

News of the simulation spread like wildfire. The fifth fleet suffered heavy losses as a result of their actions. The new project that they built up with great fanfare was quickly and easily defeated by Qiao Chen's project. Then, to rub salt into the wound, they had even lost one of their best mechs from their armada because of the whole fiasco. The fifth fleet became the laughing stock among all the military forces. While the other fleets continued to laugh at the fifth fleet's expense. However, they didn't wait around for long and quickly dispatched several of their best recruitment soldiers to contact Qiao Chen. They had heard of how his new technology performed so breathtakingly that they wanted to immediately obtain the rights to use the Aerial Guidance and Positioning System for their own fleet's use.


True to his word, Rouble arrived at Caesar's house two days later. However, he wasn't there to take Caesar's husband, Richard, out for drinks. He was there to learn more about Qiaoyi's circumstances, and Caesar didn't hide a thing. He told Rouble everything he knew about Qiaoyi.

"I'll tell you how I see it, and you better not say that I don't tell you anything anymore." Caesar began, "Qiaoyi is one of the best and brightest students I've ever had in my entire career. He's a genius. But you know these genius types always have something that they are severely lacking in. Qiaoyi's problem is his extremely sensitive heart and very paranoid nature. However, these traits don't affect his capability. The fifth fleet let him go, because his sensitivity and paranoia were acting up. Now that he's done with that ex-fiance of his, I'm sure he won't have a flare up again. So that's their loss. Qiaoyi is such a promising seed. They gave him up, and I can't wait to see how badly they regret their decision."

"Then he is still useful." Rouble commented as he thought over Caesar's words.

"Why wouldn't he be? With the kind of talent he has, it didn't matter which fleet he went to work at. The ideas he has are beyond us. His work should have been treated like gold. That's how precious his mind is. And I'll tell you what… I'm sure that there won't be a genius of his caliber within the next few centuries." Caesar's tone was filled with confidence as he continued, "However, he encountered many technical problems during his time at the fifth fleet, and I'm convinced that he wasn't at fault. These things were small, but it compounded on top of each other until his work was deemed subpar. But look at what he's done immediately he left them. How else would he be able to suddenly become a genius again right after he left the fifth fleet? It's too suspicious."

Rouble said, "You're his teacher, so he should be more inclined to listen to you. Why don't you advise him to come and work at the third fleet's base? His pay, status, and everything he needs would be top notch. Listen, what I'm saying is just bring him over to our side and I promise you that he won't be treated poorly."

Caesar replied, "The kid used to be head over heels in love with someone from the fifth fleet. He insisted on following that person to the base and working alongside them. Now he isn't blinded by those rose colored glasses anymore, so he's calmed down immensely. He's become very rational, calm, and cool-headed in every single aspect of his personality. Another important note is his strong sentimental attachments for his late father. He still hasn't gotten over how his mother remarried so quickly after the father's death. That's a whole other thing too, but anyways back to Qiaoyi. His late father used to be one of your subordinates. After leaving the fifth base, he would most likely want to join the third fleet's base and follow in his father's footsteps."

Caesar paused for a moment and remembered something, "You can send someone over to invite him over to the third base. When they are there they can briefly mention Qiaoyi's father, but make sure they don't overdo it. I can put in a few good words for you too, but the kid's real stubborn. Once he's made up his mind it's like he set it in stone. So if he chooses not to do something, then you can't keep pestering him. The more you do, the more he'll reject you."


Qiao Chen had been annoyed to death by all the soldiers who've been buzzing around him. Those recruiters wouldn't stop bothering him with their incessant talking. Qiao Chen became so fed up with them that he ended up shutting himself in his home and refused to leave. Every single person who visited the Flock Manor to find him was sent away by the housekeeper with the lie that 'Master Qiaoyi is not home at the moment'. However annoyed Qiao Chen was, he still answered the phone calls from important people such as his teacher. Caesar called Qiao Chen one day and invited him to lunch.

Qiao Chen snuck out of the Flock Manor and quickly arrived at one of the college's restaurants. He entered the classic European styles restaurant and walked straight into one of the private rooms. Caesar was already there waiting for Qiao Chen. However, he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by another person.

Caesar introduced them to one another. The other party was the third fleet's vice captain, Cade. His reason for being here was obviously to recruit Qiao Chen over to the third fleet.

Caesar told Qiao Chen, "If you want to work on more mech research and development projects, then military bases are the only ones who capable of providing you with excellent equipment and lab environments. They will also support you in whatever materials or things you need. Since you've left the fifth fleet, I believe that the third fleet should be one of the bases you are considering."

"I've been thinking about what steps I should take to further my development as well. I think your words align with my future goals, professor. It's true that the best choice for a mech engineer is to work on a military base in the mech department. I just chose the wrong one the first time around, so I had to be much more cautious for the second time around."

"What our captain is trying to say is that: If there is anything you need, then we can negotiate the terms. There is no definite no for your requirements. Furthermore, if you're willing to join the third fleet, then we will readily give you a high status. Needless to say, the position of head engineer will definitely be yours too. Also, if you attain any remarkable accomplishments, then I assure you that your rank within the base would become even higher." Cade said.

Qiao Chen smiled and replied, "Thank you so much for your captain's confidence in me. To tell you the truth, the third fleet is the unit that I want to join yet avoid the most. The third fleet holds a special place in my heart. My father did his utmost to serve this division. The third fleet was a huge part of his life, and I don't want to work at the one place that will remind me of the pain of losing him. He was injured because he was working at the third fleet, and I still haven't coped with his passing. I don't want to sully his legacy either… However, if the third fleet can promise me one thing, then I will begin work effective immediately. I will also release the copyrights and blueprints of this upcoming project I plan to develop over to the base."

Caesar and Cade looked at each other. Cade spoke, "Tell me about your requirement."

"I want complete control and authority over my father's mech, the Z-801."

Both Cade and Caesar were surprised by Qiao Chen's request.

"Ever since the accident occurred with your father when he piloted the Z-801 and up until now, it has never been used. It's like a model gundam- just shelved. We did all we could to try to even turn it on, but we failed. Nothing worked. But even though we can't use it, that mech is also an extremely important thing to the third fleet. What do you want to do with it if we do give it to you?" Cade asked.

"Actually, I also don't know what I was going to do with it either. I haven't thought that far yet. However, I promise that I won't do anything detrimental to the third fleet."

Cade thought it over and said, "Do you have any other requests besides this one?"

"No. I only have this one request. If you agree, then I will begin working at the third fleet's base immediately."

"You know that I alone cannot make this decision. Can you wait until I report your request to the captain? Once the higher ups have made the decision, then I will be able to give you the answer."

"Of course."

After Rouble knew about Qiao Chen's request, he met with Qiao Chen in person. He wanted to discuss the request and confirm everything in writing. The contract stipulated that Qiao Chen would gain authority over the Z-801. However, restrictions were also in place. Qiao Chen could not damage the mech. Anything and everything Qiao Chen did with the mech and anything else supplied by them could not and would not cause any damage towards the third fleet and their bases; as well as the entire government of the presiding empire. After Qiao Chen formally signed the contract, Rouble agreed to the request.

Qiao Chen immediately began his employment at the third fleet the day he signed the contract, and Caesar accompanied Qiao Chen to the base. Caesar knew everyone at the third base. The third fleet's head for the department of engineering was even a younger classman of his. Caesar sought out and instructed the head to look after Qiao Chen in his stead.

After Qiao Chen completed the formalities, the vice captain and the department head brought Qiao Chen and Caesar to the mech hangar. They continued along the path until they reached the chamber that held the Z-801. Since their first steps into the hangar, many soldiers watched the group from the second and third floors. Among them was the Special Operation's team, and within this group was the Special Operation's captain, Auray Rust.

The operator pressed a few buttons and the hangar doors for the Z-801 opened. The conveyor belt started up and began moving. The sight of the Z-801 slowly rolled into view. Qiao Chen walked forward. He gently brushed his hand against the smooth, glossy shell of the silver and white mech. His hand lingered across the surface as melancholic emotions bubbled up from within his once stone cold and apathetic heart. A quiver ran through him, and it was like his heart had returned for that brief moment.

Qiao Chen presumed that this was what caused his past life the most regret, remorse, and anger. It wasn't the pain and regret he felt over how Greene had taken everything from him- everything from his love to his honor and even all the glory. None of that compared to the regret in Qiaoyi's heart for even attempting to compete against Greene. He never should have even tried. It's because of his stubbornness that he hurt everything he loved.

Regardless of the mech's outer shell and appearance, the internal structure and programming within were beyond the current developments for mech tech. It was developed by Qiaoyi's father's lover. This was once the empire's strongest mech. These advancements in mech engineering were like a double edged blade, and the glory from creating such technology also brought said lover into the crossfire. Other countries wanted to get their hands on the technology to develop their own mechs as well. Therefore, they abducted his father's lover. Eventually, the fighting between the countries caused his father's love, including all the information on the advanced tech, to die in space. After the blasts exploded and everything calmed down everything was reduced to ash.

Qiaoyi's father swore revenge. He never forgot about it even as years passed- even after his father married his mother. He still never forgot about his promise even after Qiaoyi's birth. Revenge still weighed heavily on his father's mind. Ultimately, Qiaoyi's father fulfilled his oath as he paid the price with his life and the destruction of the Z-801.

Even though the mech couldn't be activated anymore, there were still many people who wanted to study it. They wanted to reverse engineer the technology and see if they could reproduce the same results as his father's lover had. So that the mech wouldn't be completely reduced to scraps by the researchers and engineers, Captain Rouble set a rule for those who wanted to use the Z-801: Whoever could activate the mech would be the person who had the qualifications to study it.

However the technology for the Z-801 was more advanced than anyone realized. The capabilities of the current engineers would have to develop for another estimated century or two before they could even begin to comprehend it. Therefore, no one had been able to power on the extremely damaged computer system residing in the Z-801. Consequently, as more and more people failed, the mech was slowly forgone in favor of more instantaneous result-yielding projects.

In the previous life, Qiaoyi was pressured into several inescapable crises because of Greene. In order to regain his dignity, Qiaoyi spent countless days studying how to activate the Z-801. The days bled into nights as he threw himself into research. Finally, two years passed, and he found the way to turn on the mech and was granted the privilege to study his father's mech. Unfortunately, due to Qiaoyi's impatience, the mech still had a major problem that he hadn't fixed. On top of that, Greene used his system to format all the programs Qiaoyi installed in the mech. It became the perfect storm. Once everything fell into place, the mech exploded. The shattered pieces of Qiaoyi's father's legacy scattered into the abyss. At the same time, 30 mech pilots were caught in the blast and ultimately annihilated.

The past life's Qiaoyi experienced a total and utter collapse from then on. He bore the responsibility of all those lives lost on his shoulders. Furthermore, there were all sorts of accusations and criticisms towards him. Practically everyone said he was not fit as a mech engineer. They denounced him and said, "If had never set his sights on the mech then he wouldn't have had the chance to ruin such a precious mech." and, "If he never had the chance to be a mech engineer, than none of those lives would have been lost." Qiaoyi had a sensitive heart. The guilt ate at him daily until he couldn't handle the weight of it all anymore…

However, the old Qiaoyi was gone… He was Qiao Chen now, and it was turn.

Qiao Chen used the elevator to reach and enter the Z-801's cockpit. As he walked in, his hand longingly brushed across the glossy and sleek operating platform. He continued further in and sentimentally caressed the pilot's seat and finally down to the control systems located on both sides of the armrests. Qiao Chen sighed. He decided that since this was a memory painful enough to drive his past life to commit suicide, then such an incident should be completely and thoroughly erased. In this present life, he was able to create a replacement mech so powerful that the mech engineering world would reach a new height. However, this wasn't what he wanted. Qiao Chen would rather change the history of events to erase that stain on Qiaoyi's life. Since the previous life fell into the abyss because of this mech, then this life will spring forward into endless possibilities because of this mech.

In the past life, Qiaoyi spent two years to learn how to turn on the mech. Therefore, Qiao Chen was able to thoroughly understand the cause for the malfunction. He knew which files had been corrupted, so he only needed to use the system to correct it. Qiao Chen used his system to enter the mech into recovery mode. He had his system pulled up the start up program and restored it.

Caesar and Vice Captain Cade waited for Qiao Chen down below. They only thought that he was up there to reminisce over the memories of his late father. They looked up at the cockpit with shock as something unbelievable happened. The mech suddenly turned on. They subconsciously took a few steps back.

The soldiers around the hallways were also in shock. They gathered around and encircled the mech in amazement. They looked around only to see the same shock they felt expressed amongst each other. For years now, the engineers did everything they could to turn on the Z-801 only to fail, but this genius walked in and immediately turned it on? Was this the start of a new era?

Qiao Chen inspected the mech's control systems and the rest of the immediate surroundings. It would take some time to completely repair the mech. He couldn't fix it too quickly either, lest people find it too suspicious. He turned off the mech, exited the cockpit, and took the elevator back down to ground level.

The vice captain quickly walked up to Qiao Chen and asked, "Did you just turn on the mech?"

"Yes." Qiao Chen affirmed and nodded. He was the only one in the cockpit. If it wasn't him, then who else would it have been?

"Have you already researched a successful method to turn on the Z-801?" Cade asked. He was still in shock. It came as such a surprise because Qiao Chen had never even dropped a single hint or clue about such an important matter.

"My father left behind some things in our home. I found the data about the Z-801 within his remaining possessions and studied them." Qiao Chen replied.

The past Qiaoyi had inadvertently found the data hidden by his late father. Those were the things he studied for two years before he was able to turn on and repair the mech. The 'Qiaoyi' now was capable of even more. Even without those documents, Qiao Chen would be swifter and even more comprehensive than Qiaoyi in his quest to restore the Z-801.

"Your father left information behind? Is that data sufficient enough to restore this mech?" Cade excitedly asked.

"Yes it is, but it requires some time to accomplish the restoration." Qiao Chen said.

"Take as much time as you need. We've been waiting all these years already. What's a few more months or even years if we know we can restore it in the end? If you need anything else, then just ask. We will do our best to fulfill any requests you have." Cade excitedly promised. He couldn't calm himself down. It was just the beginning and he knew it.

Caesar caught up to Cade, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "All right already, Cade. I can understand your excitement, but you're the vice captain. We're surrounded by so many soldiers who can see everything you're doing. No matter what the reason is you still need to control yourself."

The soldiers had been watching attentively when Qiao Chen entered the mech. Their gaze had only gotten stronger when they saw the legendary Z-801 turn on. Several people had even exited their mechs.

Qiao Chen officially began work at the third fleet's base with a bang.

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