
The battle begins

*1 day later*

I stared out through space at my enemy Hammer man. I had gathered an army from my Angels and Demons and I had 43,000 troops in total. However the average power level was only 100. Hammer man had only about 250 troops but each one of them was above 3,000 in power levels. If the armies clash they will win without a doubt. As for how the demons and angels were breathing in space it seems that the Angels and demons have the ability to breath in space just like Guardians. I found that very convenient.

Ichigo, Alastair, and Sephina floated behind me. I bought necklaces in the shop which as long as you wore it allowed you to breath in space. All three of them had it. We were discussing strategies for this battle.

I had told Ichigo I was the creator of the universe but of course he thought I was crazy. Then I brought him to space and made a planet right in front of him. That changed his mind. Alastair already knew I created the universe. All I needed to do was explain some of the Guardian stuff. Sephina listened but just kinda followed Alastair around. As expected of my friend, he already has a girlfriend. I'm totally not screaming unfair in my head, totally.

The plan was simple. The Demons will charge in from the front while the Angels will flank them and attack from behind. The Angels have wings which makes them faster and better for the job. Besides, it's better to separate the Angels and Demons because they don't get along well. It's a miracle I managed to gather my army together without them fighting each other.

Alastair and Sephina will lead the Angels while I will lead the Demons. Ichigo will hang back until Hammer man joins the fight in which case Ichigo will rush in to 1v1 him. After all the only reason I got Ichigo on my side was to fight Hammer man. How else was I taking him down? Myself, Alastair, and Sephina will take out his soldiers.

Anyway back to the present, we were all in positions ready to fight. To be honest I felt invincible with so many demons behind me but I knew that was incorrect. The moment the fighting begins it will be a slaughter on our side. I was asked why I was bringing the soldiers at all. I am bringing them because the only people who can really fight and kill the enemy are myself, Ichigo, Alastair, and Sephina. If one of us gets injured someone has to cover for them so they can recover. Also it will be easier when all the attacks are not centered on us.

I stood at the front of the Demons and raised my spear and pointed at the enemy. Right now I was wielding a regular spear I bought in the shop. I wanted to buy the cardinal weapon again but when I tried to the option was greed out. So I was stuck with a regular spear. I can't even use Soul Spear with it. If I try to it will break the spear. I can't even use the spear skills the cardinal weapon had which really sucks.

"Today we will push these invaders out of this Universe! They are greedy and wish to take this world for themselves. We can not let them do that! Fight to protect your home! Charge!!!" I shouted to the soldiers who could hear me.

I flew forward and the Demons followed right behind me. I kept my speed slow as to not outfly them. When we had closed the distance by about halfway we were fired at. Both magic and arrows were shot at us. There weren't that many shots but the devastation they wrecked was no joke. If you remember in the first season of the seven deadly sins some of the attacks of the seven deadly sins had huge destructive power. Yeah, none of my troops stood a chance at defending.

The attacks completely wrecked the demons. The skills the enemy used was no joke. To me they weren't that strong but to my troops? They were shredded, the entire frontline of the demons why destroyed with the exception of two people. Myself and strongest of the demons who helped lead the frontline. He had a power level of about 1,500. Even stronger then that Angel I fought back when I took over the Angel planet.However he doesn't really matter as he's too weak. Heck I don't even know why the author mentioned him. Probably just to increase the word count.

I need to stop them from firing again to limit the amount of casualties. I rushed at the enemy at full speed. The Angels were going around while I took most of their attention. I reached them and stabbed the spear threw someone's chest. I yanked my spear out to block the attack of a swordsman. A smile spread across my face as I lifted my hand off my spear and shot a soul beam.

The beam enveloped the swordsman and continued going to hit people behind them. This time I wasn't going to hold back against the soldiers. The demons closed in only to get sliced down when they tried to get in close range. They are distracting some of the soldier though which was the reason they were here.

The battle continued and I kept using Soul Withdrawal on bodies. I had almost forgotten about this skill but it was useful in this battle. I was getting so many souls that had higher power levels. Most of the time I was stuck with low level souls but now I had stronger souls to work with.

Now that we started fighting I realized that there really was no point in bringing the weaker soldiers. They could barely distract the enemy and they would get killed way too fast. We should of just had the elites fight. I looked over and saw something good. It seems the Alastair and the Angels have begun fighting.

Here is your chapter! I am sorry for the delay I was busy. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! As always please donate power stones!

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