

---EARTH 22---

--Author-san's POV--(1)

When Seiya arrived in the Earth's atmosphere, the pod which was carrying him displayed a message informing him about the activation of the teleportation array of the pod with the destination being his mother's womb. After he was teleported, the pod will self-destruct, which he asked for specifically so as not to raise any suspicions and make the inhabitants of this world believe that it was only a stray asteroid which did not survive its passage through the atmosphere.

Seiya: 'Hmm? It will directly teleport me inside my mother's womb? How in the world do they teleport someone inside a mobile target without any kind of anchor to pinpoint their location to? Man, after I ascend to Godhood, I will devote most of my time learning about the science and technology of these celestials. Hmm, maybe I should start with this new world. Who knows what kind of peculiar science they have developed with the current state of their world?'


<Author's Explanation>

This section here is a special information section where I would be telling things about the OC's past life or other things which do not have much significance in the plot as a whole but are used to explain about the OC's thoughts and actions like the one mentioned above. You can skip through these if you want, and make your own assumptions regarding the OC's behavior from the story. This is especially for those people who might think that I just keep adding new things as I wish.

So, yes, Seiya is a geek. In his past life, he just used to surf the net for his entertainment or to study about different kinds of technologies and the principle theories behind them. He did not bother with anything else like sports or friends. This resulted in him being labeled as a social outcast. His grades did not help either as other than the sciences, he never paid any attention to his studies in the other subjects. This resulted in him being called a failure in his life and compared to the other dregs of human society.

How can any parent see their child being called a trash in society? And so, his parents, for his future's sake, did everything they could have done to get him back on track like everyone else. But, of course, it didn't work and eventually they too started to see their child as a disappointment. This hurt Seiya's feelings as he had always believed that his parents would always support him, no matter what the people said about him. But he could not see the tiredness in their eyes nor their physically declining bodies as they overworked themselves so as to ensure that their son can survive in the future even when they are not there with him.

Seiya only came to realize this when he came to Ixphoria. As Ixphoria was a technologically backward planet with technology only at the level of the medieval ages in his home-world. Hence, in the absence of any useful knowledge off the battlefield, most of his time, in the beginning, was spent on training to fight the demons or reminiscing about his past. After realizing his parent's plight, he vowed that he would never let them suffer like this in the future. He would do anything that would make them feel happy even if he had no interest in it whatsoever. Of course, he also knew that they would only ask him to do things that were for his sake.


Seiya's thoughts came to a halt when he saw the runic lines present on the pod light up, sucking away the ether around him and a moment later he felt that he was being sucked through a very narrow pipe. Though the feeling lasted only for a moment but, if he had a mouth, he would have thrown his insides out, if that was even possible.

After comforting himself for over a minute and ensuring that there was nothing amiss, he used his soul sense(2) to sense his surroundings and found that he was inside a lump of cell, about 1/4 inch long, having a primitive face with large dark circles for eyes and other features like the mouth, the lower jaw and throat in the early stages of formation.

At first, Seiya was really excited at the prospect of meeting his parents again but soon realized that he would have to wait till his new body has developed all the major organs, at least, to a primitive level before he could fuse with his soon-to-be body which was easier said than done as he knew, from some medical journals, that he had read in his past life, that he had to wait till the end of the third month of pregnancy which was not going to be particularly exciting as he had nothing to do here. Therefore, he decided to use this chance to study the azure colored diamond present inside his soul. To this day, he still doesn't know how to harness the powers of his <Dragon Core>.


=Flashback 4 years ago=

--Author-san's POV--

One month after Seiya and Ariadoa successfully escaped from Demon Brigadier, Lakoom's ambush, they finally returned back to their base. After resting for a few days, they started searching for any of their surviving companions but they did not find even one of them. In the end, they could only give up and wait for them to return on their own but, after a few months, they finally gave up any hope they had and started thinking about their next steps. The most important thing was for Seiya to increase his strength as soon as possible. The strength he got from the Gods in the beginning was not enough for him to face the Demon Brigadiers and the Demon General, no matter what amount of training he does.

Ariadoa started looking for different ways to increase his strength. From potions to magic to artifacts, no matter where she looked, she could not find anything appropriate for Seiya. They were about to contact the God's council (emergency step; harsh penalty on the God/Goddess making the contact) when she finally stumbled upon an old book which described a heritage site which contained the powerful inheritance of one of the old dragonoids. So, she decided to head there with Seiya. Though this book was old and worn out and the inheritance may no longer be there but it still did not hurt to take a look. Who knows, maybe they could get lucky and chance upon a lucky encounter.

-6 months later-

The journey was long and arduous but when they finally made, they could feel that they did not make the wrong choice. They arrived at the <Dragon Valley>, where the old dragons used to live before they disappeared one day. The inheritance site was still there as described in the books. Seiya had to take the trials and only after passing through them would he get the inheritance (which are not described as they are beyond the scope of the story. Try using your imagination here).

-3 years later-

After three whole years, Seiya was finally able to complete all the trials. Receiving the inheritance itself was even more of a trial then the challenges he faced before. He could feel every cell in his body being remolded which brought on excruciating physical pain while his mind was being filled with new information which resulted in a severe headache. The process, he was going through, was <Dragonification> where his body would be modified completely and by the time the process was completed, he would be half-dragon half-human.

-1 year later-

The process took over a year to complete, but when it did, Seiya felt like he was reborn which was true in a sense. He was completely different compared to the him a year ago. Whether it be his appearance, body structure, or even his personality, he had gone a complete makeover. Even if his own parents were to see him now, they would not recognize him anymore. Of course, it was different for Ariadoa as she had witnessed the whole transformation process herself.

Just as they thought the process was over, the inheritance building started shaking and soon an imaginary silhouette of a Dragonoid appeared before them. He had a golden horn on his forehead and was equipped with an armor which had an azure-colored diamond embedded in its centre. His entire presence exuded a majestic aura.

???: "Hello human. My name is Drago, the first dragonoid and the guardian of this temple."

Seiya: "So this is a temple,huh"

Drago: "What do you mean by 'so this is a temple, huh' ? Don't you know that you are standing in the holy temple of Eve, the mother of all dragons? And where are the other dragons that should be in attendance during the ceremony?"

Seiya: "Well, I only knew that this was an inheritance site. Um.... I am sorry I guess? As for the other dragons, there are none left in Ixphoria. They just disappeared one day and no one knows where they left for."

Drago contemplated about Seiya's words for a few moments as if trying to figure out about the dragon's situation. In the end, he only let out a sigh and said,

Drago: "No matter, you are the next inheritor of the Dragon Core and before I pass it on to you, you must learn to harness your newfound powers after your <Dragonification>. I will train you for the upcoming future and until you are finished with your training, you will remain in this temple."

Seiya: "What about her? Can she stay here with me?"

Drago looked towards Ariadoa and instantly knew about her identity. He only nodded to show his approval and went inside the inner parts of the temple asking them to follow behind him.

Seiya: "By the way where is your real body?"

Drago: "My real body no longer exists in this plane and I am only a wisp of consciousness left behind to take care of the inheritance of the <Dragon Core>."

Seiya: "You have been mentioning that thing a lot. What is that <Dragon Core> anyway?"

Drago: "It was originally the part of a planet's core that was taken by a Dragon so as to increase his power. Later as the Dragon' own power grew to a point that the core's power no longer mattered to him, he decided to leave it for the future generations but the core itself being attached to the Dragon for such a long time and experiencing his evolutions along with him had changed for the better with its natural ether being replaced by a much powerful draconic essence. Do not underestimate the core's power. When the Dragon first absorbed the core, it was powerful enough to fight against the Gods like that girl over there and now after its baptism with draconic energy, even I do not know its true limits."

Seiya who heard this was dumbfounded that the such a powerful core exists in this world (he means Ixphoria) and now belongs to him but he calmed himself down and resolved himself to train hard to be able to harness its power. But Drago soon poured a bucket of cold water on his head by saying,

Drago: "Don't start dreaming boy. You won't be able to harness the true power of the core without gaining its approval, though, you will still have some advantages over the others but I won't tell you about them. You can figure them out on your own in the future."

Drago smirked at him which caused Seiya's face to twitch in annoyance but he bore with it as this foggy Draganoid will be the one training him from now on wards. They soon arrived in front of a massive door (not for Drago) with a Dragon shaped Mark in its center. Drago opened the door and entered while we followed behind him. On the other side was a chamber so large that it would make even the largest football stadium in his home-world shy away from it.

Drago: "This will be your home for the foreseeable future and we would be having a lot of fun in here he he he."

Hearing Drago's small laugh at the end, Seiya felt a chill through his spine. And so began his training for the next 2 years. Everyday, Seiya's screams would come out of the training chamber and Ariadoa who heard him could only pray for his well-being to Ishtar-sama.

But this training was not without benefit, as when he came out of the training chamber, he looked as ferocious as a dragon. His entire body was covered with scars and burn marks with a wild hunger for battle apparent in his eyes. That day marked the beginning of the end of the demon force in Ixphoria.

=Flashback over=


Even after so long, he has not gained the recognition of the core. He actually did not need it while battling the Demon General but now that he no longer has his dragonified body, he feels that this will probably help him accomplish his mission so without any further ado, started to analyze the core and tried everything he could try to get some kind of response from it but nothing seemed to work. Drago said that the core has some requirements regarding its master and will automatically recognize him as his master as soon he passes the requirements. As for what the requirements are, they are known only to the core as it is sentient.


-8 weeks later-

Today, he started fusing with his still growing body. The process was extremely comfortable and he could feel his soul force increase, numbing his soul sense (A/N: feels like being high) and soon he entered a deep sleep while his soul continued fusing with the body. The reason behind this strange phenomenon is because his parents were the same as his last life and this, somehow (A/N: *cough*plot armor*cough*), resulted in creating a resonance between their soul forces which ended up benefiting them all. But, of course, the only one who could enjoy the benefit was Seiya.(3)

As the fusion continued, the dragon core present inside Seiya's soul also started fusing with his body, affecting his body and increasing its potential(4) while also strengthening it physically effectively speeding up the fusion process.



-6 months later-

--Ryuko Tatsuma POV--

My name is Ryuko Tatsuma and I am 10 years old. Today I am here in the hospital with Papa to visit Mamma who is carrying my otōto (younger brother) in her tummy. How do I know that it is an otōto and and not an imōto (younger sister)? That's because he told me himself when I asked him whether he was a boy or not and he replied by kicking Mamma's tummy. Whenever I am here for my weekly visits, I tell him about everything that happened in school and what I played with my friends while Mamma and Papa just look at us with a gentle smile on their faces.

But, today, when we reached mama's room, it was empty. Papa looked around and saw a nurse who was passing by. He ran up to her and asked her why was Mamma's room empty. She looked at the door Papa was pointing and told us that about an hour ago, Mamma started suffering from something called labor pain and was taken to the ICU which made Papa a bit worried. I did not understand what they meant by 'labor' pain. Did this mean that Mamma was doing some kind of labor in the hospital? But, why would she do that when she should be taking care of my otōto? Looking at my confused face, Papa realized what I was thinking about and told me that this 'labor' pain is because my otōto was about to come out of Mamma' tummy. Hearing this, I became very excited and started waiting, for my otōto to be born, outside the Labor Ward.

-5 hours later-

We have been outside this Labor Ward for such a long time! I wanted to rush in to see Mamma and otōto, but, Papa told me to be patient, otherwise, Mamma would be angry and would not let me see him. A few moments later, a beautiful doctor lady came out of the room and, with a smile, informed us that the delivery was successful and Mamma was fine now only feeling a little tired after the delivery while my otōto, who was very healthy, was sleeping even before I met him, looks like my otōto is a very lazy boy!(4)

Ryuko: 'Don't you worry my dear otōto, your onēsan (older sister) will get you up and running soon!'

After we (mostly Papa) had asked all our questions, the lady doctor told us that we were free to go inside and meet them.Hearing this, I quickly rushed into the room. When I opened the doors (A/N: with a bang, if I may add) the scene that greeted me was of Mamma, who was alerted when she suddenly saw someone rush into the ward, but quickly relaxed when she saw that it was me. She was looking a bit weaker than usual but still had her characteristic gentle smile on her face.

I wanted to see my otōto but could not find him anywhere. Just as I was about to ask Mamma, I noticed a cradle beside her bed. Slowly, I came up to look at what was inside it and the sight that greeted me was one that I would never forget ever. There he was, my sweet little otōto looking around himself as if trying to figure out where he was. He looked so beautiful (A/N: All newborns are beautiful, no matter what you might say) with hair like chocolate, resembling Papa's own, and red eyes that sparkled like rubies. There was another thing that caught attention and that was a green-blue (A/N: She means Azure) diamond-shaped mark right in the middle of his chest.

I could not wait to take him into my arms but did not rush at him so as not to scare him away, which could potentially drive him away from me. Afraid to hurt his delicate body, I slowly raised my arms to pinch his chubby cheek and feel his soft glowing skin but then something astonishing happened. As if sensing my intent to pinch his cheek, he also raised his small hand and caught my finger with it!


--Seiya's POV--

-2 minutes earlier-

When I first woke up from my deep sleep, which lasted for who knows long, I realized that the fusion was a success as I could feel my arms and legs again. I had tried to open my eyes, but, due to them being highly sensitive at the time, I could only wait for them to adapt and focus. After a few minutes, my eyes finally adapted to my surroundings and I could finally see again.

The first thing that I saw was the face of the one person that I waited to see for such a long time: my Mom. She was looking at me with the same gentle smile that she had, even in her past life. Her looks have changed for the better with her blonde hair and golden eyes remaining as it is. I wanted to rush into her arms but seeing her resting on her bed, with a tired look on her face, stopped myself. Now that I am here, I will have all the time in the world to spend with her. With no thoughts of disturbing her, I started looking around my surroundings and noticed that everything around me looked bigger than usual. It took me a moment realize that it was not the things that were bigger, rather it was me, who was much smaller, after all, I did not remember anything about the time during my early childhood years in my past life and this experience was entirely new to me.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard the doors of the room open, quite loudly if I may add (A/N: with a bang!). Someone must be quite impatient to get into the room. Unable to see anything from my cradle, I turned to look at Mom to see her reaction to the room's assailant, so as to judge the situation, but seeing her face visibly relaxed after finding out who the assailant was I started guessing who it was,

Seiya: 'Well, maybe it was Dad? Yeah! Who else would be so impatient to open the door so loudly! And Mom recognized this person so it must be Dad'

But even after waiting for a few moments, there was no response from the other side which made me doubt about whether it was a staff member who had entered earlier mistakenly or accidentally. Not bothering about it any longer, I again started looking at my surroundings to see something of interest. But just as I had turned around, I felt someone's gaze upon me.

Seiya: 'Huh? Why didn't I see this person before? And why didn't my senses alert me when this person came up to me? Maybe its because my body is new and those senses that I had trained were lost with my now-dead body. Looks like I have my work cut out in the future.'

Putting aside any further thoughts for later, I turned back to look at my new admirer (A/N: What a narcissist!).

Seiya: 'Well, well, looks like it is a young little girl! (A/N: Look who's talking!) Was it her who opened the door so loudly earlier?'

She had a face similar to my mother with the same blonde hair in a bob style cut and golden eyes with a touch of innocence added on to it. She really looked so adorable that he wanted to pinch her cheeks.

Seiya: 'Wait don't tell me...I have a younger sister now!'

(A/N: Seriously? This is the limit to your IQ?)

I snapped out of his thoughts as I saw her small, yet larger than my own, finger coming towards my face. I immediately realized her intention and, hell, was I going to let her pinch my cheeks,

Seiya: 'Wait, she must think that I am her younger brother! (A/N: No shit, dumb-ass) No I cannot let her trample upon my pride of an older brother and pinch my cheeks!'

(A/N: I give up! This guy will always remain a dumb-ass regarding his family no matter what I make him go through.)

I raised my hand as fast as I could and grabbed her finger. I could see the look of shock on her face which greatly amused me but I knew that she was taking it easy on me as I was but a newborn. Seeing this younger sister of his, he could not help but feel happy as he now had a new member in his family and let out a smile.


--Ryuko's POV--

Shocked at my otōto's fast reaction, I did not know what to do. He stopped me from pinching his cheek which greatly annoyed me while I could not even use my other hand as it was holding on to the cradle's handle. I tried to free my hands from his grasp, without using too much force, but was still not able to free my hand which greatly shocked me. Just as I was thinking how to get out of this ordeal without using force, something happened which caused my brain to short-circuit.


--Author-san's POV--

She saw the most beautiful small she had ever seen and could not help but love her otōto even more and smiled back at him. She decided that she would always protect her little otōto, no matter what! On the other hand, Seiya, too, was in a similar situation after seeing her cute little sister's smile. (A/N: You don't learn, do you?) and made a similar vow too.

This scene was witnessed by their parents who were, naturally, amused at their children's antics and could not help but feel blessed and prayed to whichever God was watching over their family. Meanwhile, on Olympus, Ishtar was watching this scene while having a smile on her face.

Ishtar: "Happy Birthday Seiya! I wish you to lead a happy life with your new family. I hope you like Ariadoa's present. Oh! Who am I kidding, of course, you will love it! I truly hope for you two to finally unite after what you both have gone through."


Author's Notes:

I honestly swear that I had no intention of writing such a long chapter again. At first, I only wanted to discuss about his birth without any major detailing but then I realized that I would not want to write a chapter just about his birth and yeah, so that's that.

I finally introduced his advantage in this new world which would not be showing its real significance at least until the Tartaros Invasion arc (manga readers know about it), just giving him small boosts and helping him in a pinch.

And also introduced the first non-OC character and I must say that it was quite fun. Also added some low IQ more fun talk. I don't know about how it will look though. Not sure how good my sense of humor is . Anyway writing Ryuko's dialogue was really hard.

Also, I think I am about done talking about his past now that I have already completed my objective of doing so. Also I will announce the romantic partner(s) in the next chapter, so, make sure that you vote for your favorite characters cause that will also decide the members of the harem if it is chosen

(1) Yeah, so my own POV sounds much better than 3rd Person POV. Also it can easily access everybody's thoughts and reactions without breaking the POV which only shows what is happening from an outside perspective not the thoughts.

(2) Soul sense is basically how the souls perceive the world around them as they don't have any other senses. They can only feel their surroundings through aura.

(3) Yeah, yeah plot armor I know. The reason will be explained in the next chapter. Also please comment about a name for something similar to Spidey sense but not Dragon sense(sounds cringe) or Danger Sense (already taken)

(4) When I am talking about potential, it refers to the potential of his quirk's development, not some wuxia novel character's talent so please no comments about this.

I actually wanted to clarify one thing and that is in the last chapter, when I explained about the Dreamscape, I said that it is 'constantly expanding' but you would say that it is true for every other universe as well. Actually what I meant by expanding is the number of planets being increased and not the size of the universe.

If anyone finds any kind of plotholes, please inform me about it as I can try to fix it when we are still in the early stages.

Also, this would be the last chapter, I would be uploading this week. I will try to do these types of 2-in-1 chapters more so as to increase the pace of the story a bit.

Thank you all for reading my fanfic. You don't know how good it feels to see the number of views increasing as we move forward. Ciao!


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Faithful_Authorcreators' thoughts
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