
Missing memories

"Hey! Xiao Jingyi! What are you talking about?!" The mayor looked to be desperate to get an answer from Xiao Jingyi but the man naturally had no interest in narrating a useless story of what went on behind the mayor's back. 

"Then I suppose you know nothing about what happened in Yuexing city after you became like this?" 

The mayor gulped as he nodded, "That's right. I was locked away in this cave so I'm unaware." 

"How did you get here?" Xiao Jingyi continued questioning the man. 

"I don't remember," The mayor responded and he didn't look to be lying. 

"Why is that?" 

"I don't know." 


"I don't remember anything that happened right before I transformed. The last thing I remember is being back in the city and then I suddenly woke up here as... This monster." 

"So everything that happened in between that span of time was forgotten by you?" 

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