
Should I say it or not

Caleb took a deep breath and walked over to him, he held out his hand hoping he would accept his first contact, the young man looked at his hand and finally shook it, he seemed confused, Caleb introduced himself: "My name is Caleb, I am the Master's brother of the girl you are going to face, what's your name kid?"

The young man blushed and withdrew his hand quickly, he did not understand what was happening, why did this man have such an effect on him, he answered him even if he did not understand why he had taken the trouble to come and introduce himself, because after this fight they would probably never see each other again: "I'm Daniel sir, this girl is downright exceptional... is she really just level six?"

Caleb replied: "Yeah she is only a level six but don't be fooled by that, we are all training her and trust me on this, she is really exceptional... Are you all alone? Is there no one to stop the fight for you if it gets too dangerous?"

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