
I found him

Celia needed to hurry, the daggers will protect Anaya and the Sword of Chaos will protect Aiden but the others were in danger, luckily Caleb, Liam and Alec had regrouped to cover each other.

Celia and Anthony joined their hands, the palms on the wrists of the other, Celia concentrated and as she had expected she could finally see the reserves of energies of this man or at least of his clones.

His demonic flame was nothing exceptional, it was that of a demon warrior with only twenty percent darkness energy, what was weird was that instead of the blue flame of a fighter or a reserve of spiritual energy for a mage, he had a green flame that seemed as powerful as his demonic flame.

Anthony asked her: "Have you ever seen a green flame like this?"

Celia replied: "No, this is the first time, do you see anything else?"

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