
A Dream Come True

Ezra hung up and Eden still felt his love and concern enveloping her the same way Jonah's had last night when he defended her against her father. Even Troy had been looking out for her in a way when Tyler first showed up. 

Her parents may suck but she had people that cared about her and that was what really mattered. She was going to make it out of this okay as long as she remembered that. 

Tears filled her eyes again and she impatiently brushed them away. Happy tears were annoying; there was no real reason to be crying right now. If Jonah came back and saw her crying again, he was going to freak out. 

He could be such a worrywart but he was also the sweetest, most considerate person she had ever known. He was always looking out for her. A lot of the time, he knew what she needed before she even said anything, like earlier when he guessed she wanted comfort food. 

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