
Practice Makes A Warrior Perfect!

Obeying my father, I went to do practice in the garden.

I brought a tree trunk and did the usual practice, smashing it into two. Last time, with my father's help, I was able to strike the log hard enough for it to break. But now I had to do it on my own. I began striking the log. Every time I struck the log, a dent appeared. That was progress!! Yay!

But it didn't break into two which was a disappointment. I tried a few more times but in vain. At last, I realized that I couldn't do it by my own. I needed Magnum's spirit with me. "Hey buddy! You know that we are going to participate in the big event. But if we cannot even break a log, then we will not stand a chance in the tournament. I need you to believe in me and vice-versa." I said.

To a Darknorian, it would have been an awesome speech to say. But I didn't know if battle-axes understood English. Anyways, I closed my eyes. Inside I could feel warmth. I could feel the familiar voice. It was Magnum. "I understand! Now let's become one!" He said. I didn't understand the last part. Would I turn into an axe?

Opening my eyes, with red and golden color radiating through me and Magnum, I struck the log with all my strength. It not only broke into two, but also went flying somewhere in the bushes. I was shocked. Magnum had such an amazing power? I looked at my axe that was now having a sparkle.

I went searching the other piece of the log which was lying far away, somewhere near the bushes. I understood that the only way I could win the tournament was to believe in Magnum. Or in Magnum's words, become one with him.

I kept practicing for a long time. Soon I destroyed the whole tree trunk into dust and I did not want to use any of the garden's wood otherwise I would have been one of the major causes of deforestation. I was sweating and came back home and quietly went into my room. I had a bath and got refreshed. Then I jumped on my bed and dozed off immediately. The next day, my father woke me up at 7:30 am. I looked at him like, Seriously dad? "You have to register your name for the tournament today. It will come to an end by 8:30 am. Hurry up!" He ordered. I realized what he was talking about. I quickly had a bath and dressed up. I could never forget to take Magnum. I kept the battle-axe in the scabbard and went down for a quick breakfast.

Finishing my breakfast, I rushed out to find a mode of transport to get me to the next town. Should I take a taxi or should I take a flying taxi? (Yes, that was a thing.) A flying taxi looks somewhat like a bike with more added features and faster motor, engine and everything else. I decided to go with a flying taxi even though I knew that I would not have much money left after that.

Waving my hand, I called a flying taxi going somewhere in the air. It came down and I sat behind the driver. Flying taxi drivers wore helmets on their head. Somehow, their body was made of metal. I am still trying to figure out what is the logic behind it. Sitting tight on my seat, I was all set for the journey.

Things will soon pick up pace!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mukund_Naircreators' thoughts
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