
I Couldn't Have Asked For Better In-Laws

Eden had originally thought time would move too slowly between Ezra's wedding and hers with how badly she wanted to skip ahead to it already but all of those months ended up being a blur. So much happened in that time that she could hardly keep track of it all!

Her first nephew, Mason McBride, was born a month early because Nadia tripped and fell on her stomach and had to spend a little time in the NICU. Ezra had been understandably freaked out by the whole thing but everyone was safe and healthy in the end, which was what mattered. 

He was absolutely adorable. Eden loved him already and thrived off the pictures they posted of him. 

In other baby news, Aubrey was six months along with her and David's first. That didn't prevent her from diving headfirst into her matron of honor duties in the slightest. They would be having a girl and hadn't decided on a name yet. 

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