
Chapter 26

[A/N: https://www.paypal.me/ppratyay

If you wish to support me here is my PayPal account link. This work is not something I choose to do on Patre-on although there were some extra chapter there, today I am releasing all of them and I will also update directly here from now on.

I must clarify that I appreciate your support either way and you are free to do what you like. This work is just a fun one, there will be lots of copy paste but I would also add my own flavor into the mix. As time passes there will be more deviation.

Your support will motive me to push forward harder and work better, anyways thank you all for the love and support on both my novel. Thank you.

Now please enjoy]

"Nie Li! What are you doing?"

Xiao Ninger screamed as she saw, Nie Li assault Lue Dong so abruptly and knocking him out. She was confused and angry to see Nie Li act this way towards her aide. He just completed an extremely risky mission and helped Nie Li out.

Nie Li calmly looked in Xiao Ninger direction but his eyes were dangerously cold and he released a stifling amount of Killing intent. His eyes were Icy blue and he showed no previous serenity and kindness towards her.

Looking at him, Xiao Ninger body turned cold. Each and every thought in her mind froze and she felt a strange and prickling pain in her chest. The way Nie Li looked at her made her feel an enormous amount of pain in her heart.

As the time itself froze for a moment, no one made a sound and even the sound of their beating heart could be heard loud and clear.

[Beep! Large amounts of adrenaline is being secreted. Liveliness of blood cells in host's body has exceeded threshold, Similarity to emotional outburst. Recommend Action: Meditation]

Nie Li calmly breath out of his lung and closed his eyes for a little while, Nie Li has commanded A.I.Chip to continuously monitor him and try to figure out the origin of the trouble as well as the solution, So far the only solution is to meditate.

"He was a spy! " Nie Li calmly stated as he controlled his outburst.

"What? That can't be, There must be a confusion! " Xiao Ninger also understood that Nie Li must have a reason for his aggressive action, so she also backed off a little but she immediately retorted after listening to his accusations.

Nie Li shook his head. Nie Li has handed such a delicate job to Xiao Ninger so he obviously made sure that everything was followed through perfectly.

He chased after Lue Dong tailing him as he delivered his message, he made sure to reveal his presence to him, such that he will act vigilant and observe his reaction. Nie Li was ready with a poisoned crossbow to make sure to destroy any evidence if things go South.

Since Lue Dong knew that he was being followed and he could also feel the threat on his life, he decided to not act suspicious and do the job perfectly but this was his biggest mistake. Nie Li observed how a person who is doing such a delicate job ignored being followed and rather tried to present himself properly than to attack the pursuer.

Nie Li with his Dynamic Vision accompanied by A.I.Chip scanning and monitoring can unravel and deduce what most can't. He read his body signs, heart beat, thermal temperatures and any signs of divergence from the normal scope.

After all this Nie Li made the conclusion that this - Lue Dong is definitely a spy.

"Xiao Ninger, Quench my curiosity a bit. At the state in which your family has fallen, have you never felt that something is amiss." Nie Li said raising his eyebrow. Xiao Ninger furrowed her brows and looked serious, " Ninger, Honestly speaking I would not be surprised even if a few elder from your family are inside Sacred Family's pocket let alone this weakling. Maybe he is just a little lackey that, they don't even care about, He could be placed just to keep an eye on you by an Elder in the family itself, but he is not someone loyal to you, I know that for sure. "

Xiao Ninger looked stunned at his statement, the way the Winged Dragon family fall was indeed suspicious. They have lost 80% of their business and assets to Sacred Family, such a big loss is not something that can be explained via Bad Luck. Maybe even the family head and those loyal to the house also known this but what can they do! Sacred family is one of the three major family. They can be blamed but not affected by their claims rather it will invite their full blown assault and suppression.

"Just listen to me. Go home and rest for the night, I will investigate this can keep you updated okay. By the way, If any one ask about him than just say that he offended a Noble after which he was no longer sighted. Take Shen Yue name for instance. No one will investigate if a direct descendant from Sacred Family is involved." Nie Li shamelessly framed Shen Yue and advised her.

"Eh" Xiao Ninger nodded absent mindedly as she went away. She kept throwing glances in Nie Li direction, probably feeling guilty for questioning him. Nie Li looked at her back and a torn look appear on his face.

How could he not know what feelings Ninger has towards him? He knows too well about this. It's just he doesn't know what to do. One thing is for sure though, He doesn't want to hurt a good and hardworking person like her.

'I am sorry, but I don't think I am ready for this.' Nie Li felt bad about how he is acting insolent before her. Nie Li really respects and appreciate her but he is just not ready.

Love is something that is very hard to explain, one may say that he is an arrogant prick who is playing hard to get, causing distress and falsely leading an angel like Ninger. She is beautiful, talented, hard working, and she appreciate and admires him but....

Love is a very broad concept and one cannot understand how other feels exactly. Even though Nie Li or to be exact Leonard has never been in a romantic relationship with a girl in his previous life, he has indulge in intimate contact with some woman. Even then after having sex a few time he didn't felt that it was anything special, obviously one feels bodily pleasure and as a man he enjoyed that but that it, it was like a cup of good quality coffee for a person who likes it but not at a enthusiastic level. He would not say no to it, but he will not live or die for it either.

Some people are lustful by nature and some are apathetic by their orientation. Neither is good or bad, it is what it is! Don't change your feelings because other may judge you or feel disgusted by your behavior. Just be who you are.

Leonard maybe not have much experience in Love for a person, but he is not insolent to love itself, no he is someone with lots of love.

His love was so supreme that he sacrificed all he had for his love. That Love being for his country.

People may say that Patriotism is just an agenda but then again what is not. In this world, reality is what you make it out to be.

Never scoff at someone passion and love just because you don't feel that way yourself. That will only make you bitter and short sighted.

Leonard loved something more than himself and all it got him, in return was pain and suffering. He doesn't hate his country, but he couldn't help but be disappointed and broken heart.

At some point one may even descend into nihilism.

Now, Darkness and coldness has become so general to him and he became so accustomed and comfortable to it, that Love seems shallow and pointless. One can even say he fears love. He fears that maybe he wouldn't be able to survive loving anything or anyone now.

'All I know is that, She deserves happiness and she deserve someone who is willing to give her their undivided attention and unbridled love.' Nie Li thinks to himself, He has decided to just let time do it's deed and go with the flow, he is not going to enter a relationship if he doesn't feel comfortable because that will be an insult to her as well.

Nie Li silently summoned out a bandage like tape from his inventory and started to tape his hands.

After a few moments, he was done and he stood up before Lue Dong fallen body and closed his eyes.

"Chaos is the beginning, Chaos is the End; Chaos makes no enemy and Chaos makes no Freind" Nie Li silently muttered the first incantations from The Heavenly Anarchy Cultivation technique.

Nie Li eyes became calm again and he looked at Lue Dong, " Time to stop *Swish* " Nie Li lifted his right leg a foot in the air and slammed his heels onto Lue Dond's extended Elbow.


"Ahhhh" Lue Dong shouted as his elbow was broken and bent into the other direction.

"Acting! "

Nie Li kicked the thrashing Lue Dong towards the tree, where he collided with a thud and slide down miserably. Nie Li walked towards him cracking his knuckles and Lue Dong felt unrestrained fear looking at his cold face.

"N-No Please Stop! I don't know anything"

Nie Li smiled and solidly kicked him in his face, the back of his head ricochet against tree and he started to bleed from both the posterior portion of his head and his mouth. He quickly spat 3 teeths as vomited a bit of blood too.

"Tell me would you like to answer with a mouth with teeths or without it! "

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