
Cleansing the Anima


Lerrin's gaze on him was hot and wary. The male had subconsciously taken a defensive stance. Reth tsked.

"There is no agenda, Lerrin," he growled quietly. "We have guards and watchers within the people to watch the mood and try to settle any trouble before it starts. There's a signal we can give to move them to the outsides of the clearing, to watch for any trying to escape."

Lerrin nodded but remained wary. "Will they take prisoners, or fight?"

"Depends what signal we give them," Reth said.

Behryn shifted his weight. He hadn't wanted Reth to share this kind of information with Lerrin, even now. But Reth knew to build the bridge between their peoples, he had to be willing to step onto it first. 

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