhAHAHA" Yuuto laugh become even louder than before as he watch them walk away as he fell from the chair

Vein start to pop out form Shanks and buggy head as they are clearly irritated hearing that laughter full of ridiculous. They look at each other eye for a moment before nodding their head

Buggy take out a bundle of knife from his jacket throw it at Yuuto direction.

Shanks run behind the bundle of knife just keeping enough distant to touch it.

It a matter of seconds he already close enough to Yuuto and unsheathe his sword and swing his sword multiple time sending an air slice at Yuuto who is still laughing on the ground and throw his sword at the direction of Yuuto head





Yuuto skillfully dodge the incoming air slice coming toward him with minimal movement and did a flipback on the ground avoiding the sword that was coming for his head

Shanks seeing this seemingly unbother, as if he already anticipated that Yuuto can dodge his attack. But he didn't just stop there, he increase his speed passing the knife that Buggy throw earlier and skillfully grab each with each hand and did a back kick to another, increasing it's speed and change it's trajectory to aim it at Yuuto crotch


With a quick hand movement, Yuuto grab the knife that was inch away from his sword

"Oi Oi, what was that for"

Yuuto look up from the knife only to see that Shanks is nowhere to be seen on his previous place. Feeling danger from behind he quickly duck his head as a knife passing from behind him, only then did he notice a kick that was fastly approach to his face which he roll to the side evading it successfully

Shanks land on where Yuuto previously were and didn't waste anytime as he quickly gran his sword that was previously impale to the ground and once again rush again rush at him

They continue at it for a few more minute as Shanks keep repeatedly attack and Yuuto only dodge when suddenly he twist his body to the side and summon his staff and block the attack from Shanks and Buggy who sneak behind him



"Wait, wait… time out" As they were in stale mate Yuuto use this opportunity to speak

"What? You want to ridicule us again Old Man?!" Buggy hiss in respond as he back away and keep his knife back, Shanks follow after him and stood by his side

"Eh? Since when did I do that?"Yuuto tilted his head innocently like a person who didn't do anything wrong. But his action only further anger both of them

"You laugh at our resolve!!" Shanks roar

"eh? EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Yuuto turn his head to Mihawk and Baby 5 and ask them " When did I do that?"

"You didn't do anything like that Daddy, Don't worry, I'll protect you!!!" Baby 5 run to his side and hug him before standing infront of Shanks and Buggy and spread her arm wide like a protective mother hen

"HAHAHAHA That's my baby girl, I already feel safe being close with you" Touched by her action, Yuuto hug her from behind and kiss her cheek repeatedly


"*Cough* I thinks it's when you laugh at them earlier sensei" Seeing that if he left both father and daughter in their own world that this matter won't settle Mihawk decide to interrupt before it's too late. But his action earn a deathly glare from the little one that he choose to ignore for now and continue seriously " They think that you laugh at their resolve to being strong"

"Ah, it seems like you guys misunderstood something here" Yuuto chuckle a little hearing that

" What did we misunderstood"

"It's true that I don't really care about your resolve on becoming stronger. I laugh because it just remind me of someone else I know very well " before any of them can interrupt, he grin widely as he continue " Since from the very beginning, I already planning on getting all of you the best no matter what your resolve are since...

My reputation is on the line here"

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