

As Ruth observed the area from above, Minos retrieved his low-level grade-2 sword from his spatial ring and prepared himself for the impending battle.

It didn't take long before a group of 50 wild boars started to appear in Minos' vision.

Each boar had two sharp canines that were protruding out of their mouths. These teeth were slightly curved upwards and measured about 20 centimeters in length.

All of these wild boars stood 1.5 meters tall and certainly weighed well over 400 kilograms. They were also covered in brown furs and had small, completely reddish eyes.

As he looked at the boars in front of him, Minos could tell that this group of beasts was hungry and intended to hunt him down and feast on his flesh, as this was evident from the saliva dripping from the mouths of many of these spiritual beasts.

'Well, if that's the case, I don't need to hold abc either...' he thought, preparing himself for the fight.

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