
C: A Gap

Rafaela asked Brendan curiously, "Why are we examining everything we can find about the Dragons of the Empire right now, instead of later in our voyage? We won't arrive for nearly five whole years."

"What if we catch up with them?" Brendan asked in return.

Rafaela thought of the difficulties in matching her stepsister's course and speed during the race, to stop and give assistance, and couldn't help asking doubtfully, "At these speeds, would there be much chance of interacting even if the ship didn't try to evade us?"

He lifted his shoulders in a shrug that barely moved them against the surface of the seat, that clung to his back with the tiny suction cups in its surface. "The speed at which we are traveling, no more importantly, at which we will be traveling a year from now, is the reason we need to hurry. It won't be that long before it takes months, or years, instead of days to ask for help in deciphering anything that we lack the resources for."

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