
Battle of the Children 

After identifying Minos Stuart's children, the level 84 Sage asked. "So? What do we do?"

His comment was directed not only at his companion but also at the two siblings in front of him, who had more or less the same doubts as these two Sages.

To fight or not to fight.

There weren't any valuable resources around that would give them a better reason to fight, but knowing the identity of these two, the Sages couldn't help but imagine that Kendrick and Sarah had great resources with them.

Wasn't finding these two there the same as finding something precious available to anyone with the strength to pick it up?

The Continental Tournament was a fantastic event where the leaders of the organizations couldn't take revenge for things that happened during the event. So even if Minos had been watching them, he couldn't punish them if they decided to steal Sarah and Kendrick.

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