
Release The Devil Inside Him

Dean walked quickly out of the hospital his footsteps were heavy as he had left her, he had to fix everything before April woke up. He reached the exit and walked out into the darkness it felt like he had just stepped out of her light and back into his dull life without her warmth.

He glanced back inside, shaking his head to clear his thoughts he then strode out of the hospital. He clenched his fists in frustration and anger. By this stage, he could barely see the pavement he and could barely read the signs around him.

He felt his throat choke up, he coughed to clear it and took a deep breath. He noticed Oliver standing beside one of his cars in the parking bay and he made his way towards him. He had left his heart with April and right now all he felt was empty and the need for revenge. His uncle had thought he could easily kill him? Break him? No all he did was release the demon that lived inside him.

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