
An ordinary noble family

-Do we have everything for the trip?- asked a gentle voice directly next to the man.

It was nice to hear that voice again, nice to be able to have everyone he had always loved by his side again.

Henry like many others had returned from an event, which was not the war, but something that counted much more in the heart of the lord: acceptance.

He had managed to leave his past behind him, a past that had always destroyed his heart, the injustices that made him feel bad and infuriated, he had abandoned them all to his past, being things that were no longer worth fighting for.

Now he had his eyes open to the future: he had a wife and two children, who might one day be more and he had to think about them, he had understood this, just in time before he ruined everything.

Now his wife was there with him, holding his hand, with so much affection and joy of having him back with her that it almost seemed incredible to the lord, exactly for the fact that usually Kara never expressed too many emotions.

They had been able to reconcile after the incident and had met a decision that had impressed both of them positively.

They would not have been able to live forever at the cost of House Stanley, therefore, the prince had finally wanted to fullfil his wife's greatest dream, to live in peace, in a non-royal world and not at court, both spouses had decided to buy a large mansion in the small town north of Man, in Ramsey, where they would soon be moving with their children and an escort of orderlies transferred from House Stanley.

Henry looked all around him, it had never happened in his life until then that he had to move from one place to another, so all that comings and goings of attendants, those full suitcases, loaded carriages, all this seemed new to the prince and curious at the same time.

He was curious, yes, and also strangely enthusiastic he had to admit, how finally and with their privacy, he and his family were able to start all over.

Henry took a quick glance at his wife, to him she was beautiful, just like the same day he met her, the same day he married her, the same day their baby was born, as well as all the other days the two had lived together.

He loved her smile full of sincerity and love, he loved her face, her eyes, her soft and wavy hair of a brown colour, he loved everything of her.

It was a source of happiness to finally be back on good terms, to finally be back as a family.

At the moment of farewell, the prince had asked the nurse to pass Amber, his daughter, who apparently adored him, to him for some time.

The little girl had just turned seven months old, this meant that she was already sitting without any problem, observing the world around her with curiosity and with even more admiration she observed her father, with her big and lost blue eyes, it was enough to say that when the little lady was placed in the arms of her father she did not cry for any reason, but rather began to smile.

His daughter looked so much like him, they had the same golden hair, the same big eyes, only she was smaller and at that moment she needed her father more than anything else in the world, which was why Henry was happy to be able to enjoy the growth of his princess.

-Kara, it was a real pleasure to have you as a guest for these months, I am very pleased that from now on we will live on the same island and I sincerely hope you and your family will reserve us a few visits during the weekends or the holidays- admitted the Lady Mary who in that difficult moment was in front of the couple.

In the company of the woman were all three illegitimate children of the deceased Lord Stanley, her husband, children whom she had raised like hers, children she could never, ever give up.

A mother's love was great and this Kara herself knew very well, and some people simply had such a strong instinct for those things that they simply tended to love all the people who had had difficulties in their life.

The lady smiled, observed the magnificent and proud face of the woman, the magnificent dark colour of her skin, her big black eyes, her hair enclosed in many small braids, she smiled, she knew it would be like that, she knew they would come back one day and they would be joking about all those events by now.

-Now that you are together again, perhaps, it would be possible for you to have other children, little brothers and sisters for Philip and Amber- the woman admitted with a joking air, leaving a somewhat more perplexed and unsure air on the other woman's face.

-Oh no, please Lady Mary, do not remind my husband of this, he would gladly want more children but I really don't think that we could bear other little demons like them for a long time- Kara admitted jokingly, slowly taking with love from Henry's arms their little girl, cuddling her, caressing her numerous and straight blond hair, covered by a soft and sweet cap of precious lace.

Those words, how much they reminded Henry, those words, he remembered when the two of them first met, Kara had made the decision to never, ever become a mother, thinking that role simply didn't suit her, but now, fifteen years later, it was enough to observe how loving she was towards their children, to make it clear that that woman, simply, was more than capable of being a mother.

For Henry their children had been gifts, but he also understood the fact that his wife might be full of gifts at that moment, which left the man to understand that maybe it was appropriate to wait some more time. before speaking of children again.

On the other hand, they were still young and in any case they would have been happy in every way.

The prince remembered the night Kara gave birth to their first child: Philip, he remembered that night and carried it in his heart, as that same night was the most beautiful of his life, the one where the prince finally had the opportunity to hold in his hands their baby.

Philip would be his heir in a direct line, and at that moment Henry also realised that his heir had much more to think about, as he was nostalgically secluded in a corner of the room with the young Sophia Stanley.

-Do not worry Philip, remember, even if we do not live together we could always meet for the holidays... it's only a few months to Christmas- the young lady tried to reassure the boy, with whom, at the moment they were holding hands.

Henry knew that feeling, he knew the need to part with the person he loved, he knew all of that and he understood in his heart the emotions of his son, who at that moment in desperation was granting his last goodbye before the holidays to his beloved lady.

-Please Sophia, don't forget me, two months pass quickly- the young prince admitted, finally and for the first time leaving a kiss on the soft lips of the young lady, while caressing with his pale and cold hands her soft and wavy hair.

Henry was shocked but when he tried to call his son back, it was his wife who stopped him.

They were still young, yes, but he remembered that once he and Kara too had been kids and once they too, in their relationship had given their first curious and timid kisses, before advancing their relationship to other levels.

Yes, even if the man was a prince he should not forget that his wife had once been chancellor of the French crown and it was almost unbelievable to remember all of a sudden how something so great had started from a pathetic enmity.

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