
Chapter 22


It was a nice afternoon and Sakurako was currently sitting in her favorite spot in the living room as she read a light novel. She was almost dozing off due to how comfy she was right now, alongside the warm sunlight hitting her at the perfect angle. But, her dozing off was interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice

"SACCHAN!! Let's go have a girls' outing! *intense coughing*"

"Oi! I told you to not shout or run! Hello, Sacchan"

"Mn *Nods*… Welcome, Himari-chan, Kohaku"

"Staying home during the weekend as usual right, Sacchan?"

Himari was the one who started talking with Sakurako as Kohaku had to sit down on the sofa and drink some water

"Yes, and what about you two?"

"Kohaku dragged me here to invite you for a girls' outing with us three"

"I see…"

"So do you wanna go?"

"… … … *Sigh* Sure"

"Alright then…"




The three stayed silent, Kohaku because she was still recovering, Sakurako as she waited for Himari to do something, and Himari waiting for Sakurako to get up

"… Aren't you going to change clothes, Sacchan?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Of course, I'm asking because it's so damn hot outside, and you're telling me you're going outside with all those clothes on you?!"


"… Are you really human?"

"I'm back to speed! Now let's get going on our outing!"

" "Fine" "

Both Himari and Sakurako agreed to Kohaku's words, with the help of Himari, Sakurako got up from the armchair she was sitting at

"Ah! I'll go change to my scarf"

"Do you really need a scarf?!"


After saying that, Sakurako trotted her way back to her bedroom, and changed from her red cape to her brown scarf, which she had wrapped around her arms as usual, having done that, she went back to her friends and they all went to the front door to start their girls' outing

Then immediately after the door was opened, a strong wind carrying the hot air struck the three

"I haven't done anything yet, and I'm already feeling hot!"

And Himari already started complaining, while Kohaku and Sakurako showed no signs of being affected by the heat in any way. Granted Kohaku was wearing a pretty and light one-piece dress, and she did have a lower body temperature than normal. As for Sakurako… It was a mystery how she showed no reaction to the heat while wearing practically winter clothes

The three entered the black car that was parked right in front of Sakurako's mansion entrance, inside the car Himari was given some relief as the inside of the car had a refreshing temperature

"So where we'll be going first, Kohaku?"

"Fufu, isn't it obvious?"

"Hmm… No"

"We're of course going check Sacchan's new fiancée, to see if he's truly worthy of Sacchan's hand! *coff*"

"Don't go shouting like that. What about you, Sacchan?"

"What do you mean by that, Himari-chan?"

"Are you fine with that?"

"Of course, that means I can have his coffee today"

"*Sigh* I should've known you would say that"

As the car made its way to the cafe owned by Ichiro's mother, the three talked with each other, with most of the content being Kohaku and Sakurako talking about useless and nonsensical stuff with Himari acting as the Tsukkomi guy

After some time, the car came to a stop in front of the cafe, and the three got out of the car

"Oh wow! This place looks even better in person!"

"Have you already seen this place before, Kohaku?"

"Yes, they have a social media page"

"Oh… That explains how the driver knew how to get here"

"Anyways, let's enter it already!"

Himari and Sakurako both nodded to Kohaku's words as she went ahead and opened the door with vigor

"Welcome! I am Ichiro, would you like me to prepare a table for you?"

And Kohaku was immediately greeted by Ichiro who gave her a perfect service smile

"… Ah!… Y-yeah, that would be nice…"

Kohaku immediately lost all of her previous excitement as she acted shy since she wasn't used to talking with strangers. Due to that, Himari stepped in to help Kohaku

"Make it for three, please"

"Of course…!"

And Ichiro then noticed Sakurako standing right behind the two, which made it appear as if he started smiling even more. He picked three menus and turned

"Please, follow me"

Ichiro took the three girls to the exact table that Sakurako liked to sit at, and once they had all sat down, he gave each of them a menu

"If you need me, just call me or raise your hand"

Having said that, Ichiro left to attend to the other tables and pick up the orders that were ready

"… So what do you think, Kohaku?"

"… I think I'll go with the hamburger"

"I was thinking of having the Yakisoba… Not! Did you already forget why you brought us here for?!"

"Ah! That's right… I think he's a nice guy"

Himari made the expression of someone who just heard something stupid but decided to not say anything

"… Haa… Did you already decided on what you have?"


"What about you, Sacchan?"

"… … … I did" *Closes the menu*

"Got it"

Then Himari raised her hand when she saw Ichiro was looking in their direction. Ichiro nodded to her, to show that he had seen her hand. After he had finished attending the other table he walked towards them, but not before passing by the counter that he usually stayed at whenever he wasn't attending a table


When Ichiro arrived at their table, the first thing he did was put a big mug of black coffee in front of Sakurako

"So? What would you all like to order?"

" "…" "

The two seeing Ichiro making a pretty blatant show of consideration to Sakurako, stayed quiet from their surprise for a few moments

"Ah! T-That's right… E-ermm… I-I would like a-a… Hamburger!"

"A hamburger, and to drink?"

"Eh?! Ah! I-I would like some I-iced tea!"

"Got it, and for you?"

"A Yakisoba and a grape juice with milk"

"Noted. And what would you like to have, Sakurako-san?"

When Ichiro turned to face Sakurako, he showed a smile that was very bright

"Hm? Ahem… I would like a set of fried gyoza for the entrance, A big bowl of Katsudon, with Hot rolls as side dishes, and an Iced coffee, big. *Sips the coffee* Fuuah"

"Got it, I will bring everyone's dishes as they get ready, so please enjoy your time here"

The three nodded to Ichiro as he walked away and went behind the counter

" "…" "

Both Himari and Kohaku look at him until he disappeared behind the kitchen door, then they both turned to look at Sakurako

" "Sacchan, he definitely likes you" "


Sakurako cutely tilted her head to the side after she took another sip of her coffee, not really getting what the two meant by that

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