
Hurry, Hurry


It was a jolt when Elia reappeared, sitting on the ground. Their eyes met—hers full of love and adoration that mirrored his own for her. For a split-second his heart celebrated—she'd overcome the beast! But he remembered her need to be in beast form at the same moment she rolled back and clutched her body, screaming a blood-chilling cry of pain that had the people in a flurry—some fleeing the market, others rushing forward to help.

"STOP!" Reth roared, and everyone froze again, except Aymora who had run in behind him, and now dropped to Elia's side, her hands quickly and efficiently prodding Elia's stomach, as his mate screamed in pain. Reth fell to his knees beside her, but Aymora was already shaking her head.

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