
Chapter 23

~Xavior's POV

"Absolutely not!" I slam my hands on my office desk looking between Nate, my head of security, and Kyle. Kyle raises his hands to try and calm me down. "Listen man, the plan is going to work, Jackson is not a fool. You're either going to have to go all in or nothing"

I sit back in my leather seat, blowing out a agitated sigh. "Okay.. okay, we will go ahead with the plans but I want spies everywhere and if this plan goes south, your head will be placed in my cabinet as a trophy." I point to the glass cabinet without breaking eye contact with Kyle. He nods nervously.

I dismiss them as I have to get ready for the ball tonight and make sure to apologize to Victoria.

This deep unsettling feeling hasn't left me since this morning, it must have been the lack of sleep since Victoria was absent from my side.

I walk into my room to find tonight's attire hanging lazily on my closet door. I walk in, taking out my work out clothes as I need to release some tension and blow off some steam in the gym.

But before I head to the gym, I check my phone for any miss calls or texts from Victoria, but find none. I dail her number to check up on her but it goes to voice mail. I sigh in disappointment as I really wanted to hear her sweet honey-like voice to help ease the dull pain in my chest.

Never have I imagined that a girl would have such a drastic effect on the way I do things, having express my feelings towards her was something I would have never done in a million years.

I just hope she's okay and that she'll forgive me, I think to myself as I make my way to the gym. I play some loud music to help distract me from the upcoming events that's about to take place.

~Victoria's POV

I grumble annoyingly as I hear Jessica trying to wake me up from my sleep. "Hey hey, wake up Vee, we need to get ready for tonight" I groan and check the time on my phone.

"Jess... It's seven in the morning... seven in the morning" I say with a raspy voice struggling to keep my eyes open.

I hear Jess move around the room and all of a sudden I am greeted by a tremendous amount of sunlight. I hiss and cover my eyes immediately trying to block out the harsh rays.

"Jess please, let me rest" I groan, covering head with my soft blanket. A few seconds later, the blankets are ripped off me. I sit up aggressively, clearly annoyed. "Fine, I'm up!"

I get up, waking to the bathroom, passing by a smirking Jess. I push her slightly causing her to break out in a fit of laughter. I lightly laugh as her laugh is unbelievably contagious.

I make my way to the bathroom with Jess following close behind. Jess shuts the door and starts filling the bath tub with water. This has become a norm, where we would randomly bath together as if we were little kids.

After we have taken off our clothes, we both climb in the amazingly hot water which releases the tention off my muscles.

We begin catching up on what has been happening in our lives. Jess explains how she might go insane as Marco, her brother, is the literal opposite of Jess. The room is filled with laughter as we begin to reminisce on the past.

We finish our necessities and get out of the tub since time was running out and the workers from the hair dresser was soon to arrive.

I decide to put on something comfortable and easy to get out of such as a white spaghetti strap top with gray sweats.

Jess wears the comfortable summer dress I bought her a few months back. After that, we head to the kitchen for breakfast. I head to the speakers to connect my phone, I select a song that's upbeat and that both Jess and I knows. Soon, The Wombats - Greek tragedy starts to blast through the speakers.

I hear Jess exclaim "Oh hell yes!" from the kitchen. I laugh and head to the kitchen to help her with breakfast, I see her moving her hips to the beat of the song, singing terribly off beat, but nevertheless, enjoying herself. I head to the fridge to get the eggs while singing the lyrics of the song.

Soon a horrible dance competition between Jess and I breaks out and we end up making fools of ourselves. We set the table and begin to dig in the delicious food we have prepared. We enjoy our meal with the smooth mellow song playing in the back.

A few minutes later, we hear a knock on the door, indicating that someone was here. Jess heads to the door while I clean up, I hear her calling from the living room, "Vee, the hairdressing ladies are here to do our make-up". I hear about four ladies come in, moving around the living room .

Excitement begins to bubble with in me as I've never done my make-up or done my hair professionally before.

The ladies walk in and set themselves up in Jessica's room as it is slightly bigger than mine.

When the workers are finally set up, I hand them the beverages I prepared for them. Shortly after, we are being pampered, cracking jokes and telling hilarious stories with the staff.

Abby, the tall brunette with deep blue eyes, is explaining how her brother burnt her hair, causing her to cut it into a long bob. I snort horribly which causes everyone in the room to laugh hysterically.

I end up doing a high slick ponytail, with a small section of my hair hanging on the side of my head. The make up is a light nude-pink colour that really makes my eyes pop.

Jess decides to do a curly, messy type of updo style with some locks hanging around her face, giving her a mysterious look. She does a neutral make up look that really compliments her dress.

After our hair and make up is done, the workers helps us into our evening gowns so that we do not damage our makeup or dress.

After the finishing touches has been made, numerous applause can be heard from the workers. We all laugh and bid them goodbye as we where about to get picked up soon.

A few minutes after the stylists has left, a knock from the door gathers our attention. It must be Xavior, I think to myself as I see Jess making her way over to the door. My heart beat races as I see Xavior walk in with a crisp black suit looking devilishly handsome.

I find myself staring at the man, made by the heaven's, making his way over to where I am located. His powerful aura radiats to the whole house and its like time is standing still to allow us to savor this moment. Only when he cups my face, I snap out of my trance state.

He speaks to me in the softest manner I have ever heard him speak. "My sweet Victoria, how much I have missed you." he's voice is hoarse which contributes to the his whole dominent demeanor.

He lowers his head in the crook of my neck, smelling me. I close my eyes and sigh in content, enjoying the blissful feeling of his hands softly grazing my shoulders, moving it down to intertwine his fingers with mine. He kisses me ever so gently on my neck, tracing it down to my shoulders.

He whispers in my ear after he has finished pampering me with his feather kisses. "You look absolutely stunning Victoria... Absolutely ravishing" he ends of looking at me so deeply into my eyes. I see the adoration and desires flowing within his eyes.

I feel as if I am in a whole new world where there is nothing except Xavior and I. An awkward cough from behind Xavior is what breaks the intimate moment I am having with Xavior.

I look over his shoulders to see Jess and Kyle standing awkwardly waiting for us to hurry up. I awkwardly laugh while slightly pushing Xavior off me.

We all four head out of Jessica's house and into the beautiful shiny black Limousin that is waiting for us. A different driver opens the door to let us in. Xavior helps Jessica and I get into the car.

As we drive, Xavior scoots closer to me and whispers gently in my ear." I tried calling you today, why didn't you pick up?" I look over to him, immediately getting a whiff of his minty breath.

"uh... I was busy getting done, I didn't have time to check my phone." I say trying to concentrate on the conversation as Xavior's lushes lips starts to divert my attention off on what's going on around me.

Xavior takes me under his arm and brings me even closer to him, caging me in with his iron grip. He murmers in my neck which sends waves of sweet pleasure to my core. "Kiss me." his words are like drips of liquid gold.

"Ahem" I turn to see Jessica looking at me as if I must behave. I blush immensely as I forget about the others in the car. As we drive to the venue, the sun starts lowering itself, painting an orange gold like sunset that shines brightly through the window. I hear a camera snapping, I look over to find Jess taking a picture of Xavior and I. She then shows me the picture.

My heart swells in admiration as she shows me the photo that has been taken. Xavior, who's hand is still around me is staring at me so lovingly as I stare out the window.

We take a couple of more pictures before finally arriving at the venue. As we step in, we are greeted by two strong looking guards, they ask for our invitation and we present it to them.

They let us in and we are greeted by a huge hall with beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The decor is absolutely astounding. I gasp at the beautiful dancers and entertainers.

I feel Xavior grab my hand and pull me closer towards him. I look up to find him with a neutral face, scanning the room. As the soft music plays in the background, Xavior moves me to the dance floor.

I give myself a quick pep talk and try to remember all my steps from our rehearsals. I see Isabelle, one of the dancers from Xavior's gym, dance gracefully on the dance floor with her partner.

She makes eye contact with Xavior and I, but goes back to what she was doing. Probably to not blow her cover. Xavior swings me around and I catch myself before tripping into him.

Xavior gets us ready in our position before whispering, "Are you ready?". I nervously nod as I see some people left the dance floor. As the music plays, we all move in sync. I am quite impressed with myself as I remember all the steps and move without causing any trips.

Xavior grabs me by my waist and leads me to the next move of the dance, he slides his hands down my body seductively before spinning me around and bringing me back into his arms.

As the music fades to its end, numerous applauds can be heard all around us. I look over to Jess to find her winking at me.

We walk over to her and she brings me into a soft hug. After we pulled away she squeals and exclaims how great I was. After some time, we end up having small talk with the other mafia leaders. Jess and I decided to stop as most of them tried to get with us or their ladies on their arms gave us the death glares.

I find Xavior with Kyle speaking to other leaders, probably discussing business, he must have felt me staring as he looks around and catches my gaze. He gives me a soft smile and winks, making my heart flutter.

I see a waiter carrying a tray of champagne flutes and being the grown woman I am, I decide to take two and give the second one to jess. I find her sitting in the corner of the room typing away on her phone.

When I reach her she smiles up at me and takes the glass out of my hand. She stands up and we all head to the middle of the dance floor as a young host makes his way up to the stage.

I find Xavior and stand by his side, he wraps his arms protectively around my waist and kisses the top of my head. These small gestures really warms my heart. We all turn to the young man on the stage as he makes some announcements.

"Thank you all for coming, I hope you all are having a great time. Without any further delay, here is the leader of the vipers."

We all give a round applause for the somewhat old looking man that makes his way to the stage, he has a mask covering his entire face which makes it difficult for me to see him.

He's gray suit and slicked back hair really complemented each other.

When he finally takes of his mask, I feel my heart stop. I try to breathe but I cant, Xavior notices my discomfort and asks if I'm okay.

I accidentally drop the champagne glass which causes everyone to look at me, but I don't care. All I care is about the man that is in the middle of the stage, the man who I assumed was dead for five years.

"Dad? "

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