
Exodus 001

(Warning: This chapter contains a lot of gore scenes.)

We're still in the middle of the war. Although, we defeated that monster there is still no assurance with those two monsters around. And we can't say anything for sure until the battlefield is clear.

But I'm so glad that there is still no injured in our group. Procuratio –exi is really high class when it comes to battle.

They are really all professionals in their fields.

The boat halts and I look up at the huge ship right in front of us now. "Exodus 001" I reread again. The men who are with me, fire three hook guns simultaneously. And as soon as it hit the ship, we start our climb.


"The f*ck?!"

All of my subordinates exclaimed.

The sight that we see as soon as we made it to the upper deck of the ship was horrendous. Dead bloody bodies of people are scattered everywhere. And some of their limbs and body parts are dismembered and mutilated. A full butchered and merciless massacre occurred here.

I close to one of the bodies and squint my eyes. This? This wasn't done by zombies. The wounds in the bodies are cut off cleanly and precisely.

"Erin!?" I look back to see that Carlo and Fernando have also made their way on the ship. And they have the same reactions we had earlier based on their shocked expressions. It's a good thing, I didn't bring Fred here. If he sees this, he might not be able to take it and collapse.

My chest feels heavy seeing this. The two ships are already crushed to pieces. This is the only place where I could find grandpaps.

"Let's start looking now for grandpaps," I said as I stand up and look at them.

"Yes, our main mission here is to find Erin's grandparent". Fernando follows -up after my words.

"The ship is very huge. We should split into groups again. But two groups this time, one will go to the east side of the ship and the other will go to the right side of the ship." I said.

"Then, I'll go..." I stop Carlo's words.

"No, go with Fernando Carlo, if ever they find gramps, he would understand things much faster if you are with them since he knows you."

"Tsk..Fine." Carlo hissed.

"Then that's the plan, we will go to the west and your group will go the East," Fernando said. "Here" then he reaches something out to me. It is a small device that has four buttons in different colors. I look at him as I received the device.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Use that, that little gadget will be our way to communicate to each other. If you click red it means you need a back-up, green means we're going to retreat, blue means you lack equipment, and yellow is our triumph." Then he hands out another one of these to Carlo. The other members have probably had one already.

"If you see Erin's grandparents just click the yellow button." He continued.

" Roger that" All the subordinates answered.

"Don't do everything on your own Erin if you need help, press the green button right away," Carlo said, worry-filled his face.

"Yes, don't worry," I said to reassure him.

We finally went our separate ways after a few more talks.

When we enter the first cabin of the ship. The same sight of what we see outside is also everywhere here. Bloods spills on the ground and there are some splattered on the walls as well. What could cause such a massive massacre like this? I see a man and a child closely hugging each other as if he tried to protect the child. And both of their bodies are covered with slashes.

The human race, I realize that we all have different perspectives in life but we only have one goal which is to survive. But sadly, not all of us could survive here. I made my way to the two and I closed the wide-eyed open of the man. And proceed to the hallways.

As we enter another cabin it looks like this is for the higher class, with the luxurious chandelier above and fine and exquisite dining set up. It would look really nice if not with the dead bodies here.

"Is that Viviana?" One of my comrades said.

"Who's Viviana?" He was answered by the others.

"She's a famous actress of the country!" He exclaimed excitedly but his voice gloomily trails in the end.

"Really?! What a pity to have an end like this." the others replied.

I heard my subordinates talk as we continue on our way.

"Did you have any idea where part of the ship might your grandpa will stay?"

One of my subordinates asked.

I pondered for a while and remember that my grandpa loves wine so much.

"Yes, he loves wines maybe he's now on the fancy wine restaurants"

"I see, there is a near restaurant that offer different types of wine from here a while ago. " He said.

"Then let's go there," I said after a few minutes we're now in front of a high-class restaurant.

But as we entered there, there is still no sign of grandpaps but instead, something caught my attention. There is a trail of blood. And I follow it with my eyes, it ends up a close shut door.

I made my way to the door and when I open it there is a staircase going down below and I could still that the trail of blood continues on it.

I and my subordinates look and nod our heads at each other agreeing to go down.

As we made our way down, it seems this is some sort of storage space for the cargoes of the ship.

"Help!" Our attention was caught up with that shout. And soon we see a cell with three people. And two of that people are the ones I don't want to see in my entire life.


"Carlo, you seem to always worried about Erin huh," Fernando said as we make our way to each of the cabins.

"Yes, she's like a sister to me. And we treat each other like a real family." I answered as we went out from another cabin.

"I see, a sister huh," Fernando said with some sort of other meaning on that.

"Yep, why? Is there are a problem with that? I asked.

" No, nothing," Fernando said.



We look at each other as we heard those multiple shots.

"A gunfire?" one of our subordinates exclaimed.

We hurriedly made our way there and we end up with the second deck of the ship. It was some sort of casino. But there is a very familiar old man that is shooting incoming zombies at them. While at his back were people who look like civilians.

We immediately open fire to the other zombies right away.

Moments later all the zombies have dropped dead.

"Grandpaps!" I called out as soon as I reach him.

"Carlo?" His face looks at me confused.

" I'm going to explain this to you later gramps but right now I'm going t get off you here."

The ship suddenly moves side to side that which can cause us to out of balance. The wines and glass are now broken and the chandelier is now falling.

But that doesn't what I'm worried about right now. The device Fernando gave us, the red button is blinking repeatedly as it makes tiny "beep" sounds.

"Erin is in danger," Fernando said.

"I know."

Without further delay, we hurried our way to the East side of the ship.

Chapter 17 is finally out!

They finally find grandpaps but now Erin is in danger.

What could possibly happen to her?

Thanks for reading and stay tune for more.

Aeipathy_02creators' thoughts
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