
Evil mother-in-law

Jake tossed the last piece of the toast into his mouth. There was nothing like breakfast from home. He was in the mood for some more but he wanted to make himself busy before the preparations for his brother's wedding began.

He can't say that he was in a hurry to leave. He can't claim that the idea of staying thrilled him either. As far as he was concerned, he only came back for a brief time.

Was he willing to throw away his freedom and slowly get swayed by his father to help in their company? Jake shook his head.

"What's with the look?"

Jake perked up, he caught his mother's stare.

"Nothing. Do you need help in your bakery? I can be your salesman today."

His mother shook her head.

"Much as I'd appreciate it, it would be better if you don't stick your nose there, darling. Why don't you visit your father in his office and ask him what you ask me?"

It was Jake's turn to shake his head.

"I have no interest in that."

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