
Lady Annalise Dustin

Evening had just fallen over the vast lands of the North.

England and Scotland counted an hour less than France, when it came to time.

So when it was already past midnight in Paris it was just eleven in Glasgow.

Not that that time was less relevant, of course, but while at that time of the night everyone was asleep, Juniper was still awake.

He sat in a comfortable reddish-coloured upholstered armchair with soft fabric and lay there, sitting in front of the fireplace, the flames were still burning.

The Baron held in his hand, between his fingers a small crystal glass full of dark liquor and with lost eyes he watched the hot flames still burn.

That bright red colour, that of the flames, brought back in Juniper's heart the memory of his beloved wife who had died a little over a month before.

He had already taken care to send a letter of connection to the French court, to make sure that Henry, his cousin, was in good health and had also taken care to send his deepest condolences to the Houses Dallas and Dustin, relatives of the young woman.

Isabelle could also forbid her hostages from communicating but no one could forbid Juniper.

Although Scotland still held service to the English crown, it was a free land, a barony, now under his rule.

He would avenge his wife.

At the same time, the Dallas, still devastated by the loss of their daughter but wanting anyway to maintain good relations with Scotland, had proposed in marriage to the Baron their youngest daughter, Dorothea Dallas.

The young Dallas was only thirteen at the moment, so she would have to wait some more years before he could marry her.

That time, according to the family, would have been enough to cover the mourning of the deceased daughter and with a second marriage would have given the Baron the possibility of generating other children.

Juniper did not know whether to accept or not, he had met her once and to him she seemed a good person, shy and generous.

He did not know what to say, the Baron loved his wife, but he certainly did not count he could spend the rest of his life without anyone by his side and he also thought that a second parent would be necessary for Rudolph's growth.

The young man turned the glass between his fingers, it was difficult to choose, difficult morally.

He didn't know what Abigail had wanted for him and that hurt, because Juniper was convinced that somewhere his wife still watched over him.

Three years was not a short time, yet he felt indecisive, he did not know if he would forget his wife's death in such a short time, if he could process it.

On the other hand, it was a bodily as well as a spiritual need for him to remarry.

He had just turned eighteen and was already in charge of a land of almost seventy-seven thousand square kilometers.

All that was not trivial, to remain calm, in control, always.

He had lost all motivation by now, now that Abigail was dead, he had repeatedly wondered how he could go on alone, with his wife's baby who grew more and more every day.

He pushed away some blond curls which had fallen on his forehead.

Juniper was tired, unmotivated, depressed and on his pale face, under his blue eyes lay dark circles.

He hadn't slept a wink for nights now, he was afraid of having entered a crisis, an infinite whirlwind of sadness from which it would be difficult to get out.

He knew how dangerous alcohol was in those situations and for this reason, every time his body absorbed that sour, bitter substance that made him forget his problems, he always limited himself to drinking a glass.

The Baron knew he shouldn't be selfish, he knew that an entire barony, like his son's life, depended exclusively on the strength and courage that he was able to maintain in those difficult moments.

Two light knocks knocked on the door.

He was not expecting anyone's visit that night, not at that time, so, detachedly, he limited himself to offering the person the opportunity to enter the room.

As soon as it was given the chance that figure entered the room, he felt it, by the clacking of the lock and the subtle creaking of the wood.

Juniper turned his face until he saw who it was and soon, before he could even speak, he found himself in his study who would never have waited.

She was a woman, in her forties, she had a perfect appearance, her body inside a beautiful and majestic black dress, on her shoulders she wore, tied with a magnificent gold brooch, a cloak of precious green fabric.

She had a pale face, almost marble, some freckles, which dark covered part of her nose and hair of a dull red colour and very long, which was partly enclosed in a bun on the nape, the rest of it fell neatly on her back.

Juniper lightly gasped because the woman looked a lot like Abigail, she had a gold harp brooch, he didn't even know if it was a Dallas.

-My name is Annalise Dustin- the woman introduced herself placing one of her hands on her chest and looking down at him as a sign of respect -I think you, my lord, have met my two youngest children, William and Dickon Dustin, I suppose...-.

Yes, he knew the Dustin twins, Juniper knew them all too well but what could their mother want from him?

He persisted in knowing for what purpose Lady Dustin had gone to him so after a respectful bow the Baron made the woman sit in the chair next to him.

It was usually unlikely that a lady would pay a visit instead of a lord but Juniper didn't care at the moment.

He was too busy with the idea of ​​finding out why the woman had gone to him and why.

The Baron delicately handed the woman one of the small crystal glasses.

-Do you want some liquor, milady? - Asked the one trying to be as kind and respectful as possible towards his guest.

The woman smiled faintly, she knew a lady shouldn't have been drinking alcohol in the absence of her husband, but she still accepted.

On the other hand, no one was there to see what she was doing and in a certain sense she felt guilty for not having warned the Baron in advance of her arrival.

Juniper resumed his seat in the soft chair and looked back at the fire.

No one had visited him in those days, so for once having a guest in the house didn't bother him at all.

-How is your husband?- Juniper ventured to ask observing her.

The woman let a smile rise on her pale face, which let a glimpse of her white teeth, there was something in the question that amused her, even if she didn't know what.

-Ludwig gets older every day...- came out of the lady's lips almost as a whisper -not a day goes by since our wedding that I remember him without white hair...-.

Juniper knew there were several years of difference between Lord and Lady Dustin, even about forty, so he knew that while Annalise Dustin was about forty-five, her husband was about eighty.

On the other hand, it was normal at that time that in order to tie agreements and alliances between families, girls, even very young ones, had to go in marriage to men much older than themselves.

-Since my husband lost his sight everything has become more difficult...- Lady Dustin let escape from her pink lips as her pensive gaze and her pale face were illuminated by the light of the flames.

-Preston, our oldest son, is just twenty-seven years old and still finds himself having to take over the house, having to manage relationships and control, he helps his father where he can but it's not that easy...and then there are Warren and Meredith, the middle children...- confessed Lady Annalise, revealing her thoughts.

-I imagine you came here to talk about your other two children...the youngest- the Baron tried to guess seeing where the woman's speech was going to end.

A spark of light, of hope lit up in the woman's green eyes, she knew she had parried at the right point and she knew more than anything else, that due to the great virtues of listening of the Baron, it could prove to be a great point of support for her.

-My youngest children, William and Dickon, are almost your age, yet they are forced to be imprisoned within the walls of a castle, far from home...- admitted Lady Dustin turning her gaze completely to the young man next to her .

-I beg you, Lord Whiteblossom, help me save my children, they are all I have right now...my family- said the woman with her eyes full of tears.

Juniper wondered how he could help her, he had no ideas in his head, not anymore.

But he had regained his motivation, he hadn't been able to save Abigail, no, but he wasn't going to let other human lives unjustly die.

-I will gather a council- reassured the Baron, making the woman return to herself -I will call Irland, Wales and Man to me if necessary...-.

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