
Chapter 3: The Opportunity

Yuna rolled her eyes, she wondered what on earth could be so interesting about this pamphlet and she replied.

"Kookie, are you just saying that because you need some help at the restaurant?"

She pressed the sent button and returned her attention to the class who were laughing and talking with Suri now.

She smiled, at least it was one good thing she did today.

The day went fast without any hiccups, the bell rang for the end of the day, of course, Jungkook had not replied to her text yet.

She grabbed her things, letting the children out of the classroom, they all greeted Suri and Yuna before leaving the school grounds.

Suri stood at the gate waiting, Yuna stood next to her, "Are you going to be alright?"

Suri nodded, "The bus is sometimes late."

Yuna was about to answer but a familiar voice called to her, "Una!"

She hated that nickname with passion, she turned in the direction the voice was coming from. It was non-other, "Kookie, I see you made it."

Jungkook grinned, "How could I forget my baby sister?"

'I am only the baby by a few seconds.' She thought then smiled, "Let me guess... You need a waitress."

Suri stood there blinking between the two, "You are twins?"

They both turned their gazes to her, Jungkook answered, "Yes we are and who are you, sweety?"

Suri moved and stood behind Yuna's legs, "My name is Suri," She answered him shyly.

"Suri is a pretty name." Jungkook peeked behind Yuna's back, "Are you waiting-"

Yuna chimed in, "She is waiting for the bus to arrive. Will you be able to wait for ten minutes?"

Jungkook stood back upright and looked at Yuna, "I will wait by the car."

"Alright," Yuna said and she turned to Suri, she knelt before her. "Would you rather that we-"

"Your brother looks nice," Suri's voice came out as a squeak.

Yuna tried her best not to smile, Jungkook had that effect on many people. He was charming, funny and the breaker of a few hearts.

Yuna wouldn't want him any other way, "Yes," Yuna let out a small chuckle, "Would you like us to take you to the-"

A low rumble neared the school gates, Yuna looked at where the sound was coming from and saw an old bus parking and it honked.

"That is me," Suri said and began walking. She looked back, "Thank you teacher Jung!"

Yuna waved at the small girl before she stood straight. She watched as she got on the bus before making her way to Jungkook's car.

His restaurant was one of the busiest in Seoul. It was unique and served meat skewers in different variety and each week he would come up with a new idea.

The worst one was a roasted banana split, she opened the car door and climbed inside, "It is nice of you to come and pick me up."

Jungkook grinned, "You know I would always be there for you when you need me, Una."

She cringed at that name, "Kookie... Please stop teasing me."

"You are my baby sister, it is my job as the older brother to tease you a bit." Jungkook grinned as he started the car.

They drove in silence, the first day of school had left Yuna exhausted. Jungkook opened the window and asked, "Arent you curious about the pamphlet?"

Yuna turned her gaze to him, "So there is a flyer? I thought you were joking about that."

"Why would I joke about that? I told you it is an interesting pamphlet." Jungkook made a left turn and they stopped before his restaurant, 'Meaty way.'

She stared at the name, she had begged him many times to change the name. "I don't know, Kookie. I don't think I should get excited anymore about pamphlets."

Jungkook switched the car off and he leaned to her, "You should never give up hope for finding your dream, sis."

She never wanted to give up her dream but to get a 'no' every time had broken her spirit a bit, "Kookie... I should just listen to mom and dad-"

"You want to be an actress, so stop trying to live mom and dad's dreams. Come on, you will want to see this pamphlet." He opened his side's car door and climbed out waiting for her to follow.

Yuna sucked in a sigh, she climbed out of the car and followed Jungkook into the restaurant when she entered after him-

"Yuna! Please tell us you have come and saved us from this slave driver!"

Yuna let out a giggle and she looked at the cook, "Nimue, I see you have missed me a lot."

She had worked at Jungkook's restaurant when she had the time and when he was short-staffed, it had given her something to do between her studies.

"I am no slave driver, Nimue!" Jungkook said angrily but he couldn't keep a straight face.

They burst out laughing, "Come, sis, let me get you an apron and show you the pamphlet."

Yuna followed him reluctantly to the back office. Jungkook opened the door and ket Yuna enter before him, "I know you are tired but my waitress quit on me before her shift started."

Yuna turned as Jungkook closed the door, "But you only open late afternoon."

Jungkook scratched his head, "I know. We make more money that way but she is getting tardy and I think I should just let her go."

Yuna sighed, this was the fourth waitress quitting. "Why did she quit?"

"She didn't quit, she just couldn't make it. It has something to do with the pamphlet I wanted to show you," He walked past her to his desk and picked up a small pamphlet from his desk.

"I promise you, sis, this is the one." He motioned that she would come closer and she did, she bit her lip, "I don't think-"

"Yuna," Jungkook said sternly, "You will want to do this."

Yuna took the pamphlet from his outstretched hand, she watched his face closely to see if there was any emotion that would tell her what this was about.

She then averted her attention to the pamphlet, her eyes widened and it read.

"Family and Co,

We are opening auditions for our new movie, You have melted my heart.

No experience is needed, we are looking for a hardworking, eccentric individual to co-star next to our CEO and founder, Seokjin Kim.

If you think you have what it takes, auditions start tomorrow at 7 am and will be held for a week.

Please follow the directions provided and we hope to see you soon."

Yuna gasped, this was her dream unfolding. She would love to be noticed by this company and...

"Jin Kim is going to star in his movie?" She asked excitedly, she didn't expect an answer from Jungkook, she gazed up from the pamphlet, "Are you kidding me?!"

Jungkook grinned folding his arms, "You have to go, as soon as"

Yuna handed him the pamphlet, "Kookie, I know you mean well but... I can not do that-"

"Yuna, you have to take this opportunity! This is what you have dreamed of since we were little, you can not give up now." He looked at her lovingly.

Yuna hated when he pulled the puppy dog eyes, she could never say no when he pulled this stunt, "I will think about it."

"What is there to think about?" Jungkook shrugged, "You should be there tomorrow-"

"I am working remember," Yuna stated before he could finish his sentence, "I would just have to go on later-"

She stopped herself, he had just used his Jedi powers on her, reverse psychology to make her go for the interview, "You sly lamb kebab you!"

Jungkook's grin widened and he took an apron that hung from the wall. He threw it at her, "Be nice to my customers this time."

Kookie is such a nice brother...

I wonder how this is going to play out?

I apologise so long for slow updating...

Marli_Hanekomcreators' thoughts
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