
The Ying and Yang tribe with the arrival of a new sun II

When I finally had my little house, I managed to buy the furniture and furnish it to my liking, although I felt that something was missing and decided to schedule them to see if it was possible or not, I copied Elvia, Luisa and Cedric what happened and decided to call my parents and tell them how I was and what had happened, Jack and Paula laughed a little and said not to take it badly, not to ignore it but not to give it much importance, to see it as a simple greeting of 'Hello! ', I talked a little more with them and then hung up.

Elvia's letter arrived the next day and while I was eating fish and rice with mead I decided to read the letter where she told me that I was a walking good luck charm and that I should go to see if it would bring her luck and the final lines read

Elvia's voice: "don't take this the wrong way Zafi, but maybe for them you are someone who exudes luck and fortune".

To which I said out loud: Elvia, not that I was a Buddhist god -I sighed and decided not to think about it anymore-.

I decided to keep training my power and magic and from time to time a little bit of defense and attack. Cedric wrote me letters every day and one day he decided to come and visit me, I didn't worry about it but I did warn him at 3 o'clock that Cedric was coming, that same day an Elf with tanned skin and olive green eyes, tanned skin and light brown hair down to his shoulders with a sun painting on his chest and a rabbit's paw on his shoulder arrived, he introduced himself as Axel.

He was the leader of the sun tribe, according to Lluvia told me they were expert warriors and most of the Grizzlies were trained by them; I watched in amazement as he talked to Perla for some spells and how he mastered magic, I managed to notice something curious in the very familiar but I decided to silence my doubt and wait.

When night fell I was exhausted, so I made a quick meal for the 3 of us and slept as if nothing, in my dream I saw that Warrior sitting in meditation pose and he stares at me while he talks to me telling me that we both have the same gift and that I must learn to improve it and if I agree he can help me, I accepted it without thinking twice and after that he vanishes.

When I woke up I noticed an owl in the window and I let him pass who landed on my shoulder and rubbed my cheek, I imagined it was a greeting so I decided to touch him as a sign of affection, then he put himself on my wrist and raised one of his claws, I took the paper and decided to prepare food for him, I gave him some bread and some Ruby seeds and I saw how he stayed calm, so I decide to feed Love and Ruby their favorite seeds and see what I could prepare for me, I had some eggs, bread and cheese so I decide to make an omelet and eat it with bread, my mother sometimes sent me some milkshakes or meringues and I shared it with the girls.

After 5 days Cedric arrived with his beautiful Eagle named Veloz, it made me laugh because when Ruby saw him all she did was look him up and down and nothing else, on the other hand Love did give him some affection like a hug. Cedric took me on horseback to the forest where there was a big tree and he told me that it was a sacred tree for this tribe because according to them fairies live there and help the bears when they can.

I just didn't know if it was true or not since so far no bear has seen them, when I asked him why he was telling me this, he told me

Cedric: I didn't know what to answer to your letter so I did some research, I think they see you as a nymph or a great fairy that has given them luck in harvest and fertility, ah that's why they bow to you.

He came to stay 5 days in the tribe in the house of Lluvia's brothers, you could say that as soon as we came together the bears there bowed and rubbed their front paws as a sign of amassing fortune or love and Cedric said in ironic way

Cedric: now you are also a love nymph.

I couldn't get angry at his smiling and smiling gesture, I accompanied him a few more steps to his horse and when I got there he took my hand and bumped the rings that we both had on the index finger, and while smiling he tells me that he is jealous of the Bears for the luck they have, then he kisses my forehead and I notice how he stops his desire to hug me, to which I laugh and while I tell him everything in its own time; after giving me a kiss he says in a funny way that I stole his phrase and asks me to always look at the stars and the moon because they always tell him how I am.

Every holiday we celebrated with a big meeting near the fairy forest and shared with all the bears, many made jokes and loved me as family, Elvia and Luisa took advantage of those days to come and tease me a little with the 'Goddess of luck' Hansen took his wife and did not introduce them and Franky to his fiancée since in a few suns they would be spouses, so they took the opportunity to give me the invitation in person and take advantage of me giving them good luck.

My parents got me a priestess outfit and I won't deny that I loved the gift, so I wore it that day and many who knew that outfit complimented me and said I looked good, I sent a picture or two with the girls and their baby bears.

Paula after the picture made a drawing of how the girls would be in human version, Perla made her 5'7" thin like me with white hair and long to the waist, her eyes were dark gray and her skin was white and a little pink from the cold, Verano a beautiful brunette with curly black hair, her skin was dark brown and her eyes were honey colored, about 5'7" and Lluvia was Asian style with porcelain white skin, her eyes were dark brown and her hair was black and she was 5'6" tall.

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