

While nearly getting shot and killed by an ambush. We made it to castle leoch taken to separate rooms to be changed. The one they call Mrs. Fitz was very kind reassuring me I would be ok. I wasn't so sure but I had to trust her for now. "Now lets me take you to Calum he wants to see you." I remember reading a book on the Makenzie clan. Calum Makenzie was the head of the family around this time. When I saw him I was astonished.

His legs remained me of a goat. "Dougal tells me your a Chisholm. May I ask what you were doing on my land?" I know the truth may sound crazy but I  had no reason to lie. "My boys and I are from the year 2020. I am not sure how this happened ,but we were walking gathering herbs for the inn we were staying at. I know how it sounds but its the truth. I just want to find a way for the four of us to go home. "

He scanned me for a while then nods. "We will help you lass. I sense no deception in you. It took courage to say such things. I thank you for your honesty. I was informed you also helped my nephew. Are you a healer where you come from? "  He asked having a friendly conversation. "No sir I am just the mother of three lads that at times bit off more than they could chew. I am blessed they are good and honest hard working lads. It could have been worse for them." I said remembering the way they came into my life. "Hmmm I took note they don't look like you. So how can you call yourself their mother?" That question always offends me. My calm face turns to hard stone. "I call myself their mother because I am the one raising them. Their father's wanted nothing to do with them. Yes I could have given them to the authorities at anytime. I chose to be the mother they not only needed but deserved."

He nods at my answer and smiled. "Sorry to upset you lass.You are free to go and you can help in the gardens with the lads of yours. Oh and Iris thank you for being honest." I nod and walk to find my boys talking with some of the men. They seem to be making joking jabs at eachother. I roll my eyes leting my boys be boys. This gave me the opportunity to talk to Clair.

Something about her didn't sit well with me. It could be she is an English pig sowe. I had to find out for myself. When I entered her room Mrs.Fitz was just about to leave. "Ah Iris can you give me ahand with this dear." She asked and I went to help her. The lace was not going threw the loops. "Might need to burn the ends of the lace or get a new one." I said absence minded. "Good Idea I'll go get a candle." She said leaving the room. "What time are you from?" I asked in a whisper. She stiffened up before saying she has no idea what I am talking about. I chuckle at her attempt to keep it under wraps. "Listen when your ready to tell the truth I'll be here. I'm from the year 2020. " whisper to her be she told me to get out. Ah she is going to be a delight I can tell.

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