
Welp, I messed up...

Susan watched as Lumas was flung across the room, her whole body felt like it was bathed in flames as she released a war cry , a pair of light grey wings shot out of her back while a large 2-Handed sword fell into her hands from a sheet of black before her wings tensed and she disappeared, Ais couldn't even react to Susan's movements they were little more then blurs to her eyes and everyone else's, Susan cleaved forward with her oversized claymor, Enyo reached up with her left hand to stop the blade as a small thick hexagon made from mana formed on her hand

Right before the mana shield and claymor came together Enyo's right arm was robbed from her the only thing stopping the blade was Enyo quickly evading at the first instant of pain but Susan mindlessly charged forward swinging her sword in wild yet elegant arcs every swing whistled as it cut through the air. Fighting through blurry eyes as tears streamed down her face Susan didn't allow Enyo a moment to breath as faint outlines and strings lead her to her opponents next move

At this point Enyo was solely relying on her divinity boosted Magic to survive while she attempted to regrow her lost arm, her senses where failing her only her instincts allowed her to even attempt to block or dodge Susan's wild swings fully forced on the defensive

Sebas looked like a demon, everyone underestimated him at first as they watched him slug it out with a Minotaur seemingly making no progress but slowly his hits held more force and it exponentially grew until a single punch was all that was needed to turn a Minotaur into a lump of meat, he was completely dyed red with blood as bits and pieces of various monsters were decorating his clothes

As for Ais… any in her path to Lumas were destined to destruction, a wild gale of wind formed a vortex of wind blades eating away at the mass of monsters with ease as she ran towards Lumas' body the only thoughts running through her mind were to be next to him her breathing was erratic as she mowed through the horde, just as she was about to reach him she was smacked aside, Enyo somehow got out from Susan's grasp and charged for Lumas knocking Ais out the way, Bringing up what could only be referred to as a sacrificial dagger she plunged it down into Lumas' heart

Susan let out a pained gasp as she screamed "NOOOO!" Her once tear-stricken face was now filled with tears of blood the pain she felt was unbearable, collapsing to her knees Susan gave up on life… not only has she lost her master once but now it has happened again right in front of her and there was nothing she could do about it, it felt as if she was fading away her eyes were stuck to the dagger that Enyo used to stab through Lumas's heart

Enyo instantly fled after dealing with Lumas, her scale-like necklace lit up before she teleported away, Sebas felt a wave of rage unlike anything he's ever felt before… His body began to rapidly expand as his skin hardened and took a dark red color, slowly a tail formed, then wings… He slowly took the form of a dragon he lifted his head to the skies as he let out a mind numbing roar everyone could feel his anger, sadness… loneliness… however as if a dragon was unimportant all their eyes were on Ais who just stood unmoving, her bangs hiding her eyes, those perceptive enough could she the faint trembling as she stared at Lumas' body


"What the fuck?!" A certain majestic, handsome, super duper powerful god was pacing in front of his throne… He really fucked up this time, "How'd he die? I just orchestrated a few monster parties to appear but another god?!"

He didn't realize the frown so deep that it was literally tearing his skin, "ANOTHER GOD DARE MESS WITH MY FAMILIA… ITS TIME IN SHOW THOSE FUCKNUTS A TRUE GOD" Letting out a heavy sigh he shook his head as he deflated "I can't," sniffling he materialized a thin sheet of Uru to blow his nose before unceremoniously tossing it aside as he sank into his throne "Wait, I can just send a simple aspect of myself…" Putting his hand to his chin he began to carefully caress his beard "Nah, can't do that… I can't show any weakness"

He froze in his throne as he began to violently shake as a flame filled the throne room erasing everything but the gods soul, as his body began to reform he spoke in a disembodied voice "Fucking weakling infecting me with his shitty disease…" pulling out his Ice pick he poked where his finger would be if it wasn't burned into nonexistence causing a drop of prismatic blood to form

"Falna right? Hmm ho ho ho what's this?" Finding something interesting he took a closer look "It's different?! Wait… I shall name this Better then before FALNA PRIME… Heheheououououkekekekekukuku"

As his rather weird laughter filled the room the drop of blood mixed 'omega FALNA PRIME' sank into a distortion of space, time, and climaxes and found its target

...yes he changed the name again...


Sebas seemed like death incarnate as he slaughtered every monster in sight burning them to crisps with a breath of flames or snuffing out their life with a well timed stomp of a whip of a wing, those with the expedition party where flabbergasted(?) as they stood there watching the massacre, Riveria went to Ais' side while the others from Loki's frontline helped calm Susan… Nobody dared to come close to Sebas, who would he's a rampaging dragon.

Susan's wings wrapped around her body, her charm working in overdrive unconsciously as she bawled tearing at her hair as memories with Lumas flashed through her mind as she let out a guttural scream a wave of a tangible pink aura shot out from her causing everyone to freeze, their body temperature quickly rose as their movements were locked

Nobody noticed a single drop of blood falling from a black expanse as it landed on Lumas' body it glowed with a faint red brilliance as the dagger was slowly pushed from his body, his body temperature rapidly rose as steam began to roll of his body and the room seemed to dry… He floated to a standing position as he opened his eyes, he saw how the room was completely still as if none could see anything even their bodies, however the thing that drew his attention was Ais' lifeless face… not a single tear marred it it was completely blank, then it all hit him at once… His memories that was blocked during his resurrection came in like a flood

A frown came to his face as the feeling of a dagger piercing his heart echoed through his body almost like a phantom pain however what happened next shocked him


[Lumas Freycliff

Title: The Keeper

Race: God-Blood

Level: 2

Str: 469-E

End: 999-S

Dex: 490-E

Agi: 420-E


Skill: Item Box (A), Equal Exchange (S), Test of Will (A)

Developmental Skills: Blacksmith (B), Reforge (B), Embodiement of Magic (EX), Survivor (F) -> Reset (EX)

Magic: Magic Bestowel (EX), Magic Mimic (EX), Genesis Flames (Zenith)

Bonded: Will be removed after 24 hours

Susan (Succubus/Human Hybrid) Level 15

Sebastian (Aspect Of The Dragon) Level 1

Available Next Level Up: Swordsman, Sword Dance, Consecutive Hit)]

[Reset (EX): Once every month can come back from death, As long as there's a will to live and life force left the user will live]

(A/N: Dagger to the heart is insta-death btw check paragraph comment for my bullshit excuse :), and yup… legit system… this is all it does… Think of a gods blessing but on steroids… Semi Short chap, hope you have been enjoying :) If not what are you still doing here 20 something chaps in? If torture is your thing go ahead and continue I guess

Have a great read :)

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