
Family meeting is over

Liam added: "The flash of light that came out of Celia's divine door is not just a destructive weapon as you may have realized.

It also heals all wounds, restores and nourishes the earth, and replenishes all energy reserves whatever they may be.

To be honest with you girls, I thought this symbol was a legend, you know a tale that has been told to scare us, but considering what happened here, I can no longer doubt its existence."

Celia asked him: "Liam this isn't the first time you've both referred to this Clara.

First because of the pentagram and now this divine door symbol, looking at your face, do you think I'm somehow her reincarnation? And Naya who is the Golden Dragon and my life partner would be the reincarnation of this Anna, when you think about it, it's a lot of coincidence, even for me."

Liam said still in a very serious tone: "We do not know if you are the reincarnation of Clara, but indeed, the facts are there. We cannot ignore them any longer, the pentagram, the symbol, the affinity with the five elements, your exceptional abilities and of course your bond with Naya who is the Golden Dragon."

Liam turned to Alec and said: "We need a plan, we're not powerful enough to be able to protect them properly."

Alec nodded, he understandood very well Liam's concern over the girls.

Liam stared again at the girls and explained to them: "If the news ever got out that a mage with seven spheres has appeared as well as a golden dragon you would both be in great danger. The mighty of this world and other worlds do not like to share their power let alone have someone above them. You get it? Right now, you are an easy prey for them, if they found out about your existence, they would rather kill the both of you than let you become more powerful than them."

Celia replied: "We understand the situation, don't worry."

Anaya looked at them solemnly and said: "Liam it's only been a week since you took us as disciples, and you Alec, you've only known us for a few hours. If you want to stop here we'll understand, we are well aware of putting your life in danger."

Alec spoke first: "I think you don't understand at all.

Anaya you are the Golden Dragon, and you will be able to master the five elements, sooner or later you will have to go and take your rightful place. You will have to dethrone this traitor who reigns over the red dragons and over all mystical creatures and magical beasts.

I don't know what it's all about yet, but your powers of both of you did not appear for nothing and I swear to give my life to protect you."

Liam continued: "I totally agree with Alec, and I already consider you as my own family, so we will try our best to protect the both of you.

With Alec, we will be your shield and your sword until you are strong enough to stand up for yourself on your own."

Celia sighed: "Where I come from, there is a saying that says that great power always brings great responsibility, and another that says, family is sacred. That pretty much sums up our situation, don't you think so?"

Celia suddenly asked full of curiosity: "Alec can I ask you something? You seem the most knowledgeable on this topic, do you know exactly what powers this Clara could use?"

Alec smiled at her and told her what he knew: "From what I know, Clara could travel through all the worlds of the different planes of existence instantly, and she could also create laws in these different worlds and no one could go against it, for example when she sealed Inferno the demons world."

Celia was speechless: "Oh, wow! It's a little bit terrifying to have that kind of power."

Celia was starting to feel that the ambience was getting heavy so she decided to change again the topic: "Well, let's stop there! For the moment nobody knows about us, and I remind you that I am only a mage level two completely harmless.

Liam, what's the training plan for the next few weeks, I really want to try doing six basic magic pills at the same time, just for fun, after I will upgrade to level three, I promise."

Liam was glad that he could think of something else but did Celia really have to add the "for fun" by talking about making six magic pills at the same time.

He said to her: "Okay, let's move on to training! I thought about it well and we are going to make two teams, I will stay with Naya, and Alec will stay with Cel, he has more experience and knowledge than me on magic herbs, he will be more useful to you than me and he will also be able to teach you the basics of martial arts."

Liam looked at Alec who was still holding him by the waist and asked: "Are you okay with that baby?"

Alec nodded and Celia did too.

Liam continued: "Naya we will stay on the same type of training, we will continue to build and strengthen your body with the weight machines and your physical resistance and your speed thanks to the gravity.

We will also continue to refine your martial arts and your handling of the dagger. Celia you will work on the mastery of your chakra which will become essential for the use of the five elements.

Alec will begin to teach you the bases of each of the five elements, that way once you upgrade to level four, you could start using them."

He paused briefly and then continued: "Alec, at the speed Celia is advancing I believe you will need to plant level four and five magic herbs quickly, just in anticipation.

Celia you will continue to make magic pills and study the red jade discs in your space, as well as the books in the library and everything useful for you that we found in those chests. For mages knowledge is as important as practice."

Liam stopped and asked all of them: "Does anyone have any questions? No one answered. No? Okay, so I declare that our family meeting is over, everyone go to train!"

Celia hugged Anaya and remained motionless for a little while, it was a lot of information all of a sudden for both of them. Fortunately, they had Liam and Alec to watch over them.

Celia's top priority was always to go take back her children, and for that she needed to get stronger.

Liam had explained to her that in order to make a transdimensional portal, she would need to use the lightning element. Luckily, she would soon start learning how to use all of the five elements.

By the time she become a level eleven mage, she would likely have mastered the element of lightning.

Then there is Anaya's problem which was much more urgent, her beloved baby wife was already in danger, she wondered how the assassins had found them at the auction, Alec surely had the answer, she would ask him the question when they were alone.

She took Anaya's face in her hands and kissed her forehead first, then her adorable little nose, and to finish she kissed her lips with all the love she could give her and said: "See you later sweetie, train hard!"

Anaya replied: "You too my love, I miss you already."

After a final kiss, Celia left for her mage training ground, and Alec, after stroking Liam's cheek and kissing him tenderly, followed her.

Anaya and Liam watched them disappear and then walked into the combat ring to begin training.

Hello everyone

hope you had a good time reading my novel :)

thanks for supporting me :)

have a good day, enjoy and take care :)

CeliaNayacreators' thoughts
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